
Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

author:History is an egg

Author: Lao Yang

This article is the author's original article, the text content is strictly prohibited from unauthorized illegal reproduction, if you need to reprint or quote the author's consent and indicate the source.

This 10,000-word super long article you may not be bored, do not believe in reading and reading...

It was a day in September 1121, a thousand years ago.

At that time, the largest city in the world was the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Beijing, also known as Tokyo, which is today's Kaifeng.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, there were four capitals: Luoyang in the west, Kaifeng in Tokyo, Guidefu in Nanjing, and Damingfu in Beijing.

Needless to say, Nanjing Guidefu (Nanjing in the Northern Song Dynasty, today's Shangqiu, Henan) was located in Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, and Beijing Damingfu was located in today's Daming County, Hebei Province, which was the four most prosperous "first-tier cities" in China at that time.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Especially In Fenjing, the tributaries of the Yellow River, the Beihe River, the Cai River, the Jinshui River, the Wuzhang River and other rivers run through the city of Tokyo, bringing the material from all over the country, especially from the southeast to Kyoto, Fenjing sits on the "hub of the world", "the salty passage of all countries" The golden location, the merchants are prosperous, the population is millions, it can be said that this city was the "Shanghai" of later modern China.

The nightlife of Fenjing is also very developed, far more than the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty every night to knock on the closed door drum, after the closed door drum is still wandering on the street, catch the first twenty big board. In the Northern Song Dynasty, the nightlife was completely liberalized, the sheng reeds were deafening, the drums were noisy, the tourists were like ants, the entertainment and literary activities were blooming everywhere, and China's urban commerce ushered in an unprecedented boom.

On this day, the Alum Building in Jingmingfang outside the Donghua Gate of The Palace City of Beijing was the most lively.

It is said that there are the most senior prostitutes in the country.

As the most luxurious five-star restaurant in Beijing, Bailulou has a total of five three-storey main buildings, which are connected by flying bridge railings, light and dark communication, beaded curtain embroidery, candles dangling, and thousands of people come to eat and drink every day.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Among the five main buildings, there is a west building that is the most special, here is usually only open on the first floor, the second and third floors are strictly forbidden for guests to go up - from the upper floor can directly overlook the palace inside - here is the VIP building of the palace reception, even the emperor at that time often changed into civilian clothes to eat wine here, "The Great Song Xuan and testament" said: The White Alum Tower "has a throne, Huizong and the master feast here, the soldiers and people dare not go upstairs."

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

However, today, the third floor of the West Building is extremely lively, full of noise, and the Chu Gong Tong has wrapped up a whole floor and is hosting a banquet here. Five months ago, his army invaded Qingxi Bangyuandong, Zhejiang Province, and captured 39 bandits, including Fang La's father and son. Just last month, the rebels were executed in Beijing.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Tong Guan made great contributions and was awarded the title of Duke of Chu. Now, he is entertaining his own subordinates who were born and died in the Alum Building.

It was also in this place that a lonely man met a lonely woman.

The women of the Alum Building are the most beautiful in the world, each one is charming, peach face and cherry lips, like a flower tree, swimming among these rude soldiers, accompanying wine, selling laughter.

They were prostitutes, but in the Northern Song Dynasty, prostitutes generally "sold their art and did not sell themselves", only accompanied by wine and not with sleep, which is not the same as the "prostitutes" understood today. Moreover, most of the prostitutes in Beijing are "able to write, talk well, and cope with a degree", and are women who have both stripes and brains.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

When the generals Liu Yanqing, Wang Yu, Xin Xingzong, and others drank the rise, they picked up their favorite and sneaked into the two corridors of the patio commonly known as the "small pavilion".

The prostitute next to Tong Guan was naturally the head of the White Alum Building, with a pink chest half hidden, skin like Qingxue, and a long flower Rong Yuanna, but he did not seem to be interested, this burly, great-looking and bearded military strongman was actually a eunuch.

How could a eunuch grow a beard?

Later scholars believe that this may be related to his 20-year-old purification, manhood has been rooted in him for a long time, even if he is stabbed, it is impossible to clean it.

And this prostitute who accompanied the wine, at this moment, was not thinking about Tong Guan, but secretly aimed at a lonely officer in the corner.

He hid in the corner alone and drank like a wronged wolfhound.

The most powerful thing in this world is not bows and arrows and missiles, but the "autumn wave" of the woman, the autumn wave of the top prostitute, shooting at the big wolf dog, and the big wolf dog suddenly feels a chill.

His name is Han Shizhong, a native of Suide County, Shaanxi Province, and he is 31 years old this year.

It was Fang La, whom he had captured alive.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Half a year ago, he left his home in Jingkou (a military town in Jiangnan in the Song Dynasty, today's Zhenjiang, Jiangsu) and followed his compatriot Liu Yanqing as a small colonel (a platoon leader-level cadre), who was the vanguard general at the time, Wang Yuan. Fang La is a land-sitting household of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generation, with deep geographical access, relying on the geographical advantages of the Qiantang area, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Wang Yuan then told the platoon leader Han Shizhong: "If a thief comes for me, he will change me." Tomorrow Er is fighting against the odds, and I will be able to win the battle with a strong crossbow hundreds of steps away. ”

That is to say, the enemy thinks that our army's long march is bound to be tired, and we have contempt, and tomorrow you will challenge, first pretend to be defeated, I will ambush the crossbowmen, and when the time comes, ten thousand arrows will be fired at the same time, and you will be able to win.

Han Shizhong executed according to the leader's words, and sure enough, Fang La's army rushed to pursue, and the ambush troops were defeated by crossbows.

