
Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

The lungs are an important organ of human respiratory circulation, but also an important place to help the body inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, the normal function of the lungs can help the body's various tissues and organs, as well as metabolic hormones to discharge harmful to the body's toxin garbage, maintain normal physiological circulation and gas exchange. #爱乐养生指南 #

With the increase in the number of private cars and chemical factories in recent years, plus the continuous growth of the number of smokers, the mainland, air pollution problems are becoming more and more serious, long-term inhalation of toxic dust particles, serious damage to lung health, will also cause serious damage to lung tissue, if not timely treatment to adjust, will also induce primary lung cancer, endangering national health.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Nasal pain center and the normal operation of the body temperature regulation center, the need for the lungs to regulate, when the lung lesions, in addition to affecting their own regulatory function, the lungs will also send a lot of distress signals to the body, once it occurs must be timely medical treatment, do not delay the best cure time for personal reasons.


Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

【Prolonged cough】

After the occurrence of many diseases, there will be cough and sputum, from the perspective of normal physiology, the human respiratory system and pharynx health is proportional to whether it is healthy, the respiratory system is healthy, and the throat area will be more unobstructed.

Long-term inhalation of toxic gases, or long-term stay in a more polluted environment to work will damage lung health, but also indirectly affect the normal function of the throat, many people will cough and cough sputum, mistakenly think that the common cold fever or body cold caused by abnormal symptoms, failed to confuse it with lung disease, thus delaying the best treatment time for the disease.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

When lung lesions, there will also be long-term cough and sputum problems, if it can be cured in the first time, or can reduce the chance of lung lesions, reduce the damage of lung disease to the body.

【Sore throat】

Sore throat is also a typical clinical manifestation after lung lesions, the lungs long-term acceptance of nicotine in cigarettes and dust particles released by chemical factories, will bring a great pathological threat to the lungs, induce sore throat and dry throat body fever.

If not treated in time, such clinical symptoms will further deteriorate, resulting in more serious pathological reactions in the body's respiratory tract and bronchi, seriously damaging respiratory health and increasing the chance of pneumonia in the future.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Lung doctors once again appeal to everyone that once the body has any abnormal discomfort, it is most important to seek medical examination in time, and do not dare to treat it because of pain.


What other changes occur in the body after lung lesions?

1. Body fever

In the process of decreasing lung function, the body will issue a warning, and many people will have abnormal body fever and body temperature, which is also caused by lung diseases.

Lung lesions threaten the health of the process may make the local inflammation, inflammation of the stimulation of body temperature will be abnormal, there is a phenomenon of inflammatory fever, if the occurrence of malignant tumors of the lungs, the development of advanced cancer tissue infection, reabsorbed by the human body, there will be cancerous fever.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

The body temperature is abnormal, always feverish, and when the cause is unknown, it should be examined in the hospital as soon as possible to determine whether there is a disease in the lungs.

2. Chest pain

Decreased lung function can lead to significant physical symptoms, perhaps caused by lung disease in those who often feel pain in the chest.

Inflammation caused by local lesions during the development of lung lesions can produce inflammation, and it is easy to be painful in the process of stimulating the body

3. Sputum secretion is large

Sputum secretion increases, always cough up sputum, need to be vigilant against lung lesions, in the development of lung diseases in the process of local inflammation, there may be some secretions, secretions increase, patients need to constantly cough sputum.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Increased sputum, yellowish color and accompanied by swelling and pain in the throat, the above manifestations indicate that your lungs have developed lesions, you need to go to the hospital in time for lung CT examination, so as not to delay the best treatment time for the disease.

4. Hoarseness

Hoarseness is a signal that more serious lung diseases will send, especially those who have malignant tumors in the lungs, local tumors continue to grow, the process of increasing volume will cause compression of the surrounding nerves, many patients because of the compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerves appear vocal cord paralysis, hoarseness will be particularly obvious.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Inexplicable hoarseness can not be taken lightly, should be through timely examination to determine whether there is a disease in the lungs, in order to take reasonable improvement measures for the problems in the lungs.


Under the influence of the new crown virus, how should lung disease patients reduce their risk of self-disease?

(1) Take the medicine according to the doctor's instructions

People with lung diseases, in the arrival of the new crown virus, must take drugs on time according to the guidance of doctors, the disease condition has been effectively stabilized during the medication, and it is still not possible to blindly increase or decrease the amount of drugs, so as not to affect health and reduce lung metabolic function.

During the medication, it is necessary to closely monitor the changes in the condition, and once an allergic reaction to the drug occurs, it is necessary to seek medical treatment immediately.

(2) Active vaccination

The spread of the new crown virus has brought endless pain and suffering to the people of the world, and in order to better resist the spread of the new crown virus, active vaccination is crucial.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Whether you are a lung disease patient or a healthy person, you should actively carry out the vaccination of the new crown vaccine with the support and encouragement of the national government and leadership, strengthen the body's ability to resist the new crown virus, and prevent the tradition of new crown disease.

(3) Do a good job of personal protection

The spread of the new coronavirus can be carried out through multiple ways, if you want to prevent the new coronavirus, you must do a good job of personal protection, wear a mask in time before going out, and if allowed, you can wear a medical mask to disinfect and sterilize the living environment every day, do a good job of personal protection, reduce the frequency of outing activities, and go to places with fewer people to join in the fun.

(4) Drink plenty of water

Water is the source of life, everything in the world is inseparable from the moisture of water, about 70% of the substances in the human body are composed of water, drinking water can improve the body's metabolic capacity, accelerate the elimination of toxic garbage, maintain good health.

Lung problems, throat prophet, don't think of it as pharyngitis anymore, Doctor: 2 signals in particular

Water is the best antidote, patients with lung disease want to improve personal constitution and immunity, resist the spread of the new crown virus, at least 1500 to 2000 ml of water intake per day, conditions allow you can also drink a little, help improve the difference in immunity, enhance personal physique.