
Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

author:Talk about the sweet potatoes of life

When it comes to Mexico, everyone's first impression is Mexican chicken rolls, so what interesting science knowledge does Mexico have? [Smile] [Breeze]

The capital of Mexico: Mexico City. [Breeze]

Mexico's national anthem: Himno Nacional Mexicano. [Breeze]

Mexico's national flower: the cactus. [Breeze]

The national tree of Mexico: the cactus. [Breeze]

Mexico's national bird: the golden eagle, the crested karahawk. [Breeze]

Mexico's national stone: obsidian. [Breeze]

Mexico's geographical location: mexico has a territory of 1964375 square kilometers, bordering the United States to the north, Guatemala and Belize to the south, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the east, and the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California to the west. [Breeze]

Climate in Mexico: Mexico has a complex and varied climate. The plateau region is mild all year round, with an average temperature of 10 to 26 °C; the northwest inland has a continental climate; and the coastal and southeastern plains have a tropical climate. [Breeze]

Mexican food: In terms of food culture, it adheres to the characteristics of Mayan and Aztecs, with strong taste and brilliant colors. It serves corn, peppers, potatoes and cocoa beans as the main food, and then wins the taste buds of diners around the world with seafood dishes and refreshing and delicious dipping sauces. [Breeze]

Mexican customs: the favorite color is white, the least favorite color is purple, and the most hated number is 13. It is forbidden to give away yellow and red flowers. [Breeze]

Mexican cuisine: tequila, Mexican Western food, Taco and tortillas, spicy steak, etc. [Breeze]

Tourist attractions in Mexico: Mayan Monuments, Pyramid of the Moon, Durham, Morelia, Monterrey, Chichen Itza, Plaza de la Constitución, Cancun, Chichen Itza, Mexico City. [Breeze]

Mexican specialties: Dothia bread, Mexican coffee, Mexican corn feast, desert hero flower cactus, tequila, etc. [Breeze]

Pay attention to sweet potatoes, pay attention to me, you and I interact,***

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Flag

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Mexico City

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Cactus

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Golden Eagle

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Obsidian

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Mexican Western Restaurant

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - tacos

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Spicy Beef Steak

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Mayan monuments

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Pyramid of the Moon

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Chichen Itza Ancient City

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Morelia

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Monterrey

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - Plaza de la Constitución

Sweet potato tour: Mexico, tourism color, country tour, popular science cultural knowledge

Mexico - tequila

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