Wang Yuan said happily: "Xiao Han is good, his execution is very strong, the first time he fought against the big demon head Fang La, he has no fear, and he is a "ten thousand enemies"! He also gave him his belongings, Han Shizhong grew up poor, and the small school salary was meager, which was simply not enough to support his family.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

In April of that year, fang la's frustrated army suddenly disappeared, and the Song army surrounded his stronghold of Muzhou (present-day Chun'an, Hangzhou) Bangyuandong, searching the mountains all day for these rebels who had suddenly burrowed into the ground.

Until the twenty-fourth day, Han Shizhong found out where they were hiding through the local people, and then led the way and sneaked into the cave...

Sure enough, it is an excellent place for concealment, the entrance to the cave is 3 meters high and less than 0.7 meters wide, and when you enter the cave entrance, it is a narrow walkway of 9 meters long, only 0.36 meters, and people must turn sideways to pass... Then suddenly the hole opened, and several huge stone chambers appeared in front of me, which contained 70,000 people!

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

The massacre lasted three days and killed all 70,000 people. Han Shizhong himself killed dozens of rebels, and finally forced Fang La into a dead corner.

Fang La fought to the death, but was not the opponent of Han Shizhong, who was good at single-handedness.

Han Shizhong was exhausted and sat on the ground: "Tired of the day, hungry drop hammer (Shaanxi dialect: tired)"

Commanded his men: "Tie him up, look good, don't let him commit suicide." ”

I didn't expect Lao Tzu to fall into the hands of Shaanxi Tu lao hat... Fang La thought to himself,

However, Han Shizhong's credit was stolen by The Tong Guanbu general and the defense of Chungju, Xin Xingzong, and his men forcibly took Fang La and beat Han Shizhong's creeps.

The little soldier cried and said, "I have the ability to catch it myself... Robbed the captives and beat them! ”

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Unfortunately, the platoon leader Han Shizhong was not Li Yunlong, the other party was Tong Guan's red man, he could only spit hard, and scolded in his heart: "Thief your mother (Shaanxi dialect: grass Nyima)!" ”

After making the first contribution and being robbed, can he not be depressed?

However, later, the right army commanded Yang Weizhong to speak bluntly (at odds with Tong Guan), and after the Hui Dynasty made this clear, Han Shizhong was transferred to Chengjielang. He was also a minor official, ranking fifty-first in the Rank of Martial Ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the rank of official was only fifty-three in total.

So, his colleagues gave him a nickname: Fifty-One Lang.

Now, when this very unsatisfactory Fifty-One Lang was hiding in the corner drinking, he didn't pay any attention to the autumn waves that a beautiful woman kept shooting.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

When a man is sad, the woman's charm is nothing more than a breeze sweeping across her face.

And, he was drunk.

Han Shizhong woke up and found himself lying on a bed, covered with a cotton blanket.

A young woman looked at him with a smile and a groan, her long eyelashes flickering like two small brushes.

He was shocked: Could it be that I lost my morality after drinking? Sleeping with a prostitute?

If he let his wife Bai Peony in Jingkou (present-day Zhenjiang, Jiangsu) know, can he still let him enter the house?

A few years ago, Han Shizhong married Bai Shizhong, Bai Peony, which is Bai's own nickname, but in fact, she is black and fat, more like a black peony. Han Shizhong's long tiger back bear waist, many women saw him are blushing, bowing their heads and thinking wildly. Bai Peony grew up as the only daughter in the family, domineering habits, although later in the family road fell, but see the man he likes, it is by no means soft. One sticky, two crying, three hugs, the virgin Han Shizhong was confused and became hers.

Now it is good that he is a hero who conquers Fang La, the "Fifty-One Lang" who is unknown to everyone in the military camp, and he is actually with a prostitute...

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

"I'm not a prostitute..." said the woman.

"I am after the shogun, my grandfather, my grandfather, my father, are all generals, and they are higher than you."

The woman's voice was crispy, with some taste of Wu Nong's soft language.

"Blame Fang La, he doesn't rebel, how can I be here now?"

Next, the woman told her story, saying that her father was killed for the crime of missing the fighter, the family was seriously affected, the family was destroyed, and she was sold to the Qinglou... This is a history of family tragedy, which is very long to tell, and Han Shizhong's mouth is dry.

"Now I want to get out of here, I want to marry you!"

Han Shizhong was dizzy for a while, and thought to himself: Broken, lai.

At this time, the moon is in the middle of the day, and the sound of more beatings is heard from downstairs. Han Shizhong fixed his mind and began to do ideological and political work for the female doll.

"Baby, you are very beautiful, what do you think..."

"You don't speak Mandarin?" Her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

It turns out that the baby can't understand... Han Shizhong kept his mind steady, and tried to say in Mandarin with straight words:

"I am a soldier, just in the midst of chaos, bleaching is uncertain, the military career is bitter, like your current life, it is heaven, baby, you have to calm down, you are bright and smooth, you can play the piano and dance, or find a good condition ..."

"I just want to marry you." She was unwavering.

Han Shizhong pondered the escape plan: "You see, although you are hungry and drunk too much, you have slept, but it was an accident, and there is still some money around you, or you can take it first." ”

"I just want to marry you and go to war with you!"

Han Shizhong smiled, and still wanted to fight, so he rushed at this little face, small waist, and small mouth.

"Don't look at me thin, I have kung fu..." After the woman finished, Huo stood up, hurried to the table, and picked up Han Shizhong's sword above.

The candlelight flickered, and Shi Zhong's face was suddenly red and his throat was dry—Nawa actually wore only a silky close-fitting bandeau, revealing white raw little arms and two slender white lotus arms.

The woman pulled out her sword with a loud cry, dancing in the narrow room, the white snake spitting out letters, the dragon shuttled, there were yin and yang, also rigid and soft, thunder and anger when swift, blue sea condensation blue light when slow, a trip down, without a trace of flaws.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

"Oh well! What's her baby's name? ”

"My name is Liang Hongyu!"

