
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

author:Pippi Films

In 1960, at the shooting site of the movie "Red Detachment of Women", director Xie Jin was about to shoot a scene in which the bully landlord Nan ba Tianyou Street showed the public.

The actors and props were all prepared, but Xie Jin suddenly wondered: can you have a "real shot".

The "real shot" that Xie Jin wants is to "pull in" the surrounding masses and use the most real reaction of the masses to show the emotional effect of this scene.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Of course, there are risks in shooting like this, and the reaction of the masses is not necessarily controllable.

Xie Jin discussed with Chen Qiangyi, who had finished putting on makeup, and the other party fully agreed: it is no problem to make this sacrifice for art.

Everything was ready, and Nan Batian, played by Chen Qiang, was bound by chains, and then a row of female soldiers pulled him to the middle of the road.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

The female soldiers shouted while holding guns, and director Xie Jin took the lead in shouting "Down with Nan Batian", and more and more people gathered around, and the anger of the masses was quickly instigated.

At this time, the angry masses completely regarded Chen Qiang as a real bully, rushed up and punched and kicked Chen Qiang, and Chen Qiang also suffered a lot of skin and flesh injuries.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

After the release of this film, it triggered a strong response, especially the performance of the old artist Chen Qiang, who was highly respected, and he grasped the cunning and treacherous characteristics in the bones of the characters very well, and many viewers almost believed it.

Today, Mr. Chen Qiang's past has become a good story in the film industry, and his interpretation of classic villains such as "Huang Shiren" and "Nan Batian" is also deeply imprinted in the minds of the audience.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

It is not easy to perform the villain role to the level and get the recognition and love of the audience.

In the history of Chinese television dramas, there are many characters who are a hundred times more infuriating than Nan Batian and Huang Shiren, and some actors have become stars with these roles, and some actors have been implicated, and they can no longer play positive roles.

Today, Pigo will talk to you about the "eight villains" in the history of Chinese TV dramas that can be written into textbooks, and see which role has made you sleepless at night.

Now, let's start with the eighth position and say -

(Remarks: The following rankings, in no particular order)

The eighth, Dong Lei, "12.1 Shooting Murder Case" (played by Wang Shuangbao)

When the name "Dong Lei" is mentioned, I think many people will immediately appear with that gloomy and fierce face.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Speaking an authentic Shaanxi dialect and a criminal style of killing people like a wild wolf without blinking, Wang Shuangbao truly restored this image with a documentary-like performance.

Especially at the beginning of each episode, a shot of Dong Lei taking a gun to kill people from the eyes of the house door cat has become a "childhood shadow" for many people.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

The 34-year-old Wang Shuangbao "frightened" countless viewers overnight, and has since made a name for himself.

Prior to this, Wang Shuangbao had been playing the role of a martial artist in the Peking Opera Troupe for 20 years.

Until 1996, at the age of 31, he starred as a thief in a crime documentary column, although the role was not much, but the performance was particularly real and vivid.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Because of this role, Wang Shuangbao got the attention of Liu Huining, the director of "12.1 Shooting Case", watching Wang Shuangbao's performance in the column, Liu Huining couldn't help but nod his head repeatedly: This image, this temperament, is simply more terrifying than Dong Lei himself!

In this way, Wang Shuangbao got the opportunity to play the male protagonist for the first time in his life.

Wang Shuangbao cherished this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and as soon as he had time, he seriously figured out how to shape the role, especially to truly present the psychology of this criminal.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

For example, there is a scene where when the sirens outside suddenly sound, Dong Lei is still very calm, should eat and drink, and bragged to his accomplices about the process of killing people.

The indifference in the eyes, the proud tone, and the few details show the cruelty and cold-bloodedness of the murderer.

Because this role is so deeply rooted in people's hearts, many people are shocked when they see Wang Shuangbao on the street, thinking that the murderer has escaped from prison in broad daylight.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

After this drama, Wang Shuangbao naturally received many invitations from the crew, basically villains.

