
Liu Heyi: Calm is a skill

Text/Liu Heyi

Liu Heyi: Calm is a skill

I often envy people who can calm themselves down quickly, do things quietly, live quietly, and exhaust a steady stream of motivation in the ordinary life day after day, peace is an external manifestation of inner cultivation, a life experience of spiritual abundance, and a life attitude towards life.

Cheerful and lively, enthusiastic and active is a significant feature of my personality, I actually regard this trait as my strength before I participate in the work, I naively think that this is a manifestation of true temperament, and even sometimes speak without any cover, without scruples, it is easy to offend others at work.

Jingzi is composed of Qinghe contention, the meaning of Qingzi represents the initial color of all things, representing the original intention of birth, no dispute can be quiet, and as a young person, itself is very easy to impulsive age, see the unsatisfactory situation to criticize, in the face of life is not smooth to complain, a little achievement to show the pendulum, this is human nature, but also caused by age, I have no intention of making excuses for my own unease, but it is also an indisputable fact.

The Southern Dynasty Liang Dynasty King's book "Into Ruoye Creek" says: "The cicada noise forest is more quiet, and the birdsong mountain is more quiet." The era we live in today is precisely an era of information explosion, from the first moment of opening our eyes, the mobile phone will bounce out of a variety of news information, the rapid development of self-media short videos, we have entered an era of information confusion, we seem to have a lot of choices, but still struggle and pain, the more convenient the way we obtain information, the more lack of ability to think deeply. Once upon a time, we didn't even have the patience and time to read a book carefully, to watch a play, to read a book is fragmentary, to watch a drama is to double speed, we are wrapped up in the times, we dare not calmly stop and stand, it seems that if we stop a little, we will be thrown out of ninety-eight thousand miles.

Liu Heyi: Calm is a skill

I can't help but think: Push forward to live, is life really a big step forward? Do we really feel the happiness and satisfaction of life? Can we think more diversely about the time and space in which we live? It seems that there is not, we are more and more anxious, more and more ignorant, so, doing a hundred things, but it seems that nothing has been done, watching a hundred videos, but remembering to leave an impression on the mind is not much. Our aesthetics and thinking are becoming more and more superficial, as if everything is floating on the surface, and this fast-paced flatness covers the true face of life and makes our days emit rot and smell. The more you maintain a calm heart in an impetuous era, the more precious it is.

Zhuge Liang wanted to educate his children thousands of years ago: "Quiet to cultivate oneself, frugality to cultivate morality, non-indifference to no mingzhi, non-tranquility without far-reaching" Throughout the development of history, those who have experienced extraordinary years are also pursuing a kind of inner peace, from Tao Yuanming's "Returning to the Garden and Living in the Countryside" to Wang Wei's "Farewell to the South". From Su Shi's "The heart is like a gray wood, the body is like a boat that is not tied" to Wang Anshi's "Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River, when will the bright moon shine on me". In the twilight of their lives, they all revealed their indifference to fame and fortune, their disgust for official life, and their indifference to their inner satisfaction.

Liu Heyi: Calm is a skill

Mr. Yang wrote:

"Teenagers are greedy, young people are obsessed with love, prime-age people are attracted to fame and family, twilight years are content with self-deception, life geometry, stubborn iron can be refined into fine gold, how much can it be? We once longed so much for the waves of fate, and in the end we found that the most beautiful scenery of life is the calmness and calmness of the heart. ”

Since life will eventually return to peace, then why should we panic on the way to pursue ourselves, I do not argue with anyone, I do not despise anyone, those who want to extremely perform revealed is precisely inferiority and fear, uneasiness and confusion.

Mr. Lu Xun said:

"Silence is a force, when I am silent, I feel very powerful, when I speak, I feel empty." 」

In other words, those who remain quiet and do not say anything are not speechless, but are seeking a more powerful way to reconcile with the world, which is the psychological identity of the Orientals alone, and we will eventually reconcile with suffering and unhappiness, and this silent way of being silent is a high-level silent open-mindedness.

Calm does not mean negative, lying flat, Buddhist. Flowing water scrambles, relying on endless, not a momentary wave of water, strength to use in the most critical moment, life in the sea, learn to be quiet and peaceful, do not panic, in order to achieve life events. The Analects of Yongye says, "Those who know move, and those who are benevolent are quiet." The knower is happy, the benevolent is the life. "The benevolent Leshan lies in the stability of the mountain