
If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease


In our banquet, there is a finale dish "plum button meat", using pork belly, fried until colored, and then changed to a knife cut into slices of meat, and then seasoned with green onion ginger cooking wine, steamed on the pot, plum vegetables absorbed the fat broth, became full, the finished meat on the table rotten flavor, delicious and delicious, salty slightly sweet, not greasy at all, well received by diners.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

Plum vegetables are guangdong Hakka specialties, after pickling and dehydration processing, with the development of the network in recent years, more and more families, also began to use plum vegetables steamed meat, with pork belly together, fragrant, sweet and refreshing, instantly dissolved the grease, it absorbed the oil and soup of pork belly, the taste became rich, the appearance also became full.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

And pork belly absorbs the clear flavor of plum vegetables, plum vegetables and pork belly, the two have achieved the effect of mutual cooperation, nutrition is also on the next level, meet meat lovers with large meals, a performance to dry a whole plate, really not exaggerated.

A few days ago, "buckle meat", rushed to the hot search, the reason is still because the quality of food is not good, let others drill loopholes, everyone wants to eat buckle meat, there is no need to go outside to buy, real materials, it is better to do it at home, a learning will be.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease
If you want to eat buckle meat, you don't have to buy it, you can make it at home, teach you the secret recipe, delicious and not greasy

First, plum vegetables buckle meat

Ingredients: pork belly, ginger and onion, cooking wine, beer

Seasoning: light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet noodle sauce, curd milk, sugar, allspice powder

1, prepare a large piece of pork belly with skin, according to personal needs, change the knife to cut into medium pieces, boil water, cool water into the meat pieces, add the appropriate amount of green onion, ginger slices, garlic and cooking wine, boil the water, skim off the blood foam and impurities.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

2, then rinse the meat block, control the excess water, use a toothpick to prick the meat skin, prick out the dense holes, so as to help edit and absorb, scoop in 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, evenly apply, and then ventilate and dry.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

3, from the pot to burn oil, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, the meat skin is facing down, start to fry, heat over medium-low heat, fry until the meat skin is dry and hard, the color is golden, and there are bubbles on the surface.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

4, wait for the meat pieces to become slightly warm, less hot, change the knife cut into thick slices, thin and even, too thin to affect the taste, you can directly cut segments, you can also pad a pair of chopsticks, do not cut segments, let the meat skin connect.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

5, then is the most important step, change the knife cut the meat slices, but also need to be marinated and seasoned, can be steamed, put the meat slices into the basin, add in turn, grasp and mix evenly, in the summer need to be placed in the refrigerator refrigeration, marinate for an hour into the taste.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

6, prepare an appropriate amount of dried plum vegetables, clean, to clean several times, there are impurities and sand, soak for a period of time, change the knife to cut into small pieces.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

7, the marinated meat slices, the skin of the meat down, evenly stacked at the bottom of the bowl, spread on the top of the plum vegetables, if there is excess cured gravy, directly scoop on the plum vegetables on top of it, boil water, water on high heat to low heat, steam for an hour and a half,

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

8, wait for the time to come, find a disc, the bowl upside down on the top, the beautiful plum button meat is made, the meat is rotten and fragrant, eat salty slightly sweet, fat but not greasy.

If you want to eat buckle meat, don't buy it, teach you to make it yourself at home, secret sauce recipe, soft rotten and fragrant without grease

Tips and tricks

1, when cooking plum meat, if you can put salt, a little bit can be, the highlight is salty with sweet taste, if the taste is too heavy, please increase or decrease by yourself.

2, dried plum vegetables must use authentic plum vegetables, wash several times, and buckle meat with more with some, suck full of gravy, the taste will not be too greasy, the next meal is super invincible.

3, with the ordinary pot steaming is more waste fire, how to take an hour and a half, pressure cooker 20 minutes is enough, the meat is soft and fragrant, the taste is more delicious.

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