Tang Chaoyang in "Blind Well" and brother-in-law in "Crazy Racing", these villains are either ignorant and vicious, or tricky and fierce, all of which show different evil characteristics.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Contrary to these characters, Wang Shuangbao in life is very low-key, and he is also very sincere and kind to others in private, and is recognized as a good old man in the show business circle.

Wang Shuangbao also revealed himself in an interview that at home he listened to his wife very much, and he could see that in life, he was completely a happy and contented little man.

Seventh, Liu Huaqiang's "Conquest" (played by Sun Honglei)

Many people's initial impression of Sun Honglei is from this "Conquest".

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In 2003, as soon as "Conquest" was broadcast, it caused a hot discussion across the country, and the domineering Liu Huaqiang attracted everyone's attention almost from the beginning.

On the one hand, Liu Huaqiang's fierce and cruel villains are intimidating.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

For example, when eating with Song Laohu, the "predecessor" of the jianghu, Song Laohu threatened with a sentence of "young people should not be too arrogant".

Liu Huaqiang not only used "Don't you call the young man" as a counterattack, but also asked his subordinates to give Song Laohu's brother a knife, a look of not being afraid of heaven.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

On the other hand, this villain also has a complicated side: from childhood, because his family is poor and bullied, he will step by step on the road of crime.

Moreover, he is affectionate with his brothers, pampers his wife and daughter, and reveals the "human" side of his body.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In fact, as early as before "Conquest", Sun Honglei had already begun to show his "evil" temperament.

In zhao Baogang's "Never Look Away" in 1998, he played the villain's little minions, only a dozen scenes, but he put that fierceness in place.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

I have to say that Sun Honglei has a natural jianghu qi on his body, whether it is a villain who does nothing evil or a big brother with feelings and righteousness, he can do it with his hands.

But he is not confined to such a single performance mode, but also challenges a variety of different types of roles.

Zhang Qiang of "Zhou Yu's Train", Qiu Rubai of "Mei Lanfang", and especially Yu Zecheng of "Latent" let Sun Honglei walk out of the shadow of "Liu Huaqiang" and proved his potential in performance.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In recent years, Sun Honglei has appeared more as a "comedian" in variety shows, but he has not been too impressed in his performance, hoping that he can continue to break through on the road of actors.

Sixth, Zhao brilliant "Sin Domain" (played by Yao Gang)

Someone once commented that the zhao brilliant in "Sin Domain" is a rare villain in film and television works whose character charm completely suppresses the positive characters.

In the play, Zhaohuang is handsome in appearance, polite and elegant, and the image of a gentleman is full of attraction to the opposite sex.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In fact, the leader of this brilliant group is extremely deep, and the hidden treacherous means are very vicious.

Using others to kill people and then kill them, and then killing the killers as well; sending his niece to the mayor's house, using subterranean means to force the mayor to obey his own arrangements...

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Yao Gang, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes and awe-inspiring righteousness, quickly became famous in the film and television circle with such a moral and calm "hypocrite".

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In addition, Yao Gang has also created many classic villain roles.

For example, Dai Kasa in "Latent", although he does not appear much, he can always impress people, with a sophisticated and calm temperament, sharp eyes, a killing intent that does not show sharp edges, and the aura of the whole person is full of suffocating oppression.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

At the age of 26, Yao Gang resolutely quit his job at the Dalian Repertory Theatre to work in Beijing, and with his tall and handsome image and acting skills honed on the drama stage for many years, he played the role of Mao Anying in "Mao Zedong and His Son".

In the following years, Yao Gang temporarily chose to go to the sea to do business, and this experience also laid the foundation for him to play Zhaohuanghui later.

In addition to various villains, in the past two years, he has also begun to transform into a decent role, such as General Hong Xuezhi played in "Crossing the Yalu River", which can be said to be a restoration of both historical figures and gods.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Today, 50-year-old Yao Gang is already the age of knowing the destiny of heaven, although the figure is somewhat blessed, but the hair is dark and straight, and it can be seen that the years have not left too many traces on him.

