
Married for 13 years, the pillow man is his own cousin, and a ridiculous marriage is by his parents

author:Hotspot Beacon

Cousins and cousins were married for 13 years, and a ridiculous marriage eventually ended in an invalid marriage.

Married for 13 years, the pillow man is his own cousin, and a ridiculous marriage is by his parents

Marriage of close relatives

Cousins and sisters married and lived together for 13 years, gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and finally ended up in an invalid marriage.

You read that right, the cousins in Shaanxi have become a ridiculous marriage under the mediation of the parents of both sides.

In 2002, the parents of each other's brothers and sisters disregarded human morality and brokered Zhao and Wu to live together.

From 2003 to 2005, the two had a son and a daughter.

In 2009, the two parties went through the marriage registration procedures and officially became husband and wife.

In 2012, he had another son.

In 2022, Zhao filed a lawsuit with the court, requesting that the marriage be declared invalid.

13 years of absurd marriage, this is the end.

The marriage of cousins belongs to the marriage of cousins, which is the marriage of close relatives.

Due to ideological restrictions, inheritance rights, and the maintenance of kinship feelings, cousin marriage has an extremely important place in ancient China.

Emperor Wu of Han's empress Chen Ajiao, the daughter of Her Aunt Guantao, married her cousin.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Marriage Law stipulates that it is forbidden for collateral blood relatives within three generations to marry, and even if they are married, the marriage relationship is invalid.

Why is this kind of marriage method of "kissing and kissing" prohibited?

We know that a healthy person carries at least a dozen harmful recessive genes.

Inbreeding will increase the probability of these genes pairing, so that the risk of genetic diseases in offspring, there are data showing that the probability of recessive genetic diseases in the offspring of close relatives married is 150 times that of non-close relatives married offspring.

Congenital heart disease, brainless children, spinal fission and other genetic diseases, the incidence of consanguineous married children is about 1.64%, and the incidence of non-consanguineous married children is only 0.57%.

For the sake of human reproduction, the health of eugenic and offspring, consanguineous marriages are not recognized by law.

Married for 13 years, the pillow man is his own cousin, and a ridiculous marriage is by his parents

Zhao and Wu are cousins of each other, and they are collateral blood relatives within three generations stipulated by mainland law, and getting married and having children will only leave endless hidden dangers for future generations.

The adult's mistake has been corrected, and how can the child's pain be repaired?

The Spanish Habsburgs, once the most prominent and widely ruled royal family in Europe, were destroyed because of "close relatives marriage".

The people of the Habsburgs had a common feature: the ancestral shoehorn face.

Even the court painter's manual ten-level beauty could not stop the shoehorn face of the Habsburgs.

The Habsburg Emperor Philip IV had two marriages, once to his cousin Elizabeth and once to his niece Mariana.

As a result of the marriage of close relatives, his son Carlos II was stunted, weaned at the age of 5, and barely walked at the age of 10.

He had a deformed jaw, drooled, almost lost the ability to chew, suffered from intellectual disability and mental illness, and died at the age of 39, and the Habsburg family perished.

The entire dynasty was cut off after only 7 generations because of the marriage of close relatives.

If it is said that in ancient times, because of the limitations of the times and the purpose of domination, they chose to marry close relatives.

What do modern people in the 21st century think?

Married for 13 years, the pillow man is his own cousin, and a ridiculous marriage is by his parents


In modern China, the marriage of close relatives is mostly a product of the traditional concept of marriage customs.

Since ancient times, there have been many marriage customs in China, and marriage forms have also taken various forms:

For example, finger marriage, meditative marriage, child marriage, recruitment marriage, cousin marriage and so on.

Most of these forms of marriage are crap and have long been outlawed by civilized society.

But in many backward and closed areas, the ignorant marriage customs still exist.

Villagers believe that the marriage of close relatives can bring family ties closer, and kinship marriage is "kissing and kissing".

There is a saying that "the younger generation does not marry, the older generation will break off the family", in the face of the prohibition of the law, it will also be doubted: the ancestors have allowed close relatives to marry, why not now?

Zhao and Wu in Shaanxi married under the mediation of both parents, which was influenced by the concept of marriage of their parents.

The older generation's deep-rooted ideological concepts are difficult to reverse, and the propaganda of the marriage law is not in-depth enough, many people only know that when they are old, they should get married.

Statistics show that the marriage rate of close relatives in urban areas is about 0.7%, and in rural areas 1.2% to 2.8%.

In a remote village in Shangrao, Jiangxi, a pair of cousins had 3 children after marriage, 2 were dementia and 1 was mute.

In addition, different ethnic groups also have different customs and habits, some ethnic minority customs oppose inter-ethnic marriage, only allow intermarriage among their own people, and when the population within the clan is small, it will cause a high proportion of intermarriage between close relatives.

The marriage rate of yi relatives in Butuo County, Sichuan Province, is as high as 14.6%, and the Baoan ethnic group in Jishishan County, Gansu Province, is 10.9%.

Of course, there are also ethnic groups that explicitly oppose consanguineous marriage, and the Miao people consider it a "crime" to marry close relatives.

In the primitive social period, the material conditions were not rich enough, and everyone gathered to live together and worked together to obtain a greater chance of survival.

In relatively closed groups, there is a lack of distinct moral concepts, and it is normal to produce marriage relationships that do not distinguish between relatives.

Married for 13 years, the pillow man is his own cousin, and a ridiculous marriage is by his parents

However, with the continuous improvement of the productive forces of human society, the gradual improvement of moral concepts, the trend of society toward civilization, and the form of inbreeding based on kinship naturally has to die out.

The reason for the occurrence of cases of marriage between close relatives in Shaanxi is that in the concept of marriage customs of the older generation of parents, the marriage of young people is being controlled.

The concept of the older generation is caused by the innate environment, and the young people live in the modern civilized society, but they are bound by the traditional and backward marriage customs.

The essence is that children cannot grasp the right to speak in marriage and choose to submit under the pressure of their parents' power.

In a submission by a big V blogger, a girl studying abroad described that she was arranged by her grandparents to go on a blind date, and the object was the son of her grandmother's own sister, that is, the cousin of the girl's mother, who was 7 years older than her cousin.

Isn't the relationship messy?

Carefully made it clear that this girl was arranged by the elderly in the family to marry her cousin.

The reason is that the cousin has reached the marriageable age, does not want the fat water to flow into the field of outsiders, the girl's family knows the roots, and cannot be cheaper than others!

The reason is grandiose, in fact, is not the older generation of backward concepts, cousins can not find a marriage partner, want to solve the family internal problems?

The news of arranged marriages is not uncommon, many girls can not resist, and they are pulled by their parents to marry early in exchange for a bride price at a young age.

In the documentary "The Way Out", Ma Baijuan, a 16-year-old mountain girl, has the biggest dream of studying in Beijing.

But her father said that "it is useless for girls to read so many books, and in the end it is not someone else's family", Ma Baijuan married her cousin at the age of 16 and became pregnant.

The marriage of modern people is urged when entering, and imprisoned after entering.

When the cousins who are tied together finally decide that the marriage is invalid, it is the happiest and smoothest moment in life.