
Introduction to the Deep Space Eye Specialization Acquisition Method

What is the Eye of Deep Space? How do I get specialized weapons? Specialized weapons can bring strength improvement to the characters, but there are still many players who do not understand the special weapons, today let the small editor to introduce the special weapons to you, understand the details of the special weapons and the skills obtained, detailed players can view the following strategies Oh.

Introduction to the Deep Space Eye Specialization Acquisition Method

Introduction to the Deep Space Eye Specialization Acquisition Method

Specialized martial arts is actually the key slave, that is, the exclusive key slave corresponding to the role.

In the Deep Space Eye mobile game, each character has a cultivation system with a key, which is equivalent to a weapon.

The power system also contains key slaves, which are all the cards equipped to the character.

Different keys have different effects, and the five elements have two kinds of key slaves, one is the universal key slave, and the other is the special weapon.

Specialized martial arts are sleeping children obtained from the probe, and by calling names, you can arbitrarily choose the exclusive key you want.

Introduction to the Deep Space Eye Specialization Acquisition Method

The skills provided by these special weapons are very useful for specific character equipment, and can often greatly increase damage or change the effective mechanism of the skill, so it is very worth using together.

When obtaining specialized weapons, we must pay attention to the exclusive characters corresponding to each special weapon, which is limited to the maximum effect when a certain character is equipped, unlike the general key that can be mixed and matched.

The improvement of the character is still obvious, so when the player has a useful S character, it is recommended to go to the key to extract the sleeping child from the probe and call the name to get the character's special weapon.

Introduction to the Deep Space Eye Specialization Acquisition Method

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