
Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

author:German circle brother

WEGZUDE Stay in Germany Circle

Because of the influence of English, before coming to Germany, like thousands of Chinese, I always thought that the Salad "Salat" in German specifically referred to the following picture, which is a mixture of colorful vegetables, fruits, cheeses, sauces and other endless possibilities of cold dishes.

Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

It wasn't until the first few days of arriving in Germany that I found "Iceberg Salat" (pictured below) in the supermarket, (Iceberg Salat (iceberg lettuce), also known as round lettuce, western lettuce, and dough lettuce. )

Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

But the appearance of the word "Salat" in this position is not carefully investigated, thinking that it is only because of the accident that this lettuce is often used to make salads. Until I learned it one after another in the supermarket: Kopfsalat, Feldsalat, Pflücksalat, etc., I found that there seemed to be a little bit worth studying.

Looking up the dictionary, according to the second article of the Duten definition, Salat can refer specifically to some leafy greens. I have to say, it's a bit interesting, and a little subtle.

Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

That's it for the basic meaning of Salat, but there's a very vivid extension.

Looking at the image below, try to create a word with Salat:

Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

The answer is Kabelsalat, which translates to Chinese can be said to be "wire balls."

"Salat" here, with the extended meaning of "messy", is often used in colloquialisms. There is a related good proverb:

There we have the salad.

Everything about salad: Do you know what Salat means in German?

"We have salads now!" → "it's a terrible thing!"

Generally used in colloquial expressions, the expected unwanted things actually happened, you can say "Jetzt haben wir den Salat" ("What a mess")

That's what the German word Salat means, have you learned it?