The woman put away her posture, stared at the sword scabbard on the table, and threw the sword in her hand into the scabbard.

Her crisp breasts rose and fell violently, reminding Han Shizhong of the Xuedou Mountain of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations.

There is also a bright moon on Xuedou Mountain.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

That night, Han Shizhongmei was broken, and this guy who had always been kind also made a lot of bad on Hongyu. After all, he was a married man, and White Peony had raised him to maturity.

That night, Han Shizhong suddenly knew what delicious was.

Since coming to Fenjing, he wants to eat meat every day, there are many delicious things in Beijing, the world is unique, and there are hundreds of meat dishes left for posterity, what kind of milk cooking sheep, noisy hall sheep, horned loins, goose and duck steak steaming, lychee loins, roasted buns, lotus duck sticks, wine hot belly, false juice hanging silk sheep's head, into the oven sheep, fried rabbit...

But after tonight, Han Shizhong didn't want to eat those things.

He finally knew what was delicious, and he had to admit that his daughter-in-law White Peony was just a fried cake, a dry and astringent fried cake.

Does White Peony know what it means to be "drunk and want to die"?

Does The white peony know what is called "willow waist vein spring thick, cherry mouth ya ya panting"?

Does the white peony know what is called "Mandarin duck is double night, a tree of pear blossoms pressed begonias"?

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Many years later, on the battlefield, Han Shizhong would still think of this night from time to time, and he felt that God was very fair, and gave him the humble official position of "Fifty-one Lang" and also gave him a perfect beauty.

This baby girl is still quite rich.

Her working relationship is subordinate to the Alum Building, and she needs to redeem herself to leave her job. Han Shizhong, who earned a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, could not come up with a huge sum of money to redeem herself (the income of ordinary officers in the Northern Song Dynasty was about 1,000 yuan, which is equal to more than 10,000 yuan according to today's pork price).

The female doll took out a small box of gold bars on the spot- all given by some high-ranking officials and nobles.

"I redeem myself, even if it's only for you to be a concubine!"

Liang Hongyu cut through the iron, but Han Shizhong felt uncomfortable.

It was given by those rich people, how many boyfriends did she have before... He didn't dare to think about it.

Some women bring blandness and tedium to men, some women bring physical pleasure to men, some women bring spiritual enjoyment to men, some women bring bad luck to men, and only a very few women can bring good luck to men.

What Liang Hongyu brought to Han Shizhong was an all-round combination of good fortune of body, spirit and destiny.

Han Shizhongzu's tomb was filled with green smoke, like a mushroom cloud after an atomic bomb exploded.

The white peony also smoked, emitting a black smoke.

Although it was not too much for a man to marry three wives and four concubines at that time, Lao Han actually did not greet him and led the person back to Jingkou, the key is that the charm on the faces of the ladies is something that he does not have on himself.

What's more, since the ladies lived at home, Lao Han always said that he would work overtime at night to write the training plan for the troops, for fear of affecting the quality of her sleep, sneaking into the ladies' house would not come out, and the lights would not be extinguished within three.

training? It's the two of you training! Demon Fox... White Peony hated it so much that he tore the duvet cover.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

She decided to clean up the demon fox and not restrain her, so that the face of the "right wife" would have no place to rest. One afternoon, when Lao Han went to the army, Bai Peony broke into her house without knocking on the door.

I don't know what the demon fox is doing in bed, pouting his ass, folding his body, clinging to the bed as much as possible, and reaching forward with both hands - of course, Bai Peony has never seen it, but this is the "yoga" circulating in the red pink circle of Beijing.

When the demon fox saw the eldest sister coming, he quickly sat up, got out of bed, and showed a courteous look: "The eldest sister is coming, the eldest sister please sit down." ”

Bai Peony said coldly, "There is no need to sit, today I will explain the words, I am a wife, you are a concubine, we have to be assigned, in the future Old Han sleeps at my place five days a week, and you are responsible for two days." ”

"That's not appropriate..." The demon fox blushed and snorted, "Or respect Old Han's personal ideas, after all, it is also in the army..."

Bai Peony was furious: "I have the final say in this family, and a prostitute still bargains with me?" ”

The demon fox melon seed's face was tight, her pink lips were trembling, and she hated others the most in her life for mentioning the word "prostitute", which was the pain in her heart. She stared at the black woman in front of her, and she flew up a foot, and the white peony flew out like a shell of one hundred and sixty pounds of body.

When she woke up, she saw the demon fox laughing and groaning at herself, and said softly, "Big sister, is it all right?" ”

Bai Peony touched his head, and a ping-pong ball bulged up behind him, and then asked with a crying voice, "Why do you hit people?" ”

The demon fox held out a jade finger and pointed at her forehead, "Remember, don't say those two words again in the future." If you hear it again, it's hard to say if you'll be able to walk upright in the future..."

Bai Peony wanted to cry, but he was afraid of losing face, and thought to himself: Walking upright is an innate ability of human beings, and this will be abolished, and Old Han will never enter my room.

No fight, no deal, white peony knows shame and courage, knows that he is only a primary school student in conquering men, that Liang Hongyu is definitely the material for undergraduate masters. If so, how to hold a man's heart? She went into the kitchen and began to study the recipe, she was surprised to find that in fact, she was a woman with a high talent in cooking, and within a month, the food skills such as fried, fried, preserved, pickled, sauce and so on were all exquisite and all the same, especially the best chicken, steamed anchovy, snowflake crisp, melon, sweet and sour tomato, water slippery noodles, etc. Lao Han liked to eat, the demon fox also liked to eat, and spread to the outside, and was also learned by the chefs of many restaurants in Jingkou.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

The cost of these dishes is not low, lao Han's salary can not afford to buy raw materials, are spent demon fox money, demon fox has money.

