
Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

author:Good luck with the blossoms

Brazilwood is an evergreen tree of the lily family, the genus Dragon's Blood Tree, also known as Brazilian Iron Tree, Fragrant Millennium Wood, Happiness Wood, and Millennia Wood. The leaves of Brazilwood are curved and bowed, bright green and shiny, and the flowers are small and insignificant, fragrant. It is a famous new generation of indoor foliage plants.

Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

Another name for Brazilwood

Brazilwood is an evergreen tree of the lily family, the genus Dragon's Blood Tree, also known as Brazilian Iron Tree, Fragrant Millennium Wood, Happiness Wood, and Millennia Wood. The leaves of Brazilwood are curved and bowed, bright green and shiny, and the flowers are small and insignificant, fragrant. It is a famous new generation of indoor foliage plants.

Commonly cultivated plants of the same genus are: Deli Dragon Blood Tree, Rich Bamboo, Silver Star Dragon Blood Tree and Dragon Blood Tree.

Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

Morphological characteristics of Brazilian wood

Brazilwood is an evergreen tree with a height of 6 meters.

The stem is thick and multi-branched. The bark is greyish brown or light brown, and the bark is peeled off. The leaves are broad and robust. It is about 1.2 meters long, with a flattened upper and lower ends, apical leaves and broken grafted dragon's blood trees, leaf clusters grow at the top of the stem, 40 to 90 cm long, 6 to 10 cm wide, the tip is slightly blunt, curved into a bow, with bright yellow or milky white stripes.

The leaf margins are bright green and wavy, shiny, small, yellow-green, and fragrant. The lower root is radial. Generally, the stem spacing is 100:70:50 cm in the ratio of long, medium and short, and it is combined in a pot, so that the leaves appear to be more plump.

Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

Origin and value of Brazilian wood

Brazilwood is native to Guinea, Ethiopia and tropical Southeast Africa. It is also found in Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan, thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Americas.

Brazilwood is a popular indoor large potted flower, especially in the wider living room, study, living room placed, elegant, rustic, and with a southern atmosphere. It is a beautiful, regular, world-famous new generation of indoor foliage plants.

Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

A complete list of varieties of Brazilian wood

Common varieties are:

1. Linderii with pale yellow leaves

2. Massangeana, with yellow longitudinal stripes in the center of the leaf surface

3. Phnom Penh Dragon Blood Tree (Victoriae), dark yellow leaf margin with white edges

4. The same ornamental species is the tricolor dragon blood tree (D. concinnacv. Tricolor), the leaves are green with yellowish-white and red longitudinal stripes

5. Rainbow Dragon's Blood Tree (D. concinnacv. Rainbow), the leaf midrib is pale yellow, the edges are dark red, and the midrib and edges are pale brown

6. Milodontosaurus Blood Tree (D. deremensis), of which the cultivar Bausei has dark green leaves with a broad band of milky white in the center

7. Janet Craig, leaf golden yellow

8. Roehrsii, greenish-white foliage with golden yellow stripes

9. Golden Roehrs Gold, beige leaf margin, central gray-green

10. Warneckei, longsword-shaped leaf, twisted apex, dark green edge, pale green midrib, with white markings.

11. Star point wood (D. godseffiana), the leaves are dark green with yellow and milky white spots. Its cultivar, Florida Beauty, has densely creamy yellow spots on the foliage and a deep green leaf with white bands in the center and milky white spots on the edges. Queen Dragon Blood Tree (D. goldieana), the leaves are ovate, with transverse light green and off-white bands.

12. Celes, a cultivar of D. sanderiana, has leaves 1 to 2 cm wide, dark green, and white edges

13. Margaret Berkory with a white band on the leaf margin

14. Phnom Penh Virescens, with yellow bands on the leaf margins

15. Boringuesis, dark green foliage with yellow-green pinstripes.

Flower Encyclopedia - Brazilian wood

Life Habits of Brazilian Wood (How to Raise)

Brazilwood prefers a hot and humid climate.

It is very adaptable to light, and can grow in a little shade or sunlight, but it should be exposed to more sunlight in spring, autumn and winter, and it should be shaded or placed in a well-ventilated place indoors in summer.

Brazilwood is very vigorous, requires only sunlight, air and very little water, and can live well with its own potential energy.

Brazilwood is drought-tolerant and not waterlogging-tolerant.

Adequate watering during the growing season.

Brazilwood is afraid of cold and cold, and should be placed indoors in a sunny place in winter, and the temperature should be maintained at 5 ° C -10 ° C.

Brazilwood is often used as a home or office indoor ornamental plant, and it is placed next to the sofa in a very grand style.

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