
African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

author:The old days of the building

In Journey to the West, Tang monk meat can make people immortal, so on the way to learn the scriptures, many monsters want to eat Tang monk meat. Of course, novels are novels after all, and it is impossible for anyone to have this ability in reality, but there are some people who have attracted the attention of many people because of their relatively special bodies.

If only the body is special, then they will only attract more people's attention, but if the body has a certain effect, then they will become the prey in the eyes of others. There is such a group of unfortunate people in Africa, because of their own special situation, they have become a realistic version of the "Tang monks", and there have always been many people who are worried about the bodies of these people and try their best to catch them.

Africans are usually dark-skinned, which is already a consensus, but on the African continent, there are still a group of white-skinned people. Of course, there are many immigrants from Europe in Africa, and these Caucasians have settled in many African countries for a long time.

However, they are not the Caucasians that appear in the African homeland, and this group of people is different, they are born white-skinned, white and crazy, and in the black group, they are particularly conspicuous. Ironically, on the african continent of the past, whites hunted black people everywhere. In Africa today, it's all the other way around.

African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

This group of people is born with albinism, which has more causes, and one of the main reasons is intermarriage between close relatives. From birth, they have to endure the torment of illness and cannot live like normal people.

With the development of modern medicine, people have a clear understanding of albinism, and many countries attach great importance to albinism patients. However, on the African continent, albinism patients have become the target of hunting and torture. For the "white people" living here, they not only have to endure the torment of illness every day, but also face dangers that they may encounter at any time.

In 2009, the Kahama Court in Tanzania, Africa, heard a special case against albinism hunters, a 14-year-old albino child who was attacked at his home. These men not only brutally killed him, but also dismembered him and trafficked him.

Committing such a big crime, it is reasonable to say that the murderer should be severely punished, but strangely, at the time of the trial, almost all the people present were speaking for the murderer, and many people supported the court's acquittal. If you look closely, you can find that it is very normal for such a magical thing to happen in Africa, and it is very rare that even the courts can hear such cases in public.

African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

Because in all parts of Africa, there are countless such cases every day, and in Tanzania alone, there are more than 50 vicious cases in the same period. However, people not only selectively ignore such cases, but even most people are on the side of the murderer, the law is useless, and this case has become one of the few cases that has been publicly tried and the murderer has been sentenced to hanging.

But there are many more victims of albinism, who are mutilated and never get help from the law. Why is that? In fact, all this stems from the word "poor".

Africa has long been controlled by European colonists in modern times, although in the national liberation movement, a large number of African countries became independent. But after independence, the continent's development has not only not gotten better, but has become worse.

All along, civil wars, diseases and other factors have made the African continent very bad. The people of Africa often do not have food, let alone money to treat diseases, because of the special environment in Africa, the epidemic is rampant here, and there are often various powerful viruses that threaten people's safety. Local governments are unable to provide better medical care, and large numbers of people fall ill and wait for death.

Against this backdrop, witchcraft culture began to catch on the African continent. Witch doctors are a profession with a long history, as early as primitive societies, voodoo culture began to prevail, people believed that witch doctors, believing that through witchcraft can cure all diseases, and even get immortality.

African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

However, with the development of human culture, this ignorant concept has been abandoned by human beings, and compared with the witch doctor culture, the feudal culture is very advanced. However, the African continent has long been in a closed, backward environment, and the witch doctor culture has a good growth environment here. Modern civilization cannot bring more benefits to people in Africa, which gives witch doctors a good opportunity to develop.

Taking advantage of the weakness of local governments to control the grassroots, these witch doctors quickly infiltrated the African people and had a high prestige among the people. They use many strange methods to cure diseases and save people, and in the eyes of many Africans, these people are divine doctors, and what they say is naturally the truth. So witch doctors began to use people's superstitions to guide people to do something more terrifying. For example, hunting albinism, this is the masterpiece of African witch doctors.

