
Song diva Wei Wei: How much do you know about the reasons for the failure of marriage?

In 1993, Wei Wei, a diva of the music scene, entered the marriage hall with her beloved boyfriend Michael Smith. After marriage, Wei Wei was not only spoiled like a little girl by Michael Smith, Wei Wei also gave birth to 3 boys in the sweetest moment between the two.

Michael Smith is a Native of Switzerland and a well-known Swiss musician. However, this man who is extremely romantic and deeply in love with Wei Wei wants to kill Wei Wei several times after the two have experienced the failure of their marriage.

Such a terrible marriage experience, anyone who hears about it will be particularly sad and angry. However, Wei Wei, who was in it, was far from being sad and angry, because Michael Smith's various methods had already seriously threatened Wei Wei's life and safety.

After the divorce, Wei Wei and Michael Smith became enemies of each other, because Michael Smith wanted to get more money from Wei Wei's hands, so Michael Smith tested all the assassination methods he could think of on Wei Wei.

Once, Wei Wei needed to drive out because of work matters, but the bodyguard who escorted Wei Wei was not there, so in order not to delay the work time, Wei Wei had to drive to the destination by himself.

However, when the car was driving on the ring road, Wei Wei wanted to slow down the speed of the car, but found that the brakes had long been unusable. Fortunately, in the end, there was no danger, and Wei Wei drove the car safely to the repair shop.

Later, Wei Wei, under the protection of bodyguards, dialed the phone of her former husband Michael Smith. On the phone, Wei Wei sternly asked Michael whether smith's brake failure was caused by him.

Michael Smith said provocatively, since you tell this secret at once, it seems that you will have to be more careful in your future life, because there is no guarantee that you will be so lucky next time.

In desperation, Wei Wei could only turn to many forces to complete her and Michael Smith's divorce procedures as soon as possible. At the same time, Wei Wei also led his 3 children back to China safely with the help of many friends.

After Wei Wei returned to China, he began to continue his singing career, but this failed marriage experience made Wei Wei no longer have the courage to continue to love people.

Fortunately, Wei Wei is pleased that her 3 children have worked very hard, and even the children's academic performance is very good. As time passed, Wei Wei gradually came out of that failed marriage.

Wei Wei, who has regained his former energy, began to attend the interview program, and when the host asked Wei Wei the reason for the failure of his last marriage, Wei Wei looked sad in front of the camera and said her tragic experience at the hands of Michael Smith.

Words of blood and grief made every audience member of the scene extremely sad.

Because we really can't imagine that in the process of Wei Wei's completion of childbirth and recuperation, the mad Michael Smith actually disregarded Wei Wei's health and forced her to eat all kinds of cold food in order to let Wei Wei give birth to a girl. Even Wei Wei would suffer all kinds of insulting beatings as long as he did not have the will of Michael Smith.

Through this interview, we learned that the reason why Wei Wei chose Michael Smith to marry was because she wanted a family of her own too much, so she did not listen to her father's advice and chose to go to Switzerland with Michael Smith, who was much older than her, to settle in Switzerland.

Fortunately, Wei Wei was able to stop the loss in time and take the initiative to end this terrible marriage. At the end of the article, I hope that every married friend can cherish and love the other half of life until the end of the year.

Song diva Wei Wei: How much do you know about the reasons for the failure of marriage?
Song diva Wei Wei: How much do you know about the reasons for the failure of marriage?
Song diva Wei Wei: How much do you know about the reasons for the failure of marriage?
Song diva Wei Wei: How much do you know about the reasons for the failure of marriage?

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