
The Yongchun County Archives Bureau went to the County Natural Resources Bureau to supervise the archival work

author:Information News
The Yongchun County Archives Bureau went to the County Natural Resources Bureau to supervise the archival work

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on archival work and strengthen the safe storage of archives in Yongchun County, on October 18, Chen Yongsheng, deputy director of the County Archives Bureau, led a team to the Yongchun County Natural Resources Bureau to supervise the archival work. The supervision team inspected the construction of facilities and equipment in the archives warehouse, learned more about the collection, collation, storage and digitization of archives, and randomly checked the data entry and part of the archives in the file query system. The supervision group fully affirmed the archive management work of the Natural Resources Bureau and put forward opinions and suggestions on strengthening the digitization of archives. In the next step, the archives office of the county natural resources bureau will complete the 2021 annual file registration and file data transfer into the library on schedule in strict accordance with the requirements of the county archives bureau, and at the same time, further strengthen the standardization, standardization and scientific construction of the archives work, and continuously improve the level of file management and utilization services. (Yongchun County Natural Resources Bureau Li Yawen) (Source: Yongchun County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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Release date:2021-10-25 16:15:54 Category: News


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