
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest

author:Six-dimensional nature

Among the beasts of prey, the tiger, as the "king of the hundred beasts", is very threatening to other animals, but in the face of the traps set by the hunters, the tiger cannot escape. Recently, in the East Asian Qi region of Aceh Province, Indonesia, two tigers were found to have been hit by wire traps set by hunters, causing the tigers to be seriously injured and killed.

Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest

These wire traps are not specifically designed to deal with tigers, they are used by hunters to catch wild boars, but wild boars are on the tiger's diet, where wild boars are infested, which will naturally attract tigers, plus tigers often hunt wild boars, so tigers are easily trapped by these wild boar wire traps. This time, the two tigers belonged to the Sumatran tiger, two tigers, one male and one female.

Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest

Sumatran tiger is a critically endangered animal, the number of wild Sumatran tigers has less than 500, only live on sumatra island, so in order to protect this tiger, to avoid the wire trap again accidentally injured Sumatran tiger, the deputy director of the local police, Mahmon, will urge local residents to stop laying barbed wire traps, if the Sumatran tiger is trapped by barbed wire, will be sentenced to 1 to 5 years in prison, and fined 50 million to 100 million Indonesian rupiah (about 23 to 45,000 yuan).

  • The Sumatran tiger is the smallest tiger breed

According to the different habitats of tigers, morphological characteristics, etc., tigers are divided into 9 subspecies, but due to habitat reduction, coupled with human hunting, three species of tigers have become extinct, namely Balinese tigers, Javan tigers, Caspian tigers, and there are 6 species of tigers left, such as Siberian tigers, South China tigers, Indochina tigers, Malaya tigers, Sumatran tigers, and Bengal tigers.

Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest

Siberian tiger is the largest carnivorous cat in existence, of which the male tiger can reach about 3 meters in length, the average weight is 250 kg, and the maximum reaches about 350 kg, while the male tiger of the Sumatran tiger weighs 100-150 kg, the female tiger weighs 75-100 kg, and the adult female Sumatran tiger of 75 kg is also the smallest tiger breed among the existing tiger species.

  • The Sumatran tiger has the fiercest temperament, but not the most powerful fighting force

Among tiger species, the Sumatran tiger is also relatively easy to distinguish, its fur is the darkest of all tigers, and it has a prominent black stripe with very small intervals between the stripes, and its appearance looks like the most ferocious tiger.

Sumatran tigers are also considered to be the most grumpy tigers, this is because they are the only kind of tiger distributed on the island, only distributed in Sumatra Island, Indonesia, feeding on sambar deer, wild boar, crocodiles, young rhinos, etc., but due to the relatively small living environment space, the island may not have enough food or water, etc., so that the Sumatran tiger is more aggressive, the temperament is naturally the most ferocious.

Sumatran tiger limited size, not the most effective tiger, Bengal tiger is considered to have the strongest hunting skills of cats, this is because in the area where Bengal tiger distribution, in addition to the same kind of opponents, there are also other top predators, such as leopards, jackals, lazy bears, rock pythons, etc., to hunt herbivores are not easy to mess with, such as Asian elephants, rhinos, Indian bison, etc., Bengal tigers live in such an environment, greatly exercise their hunting skills, so that their combat effectiveness is stronger.

Wild tigers are one of the important hallmarks of a healthy ecosystem

Because some people believe that tiger bones can be medicated, tiger skins are valuable, the illegal trade in tigers is difficult to completely prohibit, there are still more than 100 wild tigers poached every year, illegal trade and poaching have also become the main threat to wild tigers, coupled with the reduction of habitat, resulting in the only six remaining tiger species, the population is threatened, all tiger species have become rare and endangered species, the wild Sumatran tiger population has been less than 500, captive breeding is less than 300, has been listed as a protected animal of critically endangered species.

Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest
Indonesia's two tigers, one male and one female, were trapped to death, the Sumatran tiger, the smallest tiger breed is the fiercest

Since the loss of wild tiger habitat and the demise of its population will bring damage to the biodiversity of the whole of Asia, if this trend is not reversed, the result will not only be a sharp decline in the number of wild tigers, but also the ecosystem on which humans live together will also suffer huge losses, so tigers as the "king of the hundred beasts" also need to pay attention to and protect!

Pay attention to the six dimensions of nature And let nature know nature!

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