
The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

author:Old stories
In 2003, the dust settled on a rare case of "harassment" by men in the country, but the reflection it left for people did not subside: What is the relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant? What prompted this decent, successful man to fight this alternative lawsuit?

At first sight, the "true love" that ten years of longing for fell from the sky

One day in 2000, Xiang Mingjun, a 30-year-old married woman, was taking care of her daily routine at her own decoration company. At this time, a black Santana 2000 sedan stopped in front of the store, and a middle-aged man in a white trench coat walked straight in.

The name of the person who came was Xiang Jianwei, who was 40 years old at the time and was the general manager of a pharmaceutical company. I saw that he was of medium stature, the bridge of his nose was high, and his hair was combed back very neatly, looking very imposing. Not long ago, Xiang Jianwei bought a new three-bedroom apartment and was busy looking for a home furnishing company to decorate the house.

After a polite greeting, the two exchanged business cards. Looking at the common surname, Xiang Jianwei, who is good at communication, joked: "Oh, we are a family, if it was a few years ago, maybe there is still blood relations!" In a word, the relationship between the two people who did not know each other was brought closer. Xiang Mingjun had a good impression of the personable Xiang Jianwei, and she patiently recommended several sets of decoration plans for Xiang Jianwei.

The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

A week later, Xiang Jianwei and his wife Yu Fengjuan found Xiang Mingjun again, saying that after consulting with his wife, he decided to ask her company to renovate. When signing the contract, Yu Fengjuan snuggled tightly next to her husband, and a happy smile rippled on her face from time to time. Looking at this warm scene, Xiang Mingjun's heart gushed out an inexplicable sense of loss.

The renovation of the new house is going very smoothly. During the renovation period, Xiang Mingjun and Xiang Jianwei met several times, and Xiang Jianwei's humorous conversation and open-minded and capable work style completely impressed Xiang Mingjun, and her mind always flashed xiang Jianwei's figure. Xiang Mingjun, who has a family and a room, also wants to restrain himself, but his thoughts are still uncontrollable like wild horses that have lost their reins...

On February 26, 2000, the renovation of the new house was completed. After a fierce ideological struggle, Xiang Mingjun dialed Xiang Jianwei's mobile phone with a trembling hand, saying that he wanted to invite him to dinner to celebrate their very pleasant cooperation and congratulated him on moving into a new house.

Xiang Jianwei accepted Xiang Mingjun's invitation very happily. During the meal, the two chatted. When he learned that Xiang Jianwei was admitted to Beijing from the countryside of Henan to study at a university, and after graduation, he started a business alone, Xiang Mingjun did not hide his admiration, and his eyes became emotional. After the meal, Xiang Mingjun offered to go to the café to sit again, but Xiang Jianwei politely refused on the pretext of going home with his wife, and drove Xiang Mingjun to his home.

That night, the lost Xiang Mingjun lost sleep, and the past was clearly displayed in front of his eyes: 10 years ago, when 20-year-old Xiang Mingjun graduated from a university in Beijing majoring in decoration, he fell in love with a talented man from a foreign country, but Xiang's parents opposed their union and snuffed out the relationship with both soft and hard.

The love injury of her first love made Xiang Mingjun never fall in love again, until she was 25 years old, and she married Deng Yinda, who had an iron rice bowl job, under the mediation of her family. Her husband loves her very much, and her daughter is also very well-behaved, but Xiang Mingjun always feels that life after marriage is very boring, and she feels that she has been living in the desert of emotions. However, the appearance of Xiang Jianwei has activated the passion that Xiang Mingjun has been sealed for many years, and she has once again found the feeling of her heart fluttering when she first fell in love.

The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

Xiang Mingjun was extremely excited and secretly resolved: "This must be the arrangement of the heavens, true love has finally come to me again after ten years, and this time I must not miss it again!" ”

Very "love" you, the lonely woman vows to interpret the passion to the end

The business cooperation between Xiang Mingjun and Xiang Jianwei has come to an end, but Xiang Mingjun's "courtship action" for Xiang Jianwei has just begun.

One day in mid-March 2000, Xiang Jianwei was presiding over a meeting at the company when his cell phone rang. It was Xiang Mingjun who called, and she invited Xiang Jianwei to dinner, saying earnestly that she had encountered some difficulties in the business and asked him to help solve them. Xiang Jianwei, who was naturally helpful, casually agreed.

The elaborately dressed Xiang Mingjun arranged the date in a private room of an elegantly decorated Western restaurant, with soothing music, soft lighting, and a quiet and reverie environment. As soon as he sat down, Xiang Jianwei eagerly asked Xiang Mingjun what help he needed.

"He's so concerned about my business!" Looking at Xiang Jianwei's face full of anxiety, an indescribable warmth rose in Xiang Mingjun's heart, which actually made her feel flattered.

