
An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

author:The Diary of a Big Macho
An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

The assassination of Mississippi civil rights activist Medgar Evers on June 13, 1963, drew attention to rising racial tensions across the state — which eventually led to the formation of the White Knights of mississippi's Ku Klux Klan, burning at least 20 black churches and the brutal deaths of three civil rights workers. One of the most controversial issues at the time was the effort to register black voters. As reported, white supremacists, especially KKK, stepped up pressure to intimidate blacks and ultimately discouraged them from pursuing more civil rights. They also dissuaded civil rights workers from leading efforts to increase and protect the rights of blacks in Mississippi.

Amid growing tensions, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwarner became active in the civil rights movement. In addition to challenging apartheid laws, Learning for Justice reported that the trio were keen to encourage blacks to register for the vote. They also encouraged black churches to run free schools that, according to civil rights teaching, offered courses in arithmetic, history, reading, and writing so that blacks could go beyond traditional "sharecropper education" and thus gain more opportunities.

On May 25, 1964, Famous Trials reported that Chaney and Schwerner spoke to a congregation at Mt. Zion Methodist Church in Neshoba County. In addition to discussing free schools, they urged the congregation to register for a vote.

James Channie, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwarner disappeared under unusual circumstances

An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

Less than three weeks later, on June 16, 1964, KKK members physically attacked several leaders of the Zion Hill Methodist Church. The next day, the famous trial reported that the church had burned down. On June 21, 1964, James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner returned to Mount Zion Church to investigate the damage and discuss the fire with the congregation. When three civil rights workers left the scene of the fire, they were arrested. According to Ferris State University, they were arrested by Nishoba County Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price, who is reportedly a member of the KKK.

Chaney and Schwerner, in particular, caught the attention of local KKK for their work in the area and their speaking events at mt. Zion Church. As a result, Price reportedly worked with local KKK to develop a plan that would eventually lead to the brutal murder of civil rights leaders. According to Ferris State University, Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner were arrested on suspicion of arson linked to the Mt. Zion Church fire. However, Price ordered the men to be released around 10:00 p.m. that same day. While on their way out of town, civil rights leaders are being hunted down by KKK members, including Sheriff Price. They were then taken to a remote place where they were killed and eventually buried in an earthen dam.

Michael Schwerner was shot in the chest by a bullet

An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

Two days after james, andrew Goodman and Michael Schwarner disappeared, the vehicle, driven by Chinney, was found abandoned in the swamp. However, according to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, the bodies were not found until August 4, 1964.

At the time, Mississippi was not allowed to flag suspected deaths as homicides until a coroner jury made that decision. However, Mississippi had no state medical examiner in August 1964. Therefore, the initial autopsy was performed by Dr. William P. Featherston, who was not forensic pathologically certified. However, five FBI agents joined him and were assisted by Mississippi Highway Patrol photographers, local dentists and three doctors from the Pathology Department at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

Featherston and his team first examined Schweiner's body. According to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, 24-year-old Schweiner was found wearing blue jeans, boots, socks and shirts. A lighter was found in the pocket of his jeans. Featherston's team determined that Schweiner had died of a gunshot wound to the chest. As the autopsy report said, "The gun got stuck in Schweiner's fourth rib and opened fire." The bullet entered the chest along the fourth rib, bounced on another rib, and eventually got stuck in Schwerner's left lung cavity, where Featherston and his team found it.

Andrew Goodman was also hit in the chest by a bullet

An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

According to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Dr. William P. Featherston concluded that Michael Schwerner's cause of death was a gunshot wound. The second autopsy was performed on 20-year-old Andrew Goodman. According to the autopsy report, Goodman wore dark pants, blue socks, Oxford shoes and no shirt. Upon examination, Featherston and his team determined that Goodman's chest had also been hit at close range.

Although the bullet also entered Goodman's body near the fourth rib, there was no sign of deflection, and the bullet appeared to have gone straight into the area of the spine— where Featherston and his team found it. Featherston concluded that Goodman died of a gunshot wound. Since the bullet marks found on Schweiner and Goodman were identical, he also concluded that the two were shot with the same weapon.

Both Goodman and Schweiner's autopsies were fairly simple, and it is widely believed that the two were shot dead on arrival at a remote location. However, as reported by the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, a preliminary autopsy on James Channy became the focus of controversy. The autopsy said 21-year-old Channie was found wearing dark green pants and a T-shirt. Immediately after starting to examine the body, Featherston noticed multiple fractures in his left and right arms.

James Channie was beaten before being shot

An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

Unlike Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwarner, who were both shot once, James Chaney was shot three times. According to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, the first bullet entered the upper abdomen and stuck in Channy's back. The second bullet was found in Channy's abdominal wall, but it is unclear exactly where the bullet entered his body. A third bullet hit Channy in the head, leaving a wound described as an "explosive fracture" that extended from his temple to the base of his skull.

Featherston concluded that Chaney had died of a gunshot wound to the head. Although he acknowledged that Channy had multiple fractures, he could not determine exactly what caused the fractures and whether any of the three men had been beaten before being shot. According to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, renowned pathologist Dr. David M. Spain was commissioned to conduct a second independent autopsy on Chaney. In stark contrast to Featherston's report, Spain said there were clear indications that Channy had been physically assaulted before his death. In addition to severe damage to the wrist bone, Spain noted that his jaw was "completely broken and split vertically." Spain eventually concluded that Channy's injuries were".

Eight men were eventually convicted of the deaths of James Channie, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schweiner

An autopsy of the Mississippi burning murder found disturbing details that burned at least 20 black people to death

According to the Journal of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Dr. William P. Featherston and Dr. David M. Spain maintained their preliminary conclusions about James Chenney's fractures, and the high level of decomposition of the body made it difficult to prove whether Qianny had actually been beaten. However, two witnesses later testified that Channy had been physically attacked before he was killed.

Ferris State University reported that authorities finalized 18 men involved in the brutal murders of James Channie, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schweiner. Mississippi officials declined to bring charges against any of them, and there were no federal regulations on murder at the time. As a result, the men were accused by the federal of violating the civil rights of the three.

Seven of the original 18 defendants were found guilty, including Deputy Cecil Price and KKK Empire wizard Sam Bowers, and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison. Charges against one man were eventually dismissed and seven others acquitted, three of whom were released because the jury could not reach a consensus on their crimes.

All seven men convicted at the Mississippi Burning Trial were released within six years of jail. In 2005, Ferris State University reported that Edgar Ray Killen — accused of plotting the murder of Chaney, Goodman, and Schweiner — was charged and convicted of three counts of manslaughter. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.