Fifth, Zhang Shihao, "Wings Are Hard to Escape" (played by Zhao Yanguozhang)

In the 2002 TV series "Wings Are Hard to Escape", Zhang Shihao, a gangster boss who will stop at nothing to become a rich man, left an extremely deep impression on the audience at that time.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

The prototype is Hong Kong's "thief king" Zhang Ziqiang, who kidnapped Li Ka-shing's eldest son, Li Zeju, and extorted a 1 billion ransom, and was eventually captured and sentenced to death.

The reason why the role of Zhang Shihao can impress the audience is mainly that Zhao Yanguozhang has captured a key feature of the character: madness.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

When taking pictures, his hands are crossed at the waist, and there is always a fierce determination in his eyes, and the aura of non-anger and self-esteem between words and demeanor is very intimidating.

Even when he was caught in the detention center, he was very arrogant and did not know how to restrain himself, shouting at the police, and did not feel that he was at fault at all.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

With this wild villain role, the 34-year-old Zhao Yanguozhang became famous overnight and was well known to audiences across the country.

After that, Zhao Yanguozhang encountered a dilemma for many actors: because the role was too deeply branded, it was difficult for the audience to get rid of Zhang Shihao's impression of what he played.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

After a few years of silence, Zhao Yanguozhang began to try to transform into a director, but neither "Zheng Qingchun" nor "Asymmetric Contest" caused much repercussions.

Now 56 years old, he has returned to his acting career, starring in works such as "The Long Day", "Antiques Bureau Central Bureau", "Diplomatic Storm" and other works, and his acting skills have become more and more old.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Fourth, Lin Yaodong,"Icebreaking Action" (played by Wang Jinsong)

The story of "Icebreaker Action" is based on the "First Drug-Making Village in Asia" case that shocked the country a few years ago.

Since the 1990s, this humble village has developed into a transnational drug trafficking chain with a huge umbrella behind it.

Finally, in the "Thunder Operation" in Guangdong in 2013, more than 3,000 armed police fighters were deployed layer by layer, and after a fierce contest with drug trafficking gangs, they eliminated this "drug nest" in one fell swoop.

And Lin Yaodong, played by Wang Jinsong, is based on the village party secretary Cai Dongjia, who is known as the "godfather of methamphetamine".

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Wearing a pair of rimless glasses and neatly dressed in a simple and simple manner, it gives the impression of a mild-mannered intellectual.

But the big drug lord of this Tazhai village is actually cruel and ruthless, and for the sake of profit, he can get rid of anyone who stands in his way.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Looking at the cronies who were caught by the police, Lin Yaodong still calmly wiped the raindrops on the lenses of his glasses, and his indifferent face still had a little smile, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

In the whole drama, Lin Yaodong did not have too many emotional ups and downs, and almost all of them created the personality traits of "dressed animals and beasts" through micro-expressions.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

As a recognized "man with a thousand faces" in the film and television circles, Wang Jinsong has contributed many classic roles.

Pi Ge's deepest impression is in "Daming Dynasty 1566", he played the Yang Gonggong, from a strategist politician to a state of insanity, the level of character changes are very in place.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Even Li Zhun, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, praised the Yang Gonggong he played as the "first eunuch" of TV dramas in the past 30 years.

What is very rare is that Wang Jinsong has protected his family very well, and he has never made any scandals, and in his opinion, he is worthy of the word "actor" by filming in a down-to-earth manner.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

The third, Chen Yilong, "Never Let You Go" (played by Zhao Hengxuan)

It has been 20 years since the broadcast of the drama "Never Let You Go", although the specific plot has been blurred, the role of Chen Yilong is unforgettable.

Just one look, that powerful sense of oppression, and fierce and ferocious temperament have surrounded the audience with deep fear.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

For performance, Zhao Hengxuan has always had his own ideas, and he does not like to be limited by a fixed set of performance modes.

