
Night reading | 6 signs of a person getting healthier, how many do you have?

author:Search in China

Author: Du Lanjun

Source: Dulan (ID: dulantea)

It is said that human health is like climbing a hill, climbing to the top in a few decades, and then it is time to go downhill.

But sometimes there are exceptions, some people in life are less than 30 years old, full of diseases, and some people are 50 years old, still strong and healthy, do not see old age.

It's not just diseases that make these differences.

If you look closely, you will find that those who are still young in middle age often have 6 characteristics.

Trait 1: Calm, not irritable

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic says: "Hundred diseases are born of qi. ”

No one likes to be sick, but there are always people who love to be angry, and anger gives them a chance to be sick.

After getting angry, the liver is depressed, the qi is depressed, the fire is disturbed, and insomnia can occur if the yang does not enter the yin.

Moreover, anger will also transmit stimulation signals to the nerves, causing people to have symptoms such as dreams, light sleep, palpitations, and difficulty falling asleep, which will affect physical health.

Keeping a peaceful mood and not getting angry easily is the most basic way for a person to maintain health, if you can't control your emotions, it is difficult to have a good body.

You know, the body is your own, and no matter how unhappy you are, don't live with yourself.

Night reading | 6 signs of a person getting healthier, how many do you have?

Trait two: the regularity of life and rest

Fast-paced society breaks the rules of life, more and more people can't get up during the day, don't sleep at night, drink when they should sleep, and doze off when they should wake up.

Even three meals a day, have become perfunctory, more crisp even breakfast is omitted, do not know what kind of harm to the body will bring without eating breakfast.

The Journal of the American College of Cardiology has shown that:

Skipping breakfast will greatly increase the risk of early death due to cardiovascular diseases, especially stroke.

It can be seen that as small as not eating breakfast, it will also bring health crises to the body in the long run.

In fact, people's primary task is health, and only a healthy body is the best capital for making money and living.

The laws of nature, working at sunrise, resting at sunset, sheltering from the heat when it is hot, adding clothes when it is cool in autumn, eating when hungry, stopping when it is full, all life follows the instinctive needs of the body and the laws of nature.

Only by following the laws of nature and living in accordance with the changes of the four seasons and eight seasons can we give people a healthy body.

Trait three: simple, not to climb fame and fortune

Nan Huaijin said:

"Three thousand years of reading history, but no other merit, fame and fortune; ninety thousand miles of enlightenment, and finally return to poetry and wine pastoral."

Simplicity is the premise of a person's feeling of life, and fame and fortune will only make people far from reality.

People who live happily are by no means people who pursue fame and profit to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat, and alienating their families.

On the contrary, although they have different wealth, they all have the same quality, that is, simplicity.

Simplicity does not need much fame and fortune to strengthen, what is needed is an attitude of serious life.

Only by looking at the life in front of you and living a down-to-earth life can you feel the beauty of the years, and the happiness generated by the beauty can also play a great role in people's mental health.

Night reading | 6 signs of a person getting healthier, how many do you have?

Trait Four: Have at least one positive pleasure

Zhang Dai said:

"Man has no fetish, does not have intercourse, and is also affectionate with his lack of affection."

After decades, people who have no habits at all often lack love for life and do not experience happiness, and people with bad habits are a disaster for their families.

Only positive proclivities and pleasures are the manifestations of a person's love of life.

Drinking tea, reading, traveling, sports, and even making weeds, singing and fishing, can also reflect a person's love of life.

Loving life is a person's most positive performance.

As Liang Qichao said:

"Mere mortals must always live in fun, and life will be valuable."

Life is valuable, the mentality changes accordingly, no matter what age, you can live with a smile.

Trait Five: Family Harmony

The quality of the family atmosphere will affect a person's mood and will to struggle.

We can clearly see that happy families get along harmoniously, always with joy and laughter; unfortunate families can always make trouble because of all kinds of trivial things, and they can't be at peace.

As the first trait says, "All diseases are born of qi."

In a discordant family, the longer you live, the more bitter it will be, and when you are depressed for a long time, even the healthyest person will get sick.

Therefore, when people reach middle age, family harmony is very important.

Harmonious families are like sweet springs in the desert, when people are tired and tired, they get a moment of relaxation and feel the most tranquil tenderness.

Whether there is money or not, family harmony is the greatest wealth of a family, and it is also an indispensable factor for a person's physical and mental health.

Trait Six: There are three or five confidants

Confidants and friends, seemingly have nothing to do with health, but in fact, they are not.

Life began to idle, and in the face of long years, sometimes I was at a loss.

If you have friends around you to chat, you don't need more, three or five friends are enough. Playing chess, chatting, and talking about the past when you are bored is also a kind of comfort to each other.

Even if there are lovers, children, and even parents and elders who are still alive, the position of friends is still irreplaceable.

Some words can only be said to friends; some bitter, can only be confided in confidants. Just say it, after all, you still have to live.

When people reach middle age, everyone needs to talk about it, and three or five confidants are the best choice.

Night reading | 6 signs of a person getting healthier, how many do you have?

Thirty and standing, forty not confused, fifty knowing the Destiny.

Only to understand that in fact, the most precious wealth in this life is not fame and fortune, but health.

The second half of life is not about matter, but who is more stable and longer.

If you're still young, hopefully you'll work on these 6 traits.

Try to achieve multiple of these qualities, as this is about the quality of life for the rest of your life.

[Author: Dulan jun, this article was first published in the public account Dulan (ID: dulantea). Use the beautiful text, be the ferryman of your heart. 】

Editor: He Yan

Proofreader: Wang Yan

Producer: Qiu Bo

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