Witch doctors claim that albinism patients are full of treasures, and they often use the organs of albinos when they trade on the black market. They said that albinism patients have a magic power, even if it is a part of their organs, can cure the disease and save people, bringing good luck to people.

Not only did the witch doctors use many potions made from the blood or other organs of albinos patients, but they also went around claiming that all misfortunes in Africa were brought about by albinos. These people are the embodiment of evil, and only by getting rid of them can we make everyone's life better.

Thus, under the guidance of the witch doctors, a massacre of albino patients began. Of course, no matter how stupid Africans are, they will not do such things in vain. But if there is a profit behind it, it is completely different.

Due to the covert operation of witch doctors, albinism patients are extremely valuable in the market. Their limbs can be sold for a lot of money on the black market, and in the black market trade in many places, the bodies of albinos patients are hot products. In addition, the blood of albino patients, even the remains of their dead, can be sold for a high price on the black market.

A large number of people saw that it was profitable, so they joined the hunt for albinism patients, they began to look around, found each other, killed and dismembered each other, and then took it to the market to sell. If they can't sell it, give it to the witch doctors and let them take these things to treat others.

Witch doctors often make a lot of money when they treat diseases, so they can also make a sum of money by pouring it to witch doctors. A large number of Africans regard this as a business, and this kind of effortless, high-yielding business is indeed very attractive. Albinism patients are not welcomed in Africa, and when they are violated, people around them will not help them at all except their families.

The local matching mechanism in Africa makes local governments completely unable to manage this matter, and often some people in local governments will participate in the hunt for albinism and trafficking. Against this backdrop, albino hunters are acting more and more wildly everywhere, after they had only been secretly pursuing.

African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

Later, these people will even break into each other's homes in broad daylight and kill the targets. Even if they are caught by the police, nothing will happen in court. Because of the influence of witch doctors and religions, hostility to albinism patients has become the consensus of African people. Everyone is rejecting these people, and they are actively supporting the murderers who hunt and kill albino patients.

These people have been seized in many places, and under the pressure of the people, they cannot try the matter and convict them. After many of the killers were caught, they were released not long after. Seeing that the law was so weak that the government could not control itself, the albino hunters were even more mad, and they hunted and killed albinism patients all over Africa, creating one bloody case after another.

However, the incompetence of African governments has allowed these demons to remain at large and without any punishment. As this sort of thing keeps happening, something even more terrible comes along. Because of living in this environment for a long time, some parents have different ideas about their children.

Many families with albinism, in order to exchange money or ward off evil spirits, choose to hand over their children with albinism at home. These parents do not even think about the lives of their children, who, due to the influence of great interests, have become tools for making money in their eyes.

In desperation, some African countries have had to start sending special troops to protect these albino patients. In countries like Tanzania, where there are more people with albinism, they often have to send police to protect them 24 hours a day. However, even if special people were sent to protect them, the massacre of albino patients did not stop.

African albinism: the body was clearly marked, slaughtered, and protected by the army 24 hours a day

The hunters will do whatever they can, even if they openly storm the police, who do not care about life at all for the sake of great profit. The corruption and incompetence of the African police give these murderers the opportunity to keep succeeding, many times catching their targets from the safe houses set up by the government. Some African governments have thought about cracking down on such things, such as Tanzania, which has tried such cases for the first time and sentenced the perpetrators to death for the first time.

Only this occasional crackdown can not curb the development of the situation at all, and a large number of murderers are still constantly looking for opportunities to hunt and kill albinism patients. Since then, a large number of people with albinism have died at the hands of these people every year in Africa, and such cases continue to occur, and the government still cannot come up with a reliable plan to stop it.

What is even more tragic is that even such appalling things are no longer a strange thing in Africa. Because on the African continent, there are countless strange things of all kinds, and many things are far more outrageous than such events. It is africa's poverty and backwardness that has contributed to this result.

But in today's situation, Africans themselves still have to bear certain responsibilities, African countries manage the crotch, the government is incompetent, which brings more disasters to the people at the bottom.