Every evening when eating, looking at a table of small dishes, Han Shizhong rubbed his hands and said happily, "You have worked hard, Nana." Nana is the nickname of White Peony. ”

The demon fox also smiled and opened his lips: "You have worked hard, big sister." ”

Conquering men is not necessarily in bed, the kitchen is also OK, and there are battlefields everywhere in the world... The white peony suddenly became deep and mature, and there were more wrinkles on the forehead.

She secretly learned to make up, and began to deliberately lower her voice to make people sound more gentle.

In short, she grew into a mature woman with a round pier and a little charm.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and a serious illness took her away, which was really jealous.

Bai Peony died of coughing up blood, and before she fell ill, she always said that she had a bad throat, probably because of the smoke and fire in the kitchen for many years.

There was one less person in the family, the food on the dinner table was not so delicious, Han Shizhong's face was up, and the look in Hongyu's eyes had changed, like a hungry and thirsty big wolf dog before, now more like a big wolf dog that was full and lying on the ground basking in the sun.

Fireworks are easy to cold, even if the beauty is like jade, there are times when they get tired... Carnelian is not surprising.

In fact, Han Shizhong felt ashamed in his heart and felt sorry for his wife. That day he said to Hongyu:

"There are 365 sunrises a year, I stayed in your house for 365 days, the clock turned fourteen hundred and forty times a day, her heart was hidden every day, more than fourteen hundred and forty anxieties..."

This cheerful rhythm was very incompatible with his mood at the moment.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Liang Hongyu coughed, how she did not know the man's thoughts, Han Shizhong said thickly, then said: "The eldest sister is gone, or mourning, now the country is in chaos, the imperial court has a big incident, it is your opportunity, you have to seize the decision ..." ”

Then a pair of Autumn Waves shot affectionately into Han Shizhong's eyes, and Shizhong tranced back to that drunken night a few years ago. Hongyu continued:

"Of course, I hope that every day I will wish you happiness and happiness, every minute I hope that you will be safe and secure, and the auspicious light will always surround you, like the rising sun..."

What is the "national chaos" she refers to?

It was the shame of Jing Kang, during the reign of Emperor Jingkang of Song Qinzong, that is, on January 9, 1127 AD, the Jin army attacked Beijing, abducted Song Huizong, Song Qinzong's father and son, and a large number of zhao royal families, harem concubines and guiqing, courtiers, and more than 3,000 people, escorted north, and the public and private savings in the city were empty. Emperor Gaozong of Song was forced to cross south and move his capital to Lin'an (present-day Hangzhou).

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

She also said that "something big happened in the imperial court", referring to the military coup that took place a few days ago. The imperial generals Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan stationed at Lin'an staged a mutiny, killing Zhao Shuo's favorite ministers Wang Yuan and Kang Lu, and were now coercing Emperor Gaozong of Song to give the three-year-old crown prince Zhao Jun.

Hongyu reminded him that now Zhao Zhuo had become a prisoner of the order, and all over the place was going to Qin Wang, who went fast, who was the emperor's savior.

A person who does not take advantage of the opportunity is an idiot who is unwilling to accept incubation.

Shi Zhong pushed away the chopsticks and shot the case:

"Or are you not confused about big things!" Hungry immediately sent troops, the action code name - pangolin! ”

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

From Jingkou to Beijing, according to the mileage of today's highway, a total of 270 kilometers and 540 miles, Han Shizhong led the army to gallop day and night, Liang Hongyu followed closely behind, and from time to time drove horses to run in front, without tiredness.

No wonder that after the door, the horse also rode beautifully... Han Shizhong admired it.

He suddenly understood why her hips were so elastic.

Emperor Gaozong of Song was imprisoned in the Funing Palace, which was originally where Taizu Zhao Kuangyin lived. He never dreamed that his most trusted yulin army generals would defect, and these two were his beloved generals, why did they betray themselves?

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

It is directly related to his favorite vassal Wang Yuan. After jing kang's shame, Zhao Zhao, the fish that slipped through the net, became emperor, crossed south to Lin'an, and established the Southern Song Dynasty. Wang Yuan was a general, who had meritorious escorts, gained his unconditional trust, and was promoted to the position of imperial governor and privy councillor.

With power in his hands, Wang Yuan began to become corrupt, wantonly plundering the people's fat and people's ointment, and his influence in the army was extremely bad. However, Zhao Zhuo did not punish him much, only dismissed him from the position of Privy Counsellor and replaced him with a letter of appointment to the Privy Council, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many officers and cadets.

In particular, the imperial generals Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan believed that if the corrupt officials headed by Wang Yuan were not eliminated for a day, sooner or later they would bring a second "shame of Jingkang" to the country, so they launched a mutiny.

They had thought that local officials deeply resented Wang Yuan, and that the nepotistic Zhao Shuo had also lost the hearts and minds of the people. The two waved their arms, and the world responded accordingly. Unexpectedly, it triggered the Qin King of the large army everywhere.

They did not expect that the junior officer named Han Shizhong, "Fifty-one Lang", actually arrived in Lin'an in one day and one day. The two were caught off guard, plus it was the Yulin Army, the escort was no problem, the field battle was obviously out of the ordinary, how could they defeat Han Shizhong's troops, who had been tested for a long time in the process of conquest of Fang La's rebels?

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

At a touch of collapse, the two with dozens of subordinates, taking advantage of the night to escape from Lin'an City, did not go far, they met a cavalry, dreaming of changing history, Miao Liu and the two thought they were Zhao Zilong, wanted to kill the siege, but were shot by flying arrows and fell off their horses, and the soldiers rushed up and tied them into pigs.