After a half-hour, Xiang Mingjun replied to the question: "Jianwei, your career is now very successful, is your family happy?" Xiang Jianwei was very surprised, but he still replied politely: "Not bad, my son is in junior high school, the lover is gentle and virtuous, I knew her when my career was at a low point, married for more than ten years, I love her very much, our relationship has always been very good." ”

Unexpectedly, Xiang Jianwei's answer triggered a series of emotions from Xiang Mingjun. "I really envy you, a successful career and a happy family." And I myself am so sad! Xiang Mingjun said bitterly.

After a few glasses of red wine, Xiang Mingjun confided in Xiang Jianwei about the harsh family education environment, the unforgettable first love, and the dissatisfaction with her husband who did not understand the style.

Finally, Xiang Mingjun boldly shook Xiang Jianwei's hand and said softly: "Jianwei, I am only 30 years old, but I have long lost my passion, but in you, I have found this passion again!" When Xiang Mingjun said these words, a strange longing emanated from his eyes, and he stared at Xiang Jianwei with burning eyes.

Xiang Jianwei finally understood Xiang Mingjun's meaning, and couldn't help but get embarrassed, but still hurried to hit the round field without losing his demeanor and said: "Miss Xiang, you and I have drunk too much today, let's talk about it another day." After saying that, he hurriedly resigned.

Seeing that Xiang Jianwei was not burned by his "passion", Xiang Mingjun felt very disappointed and faceless. But she carefully recalled the phrase "let's talk about it another day", paranoidly believing that he still had feelings for himself, and she believed that Xiang Jianwei would definitely be touched by his tenderness.

The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

Since then, Xiang Mingjun has called Xiang Jianwei many times, and on the phone, she nakedly confessed that "I really love you" and "you are the whole of my life." I'm going to be your woman. Xiang Jianwei was embarrassed, he refused Xiang Mingjun's request to meet and date, and patiently explained that he and his wife respected and loved each other. The feelings are very deep, and he will never do anything to be sorry for his wife and family. They can be friends, but definitely not other relationships.

However, Xiang Mingjun, who believes that Xiang Jianwei is her true love, cannot listen to these persuasions at all, and she stubbornly wants to interpret the "passion" to the end. Xiang Mingjun began to write letters to Xiang Jianwei.

In May 2000, Xiang Jianwei received xiang Mingjun's first fiery "love letter" to him: "... Since we have chosen love, we should carry it out rain or shine, and let the storm of love come more fiercely! The words were full of passion, the flesh was exposed, and even Xiang Jianwei's face was too ashamed to look down.

I did not see Xiang Jianwei's reply, and in August 2000, Xiang Mingjun did not die to deliver love words to Xiang Jianwei through a short message on his mobile phone.

"Honey, sometimes as long as you have a good wish, a longing, even in the cold sunshine can still perform pride, not to mention tonight the stars are shining." 」

"Jianwei, let's not do anything, everyone can see that what you want is true feelings, why cover it up?" Believe it, here I am, the harbor of your feelings! ”......

In the face of Xiang Mingjun's desperate and crazy show of love, Xiang Jianwei was in trouble. This mature man who has been wandering in society for many years is still the first time to encounter such a thing, and he also wants to solve it through the relevant departments, but he also cares about his identity and face, and he is not willing to hurt Xiang Mingjun. In desperation, Xiang Jianwei chose to dodge, he refused to answer Xiang Mingjun's phone, hoping that time could cool her passion, he wanted to make the other party retreat, but Xiang Jianwei thought wrong.

All kinds of entanglements, crazy harassment intensified

Xiang Jianwei refused to meet or answer the phone, how could Xiang Mingjun give up? She decided to go to Xiang Jianwei's company, she wanted to let everyone around Xiang Jianwei know that they were boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, and use the fait accompli to coerce Xiang Jianwei into submission.

At the end of October 2000, Xiang Mingjun came to Xiang Jianwei's company and said to Zhai Hongyan, the company's receptionist: "I am Xiang Jianwei's girlfriend, and I want to talk to him." Zhai Hongyan was a little confused: "We have seen Manager Xiang's lover, the children are in junior high school, where is the girlfriend?" Unexpectedly, Xiang Mingjun was unashamed to explain that she was Xiang Jianwei's new girlfriend.

Xiang Jianwei, who was on a business trip abroad, was shocked to hear this, and when she questioned Xiang Mingjun, she smiled triumphantly and said, "Do you know how strong I am?" What to do you should know! Xiang Jianwei, who was extremely cultivated, reprimanded her for the first time and told her not to dream.

