
Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

author:Dr. Jingjing
Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

With the gradual withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiev Oblast in late March, the Zelensky government, which had previously been in danger in Kiev, finally had a relatively safe performance "stage", and since the beginning of April, Zelenskiy has continuously invited dignitaries from various countries and important international organizations to Kiev. On April 9, British Prime Minister Johnson was warmly received by Zelenskiy in Kiev, and even accompanied by Zelenskiy himself to "go shopping" in Kiev neighborhoods; US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin visited Kiev and were also warmly received by Zelenskiy.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine


In contrast, the United Nations Secretary-General Guterres, who arrived in Kiev on April 27, his treatment is significantly lower, judging from the video footage released by the Ukrainian side, Guterres can only inspect Kiev accompanied by several low-ranking Ukrainian officials, Zelenskiy and other high-ranking Ukrainian officials are missing.

After Guterres's "lonely" inspection of kiev neighborhoods, Zelenskiy met with him, and Zelenskiy asked Guterres to mediate the negotiations between the besieged personnel of the Azov battalion steel plant, which was very arrogant.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

Zelenskiy and Johnson in Kiev

Since the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War, Zelenskiy has been making no small superficial efforts at the United Nations, constantly agitating for Russia to be expelled from the United Nations or depriving it of its veto power in the Security Council, while constantly demanding that the United Nations urge the Russian army to cease war as soon as possible. However, judging from the development of the future and the treatment of Guterres in Kiev, Zelenskiy's performance at the United Nations is obviously a smokescreen, which has essentially become cannon fodder used by Britain and the United States to deplete Russia's national strength, and the focus of foreign work has long changed from striving for early peace to asking for more weapons and equipment assistance to facilitate the continued consumption of the Russian army.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

Guterres, on the other hand, first went to Moscow for talks with Putin before visiting Kiev, which drew strong criticism from Zelenskiy's government for arguing that the United Nations was too weak to visit Ukraine first. Now that Guterres has come to Kiev, Zelenskiy has not bothered to accompany him personally, and the Ukrainian government has made it clear that he wants to give the United Nations a look, and now Zelenskiy has regarded the West as "food and clothing parents", and naturally has no interest in the United Nations.

Since the end of March, when the Russian army basically withdrew from the vicinity of Kiev, although this was an active retreat of the Russian army and the Ukrainian army did not seize the opportunity to pursue the Russian army, the Zelensky government still regarded it as a "decisive victory" of the Ukrainian army and trumpeted it, resulting in an increasingly extreme military self-confidence in Ukraine, believing that the Russian army had been devastated and that Ukraine had no need for peace talks. Even Zelensky has repeatedly made public statements in internal and external speeches such as "Ukraine only accepts victory" and "as long as NATO assists 1% of its weapons, Ukraine can defeat Russia". It is clear that zelenskiy's government has become a Western puppet chariot that is accelerating into the abyss.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

Russian troops withdrew near Kiev

In reality, however, the situation in the Russo-Ukrainian War was clearly less optimistic than Zelenskiy claimed. Previously, the Russian army near Kiev itself was sparsely proportioned, and it had no ability and intention to occupy Kiev at all, and its existence was only to force the main Ukrainian army in eastern Ukraine to withdraw to the "King of Qin". When the Russian army found that the Ukrainian army owner was very self-aware and chose the turtle tactic of Mingzhe to protect himself, naturally he could only evacuate Kiev, which had lost its military value. These Russian units that had withdrawn near Kiev had not been annihilated or defeated at all, and they had now been deployed to the Donbass region and began to strangle the main Ukrainian forces in the east.

Today, although Ukraine still has nearly 100,000 troops in the East Ukrainian region on paper, it can be seen from the fact that at the beginning of the war, it can be seen that the vast majority of Ukrainian main units do not have the courage and strength to maneuver and fight, and only dare to stand in the reinforced cities, but Ukraine now has not much strategic reserve that can fight with the Russian army. Therefore, if the Battle of Donbass continues to fight, although the Defending Ukrainian Army can use street battles and fortifications to greatly slow down the progress of the Russian Army, causing certain casualties and losses to the Russian Army, it has already fallen into a situation of certain death, and the end can only be broken by the Russian Army in one city and fortress after another.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

Although he constantly emphasizes the great significance of the Ukrainian army 'recovering the lost land' at the end of March, Zelensky is actually very clear that the biggest bottom card in Ukraine today is not the gain and loss of one city and one place, but the existence of elite Ukrainian troops in eastern Ukraine. Once these Ukrainian troops are eaten by the Russian army or completely lose the ability to break through, then Ukraine has actually lost the entire eastern region of Ukraine, and has also lost the strength to threaten Russia again in the next ten years, the end of this war is doomed, and Russia's war purpose has been achieved.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

The main force of the Ukrainian army is about to be annihilated

In view of this situation, and the inability of the main Ukrainian army in eastern Ukraine to repel the Russian army or retreat, Zelenskiy's only way was to form a strong mobile force as soon as possible, and cooperate with the main eastern defenders to break the Russian army's annihilation attempt. But today Ukrainian veterans are mostly in the east and in the capital region, which cannot be withdrawn, and lack highly trained soldiers. To make matters worse, the Russians have destroyed most of Ukraine's heavy weapons manufacturing and overhaul plants, and Ukraine's supply of heavy weapons has come to a standstill. So Zelenskiy has been asking NATO for assistance with heavy weapons.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

Stinger missiles

NATO first provided a large number of small arms such as Javelin missiles, Stinger missiles and body armor in March, and then in early April increased its assistance to the Soviet-made weapons stocks of former Warsaw Pact countries such as T72M tanks, BMP1 infantry fighting vehicles, and S300PS anti-aircraft missile systems. But most of these weapons have fallen into disrepair for many years and are far from meeting Ukraine's huge needs, so Zelenskiy has been complaining since the end of March that NATO is unwilling to aid new weapons, and even directly named F15 and F16 fighters from the US military. Zelenskiy seems completely unaware of his cannon fodder status, and the United States cannot really sell off the latest military technology for such a puppet regime.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

T72M1 aided by Slovakia

As a result, NATO's assistance to Ukraine remains very limited, with only promises of assistance to some of Ukraine's newer howitzers and Cheetah radar anti-aircraft vehicles to enhance the asymmetric combat capabilities of the Ukrainian army, while there is no news of zelenskiy's most needed air force and advanced armored forces. NATO's real idea is clear – to let Ukraine fight the last drop of blood with the Russian military with minimal aid cost and risk, rather than really helping Ukraine defeat Russia.

Throw the UN in the face? Guterres was snubbed by Zelenskiy and was not treated as well as high-ranking British and American officials during his visit to Ukraine

This fratricidal war would not have had to happen

However, Zelenskiy's government obviously does not point this out, and although it has repeatedly demanded that countries stop the war at the United Nations, it is still tied to the chariot of the West, constantly pushing the Ukrainian army into a war that must be lost and does not have to happen. Now, as the Russian army realizes that Ukraine is using Lviv's transportation hub to transport Western weapons, the Russian army has blown up the railway hub in Lviv, making the hope of the ukrainian main force to break the siege even more dim. I am afraid that the Zelenskiy government, which is already a puppet of the West, really intends to fight the last Ukrainian for the United States.