As the two struggled, they were shocked to find that the cavalry led by them was a woman.

Liang Hongyu put away his bow and arrow and chanted a poem:

"The forest was dark and the grass was frightening, and the general drew his bow at night, and two arrows flew and shot the heads of the two thieves."

Miao Fu was pressed to the ground, indignant, this is not what you wrote, it was written by Mr. Lu Lun of the Tang Dynasty, and the plagiarism is still reasonable.

Zhao Zhuo was saved, Han Shizhong was promoted, and he became the most trusted general of Emperor Gaozong of Song, and was given the title of Envoy of the Zhongwu Army, and Liang Hongyu was given the title of Lady of Anguo.

In order to celebrate the complete success of this "pangolin" rescue operation, Shizhong specially invited Hongyu to dinner in the Qingfeng Building box by the West Lake.

It was a harsh winter, it had just snowed, and the lake was full of people and birds.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Looking back on the past, Shi Zhong was suddenly touched by the fact that he had not wasted his years, and said sincerely with wine:

"Actually, from the day I met you in Beijing, I knew that women could hold up half the sky..."

The more he talked, the more he drank the more mellow, and then he drank the bald willow tip on the moon, Shi Zhong hugged the red jade, the nephrite lamp hugged, the arms were pocketed, the lips were together, the tongue was played, and the body was completely sewn.

When the two were close together, the north wind was cold outside, and the war in the Southern Song Dynasty was already tight.

The Optimus Pillar of the Northern Jin Dynasty, Guanyan Zongbi (his other name was Jin Wushu), was leading an army of 100,000 men to attack Jiangnan, preparing to completely destroy the Zhao Dynasty.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

From these four words, we can see that this plan is more like a decapitation operation against the leaders of the Southern Song Dynasty, searching the mountains and rivers, inspecting the sea, and also sweeping away Zhao Zhuo's leadership team.

This time, Zhao Zhuo ran out of the level and ran the highest result of the Southern Song Dynasty Marathon.

In fact, he has been running since he ascended the throne, the Jin people call him "Zhao Running", he ran from Yangzhou to the edge of the Yangtze River, from the Yangtze River to Hezhou (present-day Anhui Hexian), through the high mountains and streams of Nandusongling in Anji County, and then to Jiankang (now Nanjing, Jiangsu), and finally to Lin'an (Hangzhou), finally can rest, add some nutrition to the body, otherwise the kneecaps are polished.

Running to this time, Zhao Zhuo has a little affection for his father Song Huizong Zhao Tuo, can live to this day, thanks to his father's cultivation of himself from childhood, although Zhao Tuo buried his head in painting and calligraphy every day, never cared about children, but from a young age, he asked children to run every day and exercise, Zhao Zhuo is the longest leg in the children, the best endurance, every court games, is the first place in the middle and long-distance running.

But the Golden Vulture also ran very fast.

Not only is he fast, but he is also brave and brave, and his ape arm is good at shooting and good at using soldiers. Not only a good sportsman, but also a military man.

This famous general of the Jin Dynasty, born on the banks of the Haigou River in Acheng District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, was the fourth son of the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Jin Taizu Wanyan Akuta, and the sharpest mountain axe for the Jin Dynasty to attack the Southern Song Dynasty.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Tanma said that Zhao Zhuo had run to Lin'an and was eating carp by the West Lake, and Jin Wushu immediately ordered the march to continue. Some of his men complained, this year from north to south, siege of the city and uprooting dozens of villages, across the river, more dangerous, breaking the pass, pounding the city, the brothers' backpacks have been stuffed with captured gold and silver, it is time to rest...

Wu Shu sneered, "Yan Que An Zhi Hong Hu Zhi Ya!" My cultural idol Wang Changling once said - Huangsha wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and does not break the Loulan and will not return it! Where is China richest? Lin'an! ”

Under the material incentive, the 100,000 golden soldiers were loaded with motors and drove toward Lin'an, filled with light smoke along the way...

Zhao Shuo was indeed eating West Lake vinegar fish on the West Lake dragon boat that day, and the famous female chef Song Wujie personally took charge of the spoon, Zhao Shuo was amazed, and held up a thumb at the fifth sister-in-law, saying: "Medium! ”

His grandfather Zhao Kuangyin was from Henan, his father Zhao Tuo was from Henan, and of course he was also from Henan.

Suddenly, a small boat came from the lake, and an official boarded the dragon boat and hurried to Zhao Zhao's side and whispered a few words.

Zhao Zhao's face turned pale, and he was almost stuck in his throat by the fish thorn.

What, you want to run again?

"Jin Wushu's army has taken Huzhou and is attacking Lin'an, and Lin'an City can't hold out for a few days..."

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

China's famous long-distance running emperor began to go on the road again, this time, he ran from land to the sea in one breath, Jin Wushu chased after him, like a lonely male dog sniffing the breath of the roadside to chase the female dog, seeing Zhao Zhuo running to the sea, he came to the fishing boat to continue to chase, the ultimate goal of "searching the mountains and inspecting the sea" is to capture Zhao Zhao's gang alive.

This chase is more than 300 miles. If it were not for the fact that the Jin soldiers were not accustomed to water, and they vomited bitter galls on the boat one by one, they would continue to chase Zhao Cuo and chase Zhao Cuo to the Diaoyu Island - if zhao cuo's relics were left on the Diaoyu Island, such as building a temporary rest palace, the later Japanese devils would have no reason to say that they were their own.

The name of this battle gold vulture shook the north and south of the great river, the time was short, the battle line was long, and the territory was wide, although the ancient and modern famous generals were not as good as it was. The King of jinguo finished Yan Liang's poem: "Tun Bing millions of soldiers on the West Lake, immediately the first peak of Wu Mountain."