However, Xiang Mingjun still did not forgive. Since November 2000, she has begun to frantically call Xiang Jianwei's company, chatting with whoever answers the phone, and tirelessly telling her about her fictitious affair with Xiang Jianweizi. Sometimes Xiang Mingjun could make twenty or thirty phone calls in one morning.

A stone stirs up a thousand layers of waves. The company's employees began to talk about Xiang Jianwei. Some employees who have prejudices against Xiang Jianwei have interpreted his relationship with Xiang Mingjun into various versions of the wind and shadows.

In addition to calling and sending messages to Xiang Jianwei for a long time, Xiang Mingjun often sent hot love letters to his company. The love letters that Xiang Mingjun wrote to Xiang Jianwei before and after were one foot thick, with a total of nearly 100 letters.

During the day, Xiang Mingjun refused to let go of Xiang Jianwei at night. Because Xiang Jianwei turned off his mobile phone as soon as he returned home, but when he turned on the phone the next morning, he would always see more than a dozen affectionate mobile phone short messages sent by Xiang Mingjun.

What made Xiang Jianwei even more bitter was that Xiang Mingjun's harassment also seriously affected his career. Xiang Mingjun's harassing phone calls often interrupted Xiang Jianwei's conversations with customers. At most, Xiang Jianwei could receive 17 calls from Xiang Mingjun a day, and even when he went to Australia on a business trip, Xiang Mingjun also repeatedly pestered him by phone, making Xiang Jianwei miserable.

The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

More than a year has passed, and Xiang Mingjun's harassment of Xiang Jianwei has not only not subsided, but has intensified. Xiang Jianwei felt that this would not work, and on September 3, 2001, he took the initiative to ask Xiang Mingjun to meet at the café of the International Trade Building to solve this problem once and for all.

Xiang Jianwei first earnestly begged Xiang Mingjun not to harass him anymore, and then he hinted at "finding a place to solve it." I don't know whether it was Xiang Jianwei's bitter plea that impressed Xiang Mingjun, or whether the deterrence played a role, Xiang Mingjun finally said: "Since we have no chance like this, let's go and disperse!" ”

In order to prove his sincerity, Xiang Mingjun also wrote a letter of guarantee to Xiang Jianwei: "If the normal work and life of the other party is affected by sending messages and making phone calls, I am responsible for everything that happens." Since September 4, 2001, I have forgotten all the contact information and office locations of Mr. Xiang Jianwei, only when I have never known him. ”

Xiang Jianwei, who received this letter of guarantee, thought that he had received a "talisman", and he gratefully instructed Xiang Mingjun to treat his family kindly, be a good wife and mother, and return to her a large number of love letters written by Xiang Mingjun to her.

When coming out of the café and entering the elevator, Xiang Jianwei politely blocked the opening and closing door with his hand to protect Xiang Mingjun in and out, but unexpectedly, this detail made Xiang Mingjun remember it.

On September 19, 2001, Xiang Mingjun called Xiang Jianwei again, and she said bluntly: "Jianwei, I still can't forget you." Can't forget the words of concern you said to me, can't forget the gentle care you gave me when you got on the elevator, for you, I can give up anything, I am willing to be your underground girlfriend. More violent harassment began, and Xiang Mingjun did not know where to call Xiang Jianwei's home, and there was no more peaceful day from this home.

One day during the Spring Festival in 2002, when Xiang Jianwei and his wife and their parents were eating in a lively and lively manner, the telephone in the living room rang again. Answering, it was actually a call made by Xiang Mingjun. "Honey, don't come to greet me during the Spring Festival, I miss you so much..."

The original cheerful festive atmosphere was completely broken, and his wife Yu Fengjuan and Xiang Jianwei quarreled. Xiang Jianwei told Yu Fengjuan the truth without reservation, and she learned that Xiang Mingjun had written many love letters to her husband, made many phone calls, and sent countless short messages. Although Xiang Jianwei explained very clearly, Yu Fengjuan's heart still fell into a shadow.

One day in July 2002, Xiang Jianwei had just returned from a business trip in Jinan, and Yu Fengjuan, who was cleaning up her housework at home, received a call from Xiang Mingjun. "You are Xiang Jianwei's wife, I am Xiang Jianwei's girlfriend, I have lived with him in Jinan for a long time, and Xiang Jianwei and I are a pair made in heaven and earth." You are now old and yellow, and if you still have self-knowledge, you should hurry up and give way. ”

After listening to Xiang Mingjun's words, Yu Fengjuan suddenly had a sense of heaven spinning. That night, as soon as Xiang Jianwei entered the house, she asked him in tears. No matter how Xiang Jianwei explained it, Xiang Mingjun's words with a nose and eyes always echoed in his ears. Yu Fengjuan quarreled with Xiang Jianwei many times, and Yu Fengjuan, who was originally cheerful, also became taciturn and impatient.

