
Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"

author:Liu Fufeng

Wen | Liu Fufeng Studio Sun Yuliang Today's headlines original debut

On April 29, Hong Kong's chief executive candidate, Lee Ka-chiu, will announce his policy platform, which is highly anticipated!

Why Li Jiachao? He is the "only candidate" for Hong Kong's chief executive, basically the chief executive-elect of the HONG Kong Special Administrative Region on a set of plates, and because of his lack of "competitors," he has become the object of praise and criticism by some anti-China media in the United States and Britain and Hong Kong Huang Silk. However, the more it was praised and deprecated by the anti-China media and Huang Silk, the more it showed that this was a wise decision. What Hong Kong lacks is a handsome and talented general who can kill decisively at a critical moment, so that he can deter the glamorous rays and maintain the overall situation of Hong Kong's security and stability.

Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"


What kind of international situation is it now? Now is a big "chaotic world", just a long-term Chinese intoxicated in the past, unwilling to admit the "chaotic world", first of all, the world is in the new crown epidemic infestation is difficult to extricate themselves, according to the WHO's calculation, by the end of 2021, the world has died of 15 million people due to infection with the new crown, the epidemic in 2022 has not slowed down, although the Western world led by the United States scrambled to "lie flat" and "coexist with the virus", pretending that the new crown epidemic is over, but the new crown virus has not left us Instead, it continues to mutate and continue to invade human life, health and safety. It is to be expected that death will continue and the future of mankind is uncertain. How to effectively fight the epidemic and take into account economic development will become a difficult test for political leaders of all countries to answer well.

Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"

Secondly, the world is being forcibly torn apart by the United States, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a huge wound that is torn, and bright red blood is shed every day. The larger the wound, the more likely it is that the "three wars" will break out. Now this "wound" does not even have a band-aid, let it develop in the big way, US President Biden called on the US Congress to support Ukraine for another $33 billion, US Defense Secretary Austin organized a meeting of forty countries' defense ministers to aid Ukraine, and the Russian foreign minister has warned that if this continues, there is a danger of "three wars" and "nuclear war". Once the "three wars" break out in the world, China will not be spared.

Third, China is in a precarious position. The United States has formulated an "Indo-Pacific strategy" with the goal of curbing China's development, and US Secretary of State Blinken's so-called "cooperation, competition, and confrontation" trichotomy is essentially confrontation with China. In fact, from the previous President Trump to the current President Joe Biden, China and the United States have been at odds. In addition to the "hot war" between China and the United States, the "war" in other fields has been fighting, the trade war has long been fought, the science and technology war is also being fought, the financial war is also being fought, the public opinion war is also being fought, and whether the new crown epidemic is a "biological war" is now difficult to say. But we must look at this pandemic that has lasted for three years with the mindset of "biological warfare". The Taiwan issue is likely to become the trigger for Sino-US confrontation, and the sanctions imposed on China by the Western world led by the United States will be even more severe than those imposed on Russia. China is now calm on the surface, but in fact it is turbulent.

Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"

Fourth, Hong Kong is the forefront of Sino-US confrontation. The United States confronted China by using Hong Kong as a forward beachhead. Of course, Taiwan is also a forward position, but this position is on the US side. Hong Kong is the forefront of the Chinese side, and due to the long-term erosion of American and British capitalist ideology, a large number of "fifth columns" are hidden inside, and they are yellow-skinned and white-hearted, and they want to serve the Americans in their bones. Who are such people, those "Hong Kong independence" elements are, those speculators are, those black rioters are, those yellow silk elements are. These "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" elements have been running a campaign in Hong Kong for ten years, from the anti-state religious movement, the Occupy Central movement, the Mong Kok riots to the Xiubo storm, behind the scenes there are shadows of the United States colluding with the "anti-China chaos in Hong Kong" elements.

Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"

The future of the world, the future is uncertain. In this major change that has not occurred in a hundred years, what kind of cadres should the central authorities use? What kind of cadres will become the needle of the sea god who is loyal to the party and the country? Lee's outstanding performance in the ten-year campaign in Hong Kong is obvious to all. This time, Lee Ka-chiu was nominated by 786 election commissioners in the election of the chief executive candidate, which fully demonstrates his popularity in Hong Kong. The U.S. Competition Act, passed by the U.S. Senate on March 28, 2022, laid the groundwork for the United States to launch an overall comprehensive war against China, which is more like a "war" bill. The United States, despite the national debt exceeding $30 trillion, is still proposing the world's highest ever military spending in the "2023 Budget". The heart of harming others must not be there, the heart of defending people is indispensable, the blade wielded by the United States has shown a chill, and we must guard against a war imposed on China by the Americans at any time. And Li Jiachao is exactly the "wartime handsome talent" in Hong Kong that the party and the government need.

Why Li Jiachao? Hong Kong's "Wartime Heroes"

On April 29, Lee Ka-chiu announced his policy plan, and in a few days, he will undertake the historical mission of escorting Hong Kong at the helm, believing that this Confucian general who is both literate and martial will surely lead Hong Kong through the shoals and reefs and achieve one victory after another.

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