Jin Wushu was full of ambition and did not want to stop. "It is advisable to chase the poor and the poor with courage, and not to become the overlord of fame and learning", the battle must continue.

After drifting at sea, Emperor Gaozong of Song finally returned to land and entered the city of Mingzhou (present-day Ningbo, Zhejiang) to settle down. He said indignantly, "Well, I have all become amphibians, one moment at sea, the next on land, you say, where is the safest?" I can't really run..."

A kind rough face squeezed out of the crowd and floated in front of Zhao Zhao, who turned out to be Han Shizhong.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Han Shizhong made a generous statement: "The country has lost Hebei, Hedong, and Shandong, and then it has lost Jianghuai, where else can it go?"

Zhao Zhuo said sadly, "Ai Qing, have you ever done the Golden Wu Technique?" ”

Han Shizhong had already considered it, and Lang Sheng said: "The Jin soldiers are alone and deep, and the battle line is long, and I expect them to be difficult to last. ”

Therefore, Zhao Zhuo appointed Han Shizhong as an envoy to western Zhejiang and defend Zhenjiang. At this time, Zhenjiang was already behind enemy lines, and in order to avoid the attack of the Jin army, Han Shizhong led an army from Zhenjiang to retreat to Jiangyin and divided his army into three parts: the former army was stationed in Tonghui Town (present-day Qingpu North, Shanghai), the Chinese army was stationed in Jiangwan (now part of Shanghai), and the rear army was stationed in Haikou (now part of Shanghai), Dazhi sea ships, practicing water warfare, and waiting for the opportunity to go north to intercept the Jin army and return to the division.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Sure enough, in the following year, in February 1130, Jin Wushu announced the end of the military operation of "searching the mountains and inspecting the sea", and returned along the north of the canal with a large amount of gold and silver treasures plundered from all over the jiangnan.

The Jin soldiers continued to burn and loot along the way, and the people of Jiangnan suffered an unprecedented catastrophe.

On March 15, Jin Bing's fleet arrived at Huang Tiandang in Zhenjiang.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Huang Tiandang is located at the confluence of the canal and the Yangtze River, bordering Jiankang in the west, the Yangtze River in the north, and the river surface near the Control of Jiaojin Ershan in the east and west. At this time, Han Shizhong had already led 8,000 sailors and more than a hundred warships to come here, and had taken control of the favorable terrain such as Jiaoshan and Jinshan in advance, and strictly sealed the crossings along the river.

In addition, at the entrance of the canal, there is a silver mountain, the mountain is quite high, there is a Dragon King Temple, and the Golden Wushu will inevitably come here to observe the position of the Song army. Therefore, Han Shizhong's troops ambushed Su De and two hundred soldiers in the temple, and two hundred soldiers ambushed on the riverbank under the mountain, and agreed that after the Jin army entered the temple, the drum would be used as a trumpet, and the ambush troops on the riverbank would first cut off their retreat, and the ambush troops in the temple would follow, and the ambush troops in the temple would follow, and the front and rear attacks would capture their generals.

He wants to capture the Optimus Prime White Jade Pillar of the Golden Kingdom alive and drive the Purple Golden Beam of the Sea!

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

What does the Golden Vulture look like? A red date face, two bent broom eyebrows.

Han Shizhong's ambush soldiers remembered it, and their eyes widened, staring at the movement outside the temple. Sure enough, Jin Wushu came with four cavalrymen, this guy was bold, and Zhang Fei, the enemy of the Three Kingdoms, traveled with eighteen loyal cavalrymen, and he took four.

The two hundred ambush soldiers were overjoyed, and they caught the face of the red jujube and were not allowed to seal a "Ten Thousand Households"? A lifetime of wealth and glory. A few impatient, without waiting for the agreed drum to finish, rushed out with a strange knife,

The Mo Dao is a long-handled knife that was passed down from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty and was one of the main combat weapons of the Infantry of the Song Dynasty.

Jin Wushu was taken aback and ran away on his horse, although he was brave, after all, he only had a short blade with him. His horse was good, he was startled by the ambush soldiers, running faster than the Shenxing Taibao Daizong, and in the blink of an eye, only half of the horse's ass was left shaking in front of the ambush soldiers...

The two cavalrymen did not run, did not resist a few times, and were stabbed off the horse by the strange knife.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

According to Han Shizhong's plan, Jin Wushu could not run away, because he also had ambush soldiers at the bottom of the mountain, but the horse of Jin Wushu was too fast, and the ambush soldiers under the mountain heard the drums before they could pull up the net, and he rushed out.

Jin Wushu quickly returned to the warship, although he was ambushed, but he did not panic, after all, there were 100,000 troops, and the Song army, but only 8,000 people. Although his own ships were small but numerous, it was not too difficult to eat Han Shizhong's water army.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

But he had made a military taboo, was unfamiliar with geography, and he forgot that his huge fleet was now crowded in the narrow waters of the canal, and his fleet could not swing the siege in a single word...

Moreover, in the Song army camp, a woman had already come up with a countermeasure to defeat him.

Although Han Shizhong had an elite naval army, equipped with the most advanced warships in the world at that time, each of which was about 60-90 meters long, had a total of 23-24 wheel oars, and could carry 200 soldiers. But the number is too small to hold the narrow water defense, and the chances of attacking the opponent and winning are small.

Can it only be persevered? In the evening, he had not yet thought of a way to break the enemy, and suddenly the candle flickered, and Liang Hongyu came in.