The man has been harassed by married women for a long time, and he is bitter and angry, and he goes to court in anger to discuss the case

After his son, who was in the third grade of junior high school, witnessed all this, he often asked Yu Fengjuan what was going on, and he said, "Why does that aunt always call her father?" Is Dad having an affair? The reasonable Yu Fengjuan concealed the truth. But since then, the son has become silent and quiet, and it is also a little strange to see his father's demeanor, which makes Xiang Jianwei even more distressed.

Xiang Mingjun's endless entanglement made Xiang Jianwei nervous all day long, and his heart beat faster as soon as he heard the phone ringing. The discord of the family, the harsh criticism of the parents on both sides and the discussion of colleagues and friends have damaged Xiang Jianwei's reputation, and he has been mentally weak all day, and his business has also been greatly affected.

Grieving, he angrily went to court to fight the young woman for harassment

In March 2003, when Xiang Jianwei received another harassing call from Xiang Mingjun, he could no longer bear it anymore and decided to use legal weapons to prevent Xiang Mingjun's harassment, and Yu Fengjuan, who had suffered from harassment, also expressed support for him to solve it through legal channels. Xiang Jianwei asked the company's legal counsel, Liu Hongde, to represent him in the lawsuit.

Before submitting the complaint to the court, Xiang Jianwei entrusted Liu Hongde with a glimmer of hope to have a conversation with Xiang Mingjun. He said that if Xiang Mingjun could stop all forms of harassment against him, he could temporarily not prosecute her.

When Xiang Mingjun talked to Liu Hongde, she admitted that she had called Xiang Jianwei himself, his home and his work many times, written many letters to Xiang Jianwei, and sent many short messages on his mobile phone. But she said excitedly: "I really love him, he loves me, there is no way I can not contact him!" Liu Hongde recorded the conversation with her.

On May 19, 2003, Xiang Jianwei filed a lawsuit with the Beijing Changping District Court, requesting the court to order the defendant Xiang Mingjun to stop the infringement, apologize, and compensate 20,000 yuan for mental damage.

Unexpectedly, on June 13, 2003, after receiving the court summons, Xiang Mingjun sent a short message to Xiang Jianwei: Jianwei, you are on Liu Hongde's pawn! He took a fancy to me, but I wouldn't promise to make friends with him. He was ashamed and angry, he was revenge for an arrow, deliberately provoking our relationship before you sued me, you paid the tuition, right? Ha ha. Until this time, Xiang Mingjun still thought that Xiang Jianwei did not dare to sue her.

At 10 a.m. on 18 June, the court heard the case. Xiang Mingjun flatly denied the facts, reasons and litigation claims brought by Xiang Jianwei, and retorted that Xiang Jianwei fabricated facts and fabricated evidence, thus harming her right to reputation.

Xiang Jianwei showed the court some of the mobile phone text messages that Xiang Mingjun sent him after writing the letter of guarantee on September 3, 2001, and the conversation information recorded by Liu Hongde. Zhai Hongyan and another employee of Xiang Jianwei also testified in court, proving that Xiang Mingjun had repeatedly come to the company to find Xiang Jianwei, called Xiang Jianwei, and spread the fact that she and Xiang Jianwei were boyfriend and girlfriend. In this regard, Xiang Mingjun did not recognize it, but did not put forward any evidence to refute it.

On 19 August 2003, the Court rendered its judgement on the case. The court held that the legal rights of citizens are protected by law. Defendant Xiang Mingjun's conduct infringed upon the normal work and life of plaintiff Xiang Jianwei and should bear corresponding civil liability. The court ordered the defendant Xiang Mingjun to immediately stop the infringement on Xiang Jianwei, apologize, and compensate 2,000 yuan for mental damage.

After receiving the court's judgment, Xiang Jianwei was satisfied with the verdict, and Xiang Mingjun did not appeal.

It is reported that her relationship with her husband Deng Yinda was on the verge of rupture, and the company's operating conditions were not as good as before. Xiang Mingjun also expressed remorse for her once irrational behavior, saying that she was ready to do something meaningful with a positive attitude in the future.

A crazy "harassment" that lasted for 3 years finally subsided under the intervention of the law. Xiang Jianwei's life has returned to its former calm, but whenever the phone rings, he still has a lingering panic to check the electricity display...

I would like to tell you that "harassment" is not divided between men and women, because this case has the characteristics of multiple batches, long time and continuity, so it is a very typical case of "harassment". The defence should be punished by law and the court decision was correct.

Society should confront the phenomenon of harassment. There is no need for the parties concerned to be apprehensive about harassment. The plaintiff was harassed for 3 years before deciding to use legal weapons to protect himself, and the price paid was too high.