
The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

author:Zhou Dezhang channel

Recently, a video on Douyin exploded throughout the Internet, and even the Philippine foreign minister forwarded it, and commented that I want to send my children to China to study.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

The thing is, the little girl explained the Russian-Ukrainian conflict with the knowledge of the three countries too thoroughly, this is because the Chinese little girl is looking at the three countries, and then thinking of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, she has a feeling.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

The little girl said this, nato is like Cao Cao, Russia is like Eastern Wu, Ukraine is like Jingzhou.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

In this way, Cao Cao wanted Jingzhou and took action, but eventually lost. This is the story of the burning of Chibi.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

In order to retake Jingzhou, Sun Quan also laid down blood, it can be said that he lost his wife and folded his troops.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

The loss of the lady and the folding of the army here does not mean that Jingzhou was taken by Cao Cao, but was taken by another tyrant.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

Jingzhou was assumed to have been taken by Cao Cao, which did not hinder Liu Bei much, but for Sun Quan, the greatest threat, Cao Cao could go down the river, and Sun Quan was unable to sleep and eat.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

That is what we now often say, there is no buffer zone, all exposed to the enemy.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

The little girl also deduced Zelenskiy's fate, comparing Liu Chun.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

Liu Chun surrendered to Cao Cao without resisting, hundreds of thousands of troops, just returned to Cao Cao, the ending will not be too bad.

The Chinese girl used the three countries to interpret the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and the Philippine foreign minister directly called for sending her granddaughter to Study in China

After the video was forwarded by the Philippine foreign minister, the comment area was full of emotions, some netizens said, smart Chinese girl, I also watched the three countries, using the three countries to analyze Russia, Ukraine, NATO, her wisdom shocked me, China has such a child Why not be strong.

British netizens commented that I could say that she is much smarter than British adults.

If the youth are strong, then the country is strong, and we have such a wise child, why worry about the motherland not prospering. How to see this, welcome to discuss!

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