
A literary and art party celebrating the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Leiyang People's Hospital will be staged soon

author:Wah Seng Online

Hunan Daily, New Hunan Client News (Zhong Jie, Liu Xi, Li Jingyu) On December 24, the literary and art evening and award ceremony work conference celebrating the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Leiyang Municipal People's Hospital was held in the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, liu Yang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, attended and spoke, and Li Yiping, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting.

A literary and art party celebrating the 80th anniversary of the establishment of Leiyang People's Hospital will be staged soon

The meeting made it clear that in order to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Municipal People's Hospital, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the Healthy China 2030 Plan, review the arduous struggle process of the People's Hospital over the past 80 years, under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, sponsored by the Municipal Health Bureau and the People's Hospital, co-organized by the Municipal Media Center, and undertaken by the Municipal Cultural Center, the literary and art evening and award ceremony to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Leiyang Municipal People's Hospital will be staged at 19:30 on December 27 at the Leiyang Municipal Cultural and Sports Conference Center.

The meeting demanded that all working groups and participating units of the evening party should pay attention to coordination and effective communication, make every effort to do a good job in security, fire protection, traffic diversion, ticket management, on-site order maintenance, etc., establish and improve various emergency plans, ensure zero equipment failure, zero error in work, ensure the use of electricity throughout the performance, and ensure the smooth performance of the party; we must effectively strengthen the awareness of fine products, carefully polish the details of the performance, strive to improve the quality of the performance, and present a performance with a prominent theme and distinctive characteristics for the people of the city. The high-quality theatrical performances show the good spiritual outlook and industry image of the Health System in the new era.

The heads of the working group and participating units of the evening party attended the meeting.

[Editor-in-Charge: Xu Xia]