Shi Zhong's eyes lit up, today's Hongyu seems to have changed into a person, and the eyebrows are full of confidence, and Hongyu said:

"The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, and it is difficult for us to win a direct confrontation, and this battle can only be outsmarted." Our army can divide its troops into two routes and use ambushes to intercept and kill the enemy on all sides. I sit in the Chinese army to meet the enemy, use 'rockets' against them, they can't advance, they will change their strategy, attack from both sides, at that time, you will lead the pursuit, I will beat the drums and wave the flag on the ship's tower, you see the flag of my Chinese army. If I wave the flag to the west, you will kill it to the west, and if I wave the flag to the east, you will kill it to the east, and it will surely kill the Jin army in a hurry, ignoring the stomach. ”

Han Shizhong was stunned, was this a woman's idea? Qinglou for a few years, her military books have not been read less, ah, with this strategy, why worry about the Golden Vulture technique is not broken?

Seeing the red jade in the candlelight with a beautiful charm, Shi Zhong murmured:

"Some women have big breasts, but they can't squeeze things out, although yours is not big, but squeezing is the wisdom of nourishing oil..."

On the second day, Liang Hongyu was draped neatly, only to see: cicada sideburns and gold noodles double pressure, phoenix shoes stirrup oblique step, chain armor lined with red yarn, embroidery with willow waist end span. What a natural beauty begonia flower!

She sat on the Chinese army's building ship, holding a drumstick in her hand, and personally commanded the battle. On both sides stood dozens of soldiers armed with crossbows, each with the spirit of a tiger and a wolf, and one person holding a flag.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Jin Wushu saw a female general standing on the Song Army's warship from a distance, and couldn't help but crack his mouth and smile--his mouth had always been wide, and this crack could be stuffed into a fist.

"The Great Song Dynasty has no one..."

He ordered the warships to concentrate their firepower, first kill the opposing Chinese military building ships, and when they saw that they had entered the attack range and even the small faces of the opposing female generals were clear, they only listened to the sound of a cannon, and in the middle of the day they split a muffled thunder, and then the rockets of "a swarm of bees" flew in, and several warships were instantly swallowed up by the tongue of fire.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

This is the most advanced weapon of mass destruction in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Shen Arm Bow Rocket.

The word "rocket" first appeared in the Three Kingdoms era. In 228, the State of Wei first installed torches on the arrows fired, when Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the State of Shu, led an army to attack Chen Cang, the Wei general Hao Zhao burned the ladder of the Shu army's siege with a rocket and defended Chen Cang.

However, at that time, the rocket only tied flammable materials such as grease-soaked sackcloth to the back of the arrow, ignited it, and then shot at the enemy with a bow and crossbow to achieve the purpose of fire attack.

Until the Song Dynasty, rockets were improved and used on a large scale. The rockets of the Song Dynasty were to paste paper into barrels, pack gunpowder into cylinders to compact, tie them to the shafts of arrows, and then fire them with bows, not only can they set fire, but the explosion is also loud, which is very easy to make the enemy army afraid.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jin Wushu commanded the warship to go east, and Liang Hongyu commanded the flag to the east, commanded the warship to attack, and personally beat the drum to cheer, the drum was rapid and agitated, like a fierce wind lifting countless stones, pouring on the head of the Golden Soldier, and the heart of the vulture that hit it was about to break.

The attack to the east failed, and then turned to the west, Liang Hongyu let the Lingqi point west, and the Jin army was intercepted again, and in just two hours, dozens of warships were lost, and hundreds of soldiers drowned.

Vulture's face was red for a moment, white for a moment, but there was nothing he could do.

This is the famous "Liang Hongyu drumming and retreating from the gold soldiers" in history, which is a great victory with brilliant achievements in the history of the Song Dynasty's resistance to Jin.

After all, the Song army was sparsely populated and could only defeat the enemy through tactics, but it could not completely annihilate the enemy's huge marine division. The two sides entered a stalemate stage, the Jin soldiers could not take a step forward, it was even more impossible to retreat, and the Song army had completely blocked the way back with broken ships.

For forty-eight days, the 100,000 troops of the Golden Wushu were trapped in the Yellow Heavenly Dang, and the grain was almost eaten, but fortunately there was no shortage of water, and there were fish in the water.

The Northeast Hanzi Jin Wushu eats fish every day, and the fishy smell of the body he eats.

He can only eat boiled fish - white boiled fish, oil and salt condiments, etc. there is no taste, do not eat. Jin Bing had fallen into despair.

These hundreds of ships can only wait here to die?

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Under his heavy reward, some locals gave him a plan: in Huangtiandang, there was a very thin tributary, known as the Old Stork River, if it could be widened, a three-kilometer-long canal could be dug to lead to the Qinhuai River, along the Qinhuai River can be directly to health (today Nanjing).

The traitor saved Jin Wushu's life.

Taking advantage of the night, he drove tens of thousands of soldiers, worked hard all night, and dug the canal wide. The next day coincided with heavy fog, the vision was not clear, and after the fog dissipated at noon, the Song Army was shocked to find that Huang Tiandang's Golden Soldiers and Sailors had all flown away.

They left only a broken ship, and han Shizhong climbed up with hatred and hatred, and saw a piece of paper pasted on the mast with a poem written on it:

Gently I went, just as I came softly; I beckoned softly, making a farewell to the clouds of the yellow sky.

The golden willow on the riverside is a woman named Red Jade; the bright shadow in the waves ripples in my heart...

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Well, I still covet my daughter-in-law! Chase me, chase to the Qinhuai River, chase to health (today's Nanjing)!

There are many ways to destroy a man, the easiest thing is to make him impulsive, this impulse, Han Shizhong buried his army...

Jin Wushu was a very efficient man, and after escaping from Huang Tiandang, he began to think about how to defeat Han Shizhong's water master. A Fujian traitor surnamed Wang gave him advice: Why doesn't the general "master Yi long skills to control Yi"? The Song army is powerful with rockets, we can also use rockets against their ships, the ship does not move without wind, if the rocket shoots its canopy sails...

