
Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

Text 丨Li Siyuan

Anchor 丨Qing Yao


Only action will make you better

Perhaps many people have had such hesitation and confusion. They worry that working hard won't bring about the change they want.

For example, even if you read a book, you don't necessarily become smarter. Even if you exercise, you may not be able to lose weight. Even if you learn English, you may not be able to pass the eighth level.

So they'd rather give up than try.

Anything that makes you better, you can't just think about it. You have to sweat and work hard to really know that any effort it makes will not deceive people.

Maybe you won't become wise just by reading a book once, but you will definitely get a new knowledge. You also don't lose weight just by running one step, but your body gets an exercise, and you don't learn English by memorizing a word once, but you must have added a few words.

Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

Only in action can we find the value and meaning of our efforts. How much you get depends on how hard you put in.

When you put in even a small effort, there will be small progress and gains.


It's not too late to start

Many people always worry that it will be too late to work hard. Perhaps, there will be a difference between success and early, but there is no sooner or later difference between efforts.

Someone else has been reading a book for ten years, and it doesn't stop you from starting reading on your first day. Someone else's consistent workout for a year doesn't stop you from starting your workout on your first day today. Someone else learning English from the age of three won't stop you from memorizing words until you're thirty.

In many moments, we always like to compare ourselves with others. In fact, the effort is your own business. As long as there is progress over the past self, it is a good thing.

Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

There is a saying that goes, "The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, followed by now." "There is no need to have too much psychological burden, there is no need to do blind comparison, as long as you start to work hard to improve yourself from this moment, it is never too late."

In a sense, the biggest regret in this world is not that you missed the best opportunity to work hard, but when you realized that you had to work hard, you found various reasons and excuses to refuse to become a better version of yourself.


Just stick to it and there will be a miracle

Perhaps, you have tried hard, but you have not gotten the desired harvest. If you want, a little more patience, a little more waiting, a little more persistence, there will be good miracles and turnarounds.

You read a book once, exercise once, memorize words once, life may not change much, but if you stick to it for a year, five years, or ten years, then there will be a world of difference.

But most of the time, we find a well, just impetuously dig down a few times, and when we can't see the water we want, we immediately stop trying.

Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

But as long as you are willing to persevere, suffer hardships, endure tiredness, endure loneliness, and work hard again and again, day after day, year after year, you will eventually get closer and closer to success.

In fact, there is no such thing as a shortcut in this world. You have to work 100 percent to get 100 percent success. If you just give up halfway, the result will be halfway through.

Those who seem to be better than you are sometimes not more fortunate than you, but they spend more time than you, work harder than you, and even overcome more difficulties and pressures than you.


Only fight for the day and night to live up to yourself

In life, many people have a hard time quitting procrastination and laziness. They set themselves goals and start working hard from tomorrow, but they always push the time to tomorrow, so countless tomorrows have passed, and they have not yet begun to act.

A man's time is his life. When you are slow to try, you are actually pushing your better self farther and farther.

Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

If you start reading today, you'll be a little wiser today. If you start exercising today, you'll be a little healthier today. You start learning English today, and today you'll say you'll learn more quickly.

Maybe you push a day, a month, or even a year, there will be opportunities to work hard, but every day you push off is a huge waste and consumption.

Sometimes, the most feared thing is not that you don't work hard, but that at the age when you should be working hard, you choose to be comfortable, and in the end you can only lose the opportunity and possibility when you want to work hard.

When you work hard every day, in a down-to-earth manner, time will give you the gifts and gifts you want.

Sounds good

Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

Anchor 丨Qingyao

Lovers of literature and recitation, gentle and healing female voices

Everyone's heart, there will be a voice, after a busy day, the lamp book companion, tea smoke, let us calm down, listen to the true emotions and good hearts flowing from the depths of each other's souls.

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Night reading丨 Any effort you make, you will not be disappointed by time

Audio clip 丨 Wang Ye

Edited by 丨 Qiu Man

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