For example, in his famous work "White Brow Hero", he played the white eyebrow hero Xu Liang, and he showed a little mischievousness and humor in the seriousness and composure of the character, making this chivalrous image instantly become very vivid.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Since then, he has played a lot of police roles in various film and television dramas, but over time, Zhao Hengxuan felt that there was no breakthrough in his performance, and it was at this time that he waited for this "Never Let You Go".

In interpreting this villain image, he grasps the characteristics of the character's "few harsh words", mainly through the details of walking posture, movement and eye contact, which is full of a strong sense of writing substance.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Playing a decent tough guy, but also playing a heinous villain, which shows the plasticity of Zhao Hengxuan's performance.

The second, Gao Mingyuan,"Sweeping the Black Storm" (played by Wang Zhifei)

In the TV series "Sweeping The Black Storm", in addition to Sun Honglei, the most impressive person is undoubtedly this evil "smiling tiger" Gao Mingyuan.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Wandering in black and white, he seems to be a big philanthropist with good intentions and willing to give everything for the development of the city, and it is reasonable and convincing to speak.

But behind the scenes, the insidiousness of Gao Mingyuan's heart is hidden in that smiling face of kindness and kindness: hiring murderers, bribing high-ranking officials, and even killing innocent people in order to keep his position does not care.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

For example, the girl raised by Gao Mingyuan, he has secretly sent someone to kill her parents, but still uses her as a tool for power trading.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

With a kind appearance and gentle speech, Gao Ming can unconsciously manipulate people in his hands and can only listen to him.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Since his debut in the late 1980s, Wang Zhifei has been an indispensable "green leaf" in various film and television dramas, honing his acting skills through various types of roles.

In 2000, after Wang Zhifei won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actor with the military drama "Highlighting the Siege", he has been steady and steady, and has also accumulated a certain degree of popularity.

Compared with the stability of his acting career, Wang Zhifei's emotional experience is very rich: in 2012, after breaking up with Zhang Xinyi, who was 16 years younger than him, Wang Zhifei met Zhang Dinghan, who was 14 years younger than him, and entered the palace of marriage the following year.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Nowadays, Wang Zhifei, who has a double harvest of family business, can be said to be a proper winner in life.

The first, Bai Baoshan,"China Criminal Investigation Case No. 1" (played by Ding Yongdai)

In this year's hit drama "The World of Man", Zhou Zhigang, the father played by Ding Yongdai, is strict and stubborn, but he is always worried about his family, and this image makes many viewers see "the shadow of his father".

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Looking at this loving father in the play, it is difficult to connect him with Bai Baoshan, who did nothing evil in "China Criminal Investigation Case No. 1" that year.

20 years ago, a "China Criminal Investigation Case No. 1" was broadcast nationwide, and the fame of the fierce And Vicious Baibaoshan resounded throughout the country.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

In the play, when Bai Baoshan picked up a hammer to kill his fellow prisoners, the twisted and crazy expression on his face was still frightening to think of.

Before that, Ding Yongdai had never played such a role, and when he first came to the set to audition, the director was not very optimistic about the polite and slightly thin actor in front of him.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

But in the next few auditions, from the action to the line performance, the director had to look at it with astonishment.

In particular, the sense of contradiction between the character as a bandit and as a filial piety was completely pinched by Ding Yongdai, which made this role particularly substitutionary.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed
The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Later, Ding Yongdai also starred in many classic villain roles, such as Emperor Liang in "Langyabang", he infiltrated the role's suspicious feelings, as well as the loneliness and sadness of the emperor into his bones.

From a humble bandit to a loving father, being able to play such a contrasting role to the point of being fascinating is enough to show that Ding Yongdai's acting skills are indeed good.

The above 8 villain roles can be said to be representatives of domestic TV series.

It can be seen that these excellent actors do not face the bad guys, but grasp the unique temperament of the characters, thus leaving a deep impression on the audience.

The "eight villains" characters that can be written into textbooks, Ding Yongdai and Wang Zhifei, are all listed

Thanks to these excellent actors, they have left a place for the "villain" in the domestic drama with superb acting skills.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Ah Zhi

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