Vulture was overjoyed and rushed to make rockets overnight. His ship had just arrived in Health, probing the Malay newspaper, and the Song Army Marine Division had come after him, and was now on the river.

The Jin Army's naval division immediately set out, their ships were small, flexible, and fast, and they quickly approached the song army's large ships, and the arrows were fired in unison, and Han Shizhong's water division fell into the sea of fire, and even the Chinese army building ships also caught fire, and they had to abandon the ship and land, fleeing back to Zhenjiang from land.

Pity his eight thousand soldiers, only a few hundred survived.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Jin Wushu said triumphantly: "When I go back, I want to tell our military academy professors that it is not only people who decide the outcome of the war, but also weapons." ”

Han Shizhong couldn't help but cry on the way back, he had wanted to take advantage of the great victory of Huang Tian, capture Jin Wushu, and calmly slash a few knives on him... Now what face to see Song Gaozong.

Liang Hongyu comforted: "The matter has come to this point, only blame you and me for the light enemy, this time not only can not go to ask for credit, but also ask the imperial court to "cure the crime", only this attitude, can save you and me. In these years, as long as you do things, you will make mistakes, and if you don't do things, you will not make mistakes when you surrender to the turtle. ”

Sure enough, Emperor Gaozong of Song not only did not punish the crime, but rewarded Han Shizhong and his wife heavily, and because Liang Hongyu killed his relatives in righteousness, he knew the matter and named her "Lady Yang Guo".

In the battle of Huang Tiandang, Han Shizhong had a wonderful start and victory in sight, but he reaped a disastrous ending. However, strategically, he blocked the Jin soldiers with absolutely weak troops for 48 days, so that the Jin soldiers did not dare to continue south, and half of the Southern Song Dynasty was temporarily saved, and the strategic purpose of repelling the Jin soldiers was achieved.

However, in the eyes of Jin Wushu, the woman named Liang Hongyu was a confidant who had to be removed, and he said to his subordinates, men look at wrists, women look at faces, Liang Hongyu's face is good-looking, in fact, the wrist is really powerful...

By 1135, The Golden Vulture had set up a bureau.

He ordered his troops to harass Shanyang and Suqian along the Huai River, Liang Hongyu led his army to win successive victories, the spring wind was proud of the horseshoe disease, in order to completely defeat the Jin soldiers, she rode a flower horse called "Manchuan Flower", led hundreds of light horses, and went to sneak into the grain road of the Jin people. This was exactly what Jin Wushu hoped, he had already laid out thousands of elites around the perimeter, and Liang Hongyu's small unit of troops was instantly surrounded into iron barrels.

Regarding the last moments of Liang Hongyu's life, the history books record:

Liang's body was wounded several times, his waist and abdomen were split by enemy blades, his intestines flowed three feet, and he endured the pain and returned to his stomach with a sweat towel. Knowing that it is inevitable, it is gu to the left and right: "Today to serve the country." Yu Bi then broke through the enemy line. The enemy is like rain, and the hedgehog gathers on the armor. Liang's blood penetrated the heavy armor, entered the enemy line and beheaded more than a dozen people, and died after falling off his horse. The Jin people trampled on each other and fought for their first rank, splitting their five bodies, and those who gained their heads advanced two steps, and those who gained their limbs advanced to one level.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Even if the intestines flowed three feet and the blood penetrated the heavy armor, Liang Hongyu still stepped on the enemy line and beheaded dozens of enemies, that is, what about the Three Kingdoms General Dianwei Xu Chu?

After her death, Jin Bing was so hateful that he actually unloaded eight pieces of her body and went back to ask for merit and reward.

Poor Yan Thin Girl, the death was as tragic as the Western Chu Overlord.

When the news of his death reached Lin'an, Emperor Gaozong of Song was overwhelmed and personally wrote a letter of condolence to Han Shizhong and ordered him to give five hundred horses and two silver. However, the damage in Han Shizhong's heart is not something that time can dilute.

In 1142, his good friend Yue Fei was framed by Qin Ju and died in the wind and wave pavilion of the Dali Temple in Lin'an, and Zhao Zhao, remembering his battle exploits, ordered him to be hanged with a bowstring and keep the whole body. The good form of anti-gold is in vain.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Losing the best woman in the world and the best buddy in the world, Han Shizhong's heart was cold.

Like his father Zhao Tuo, Zhao Zhuo was proficient in calligraphy, but politically incompetent and a cold clown.

Politics without human feelings is short-lived, and as for the powerful people of the dynasty, Such as Qin Ju and Wan Qianbi (mò qí Xiè), all of them are masters and factions, these people are full of doctrine and their hearts are full of business.

He is a main warrior, and he is also a straight man, and he is not willing to be a ditch licker (Shaanxi dialect: pat the horse's ass). Although Qin Jun's door was always open for him, Han Shizhong had never entered it.

In order to avoid Yue Fei's fate, he decided to protect himself, and soon he wrote to resign from the government and asked the old man.

In his later years, Han Shizhong lived in seclusion in Lin'an, called himself a cool resident, closed the door to thank guests, did not speak of soldiers, often rode a donkey with wine, took one or two servants, and went to the West Lake to do a getaway.

Beauty Yin: She is not a high-level plaything under a man's crotch, but a goddess in a troubled world

Every year in April of the West Lake is very beautiful, a lake of spring water night to be born, several stacks of spring mountains are far more horizontal, small smoke boats, fishing silk light.

But he can't forget a day in 1127, when it was just snowing outside the window and the lake was full of people and birds.

In the box of the Lake breeze building, he and she, the nephrite lamp hugged, a moment of joy.

At the age of sixty-three, he died.

*Point to pay attention to see Lao Yang more original*

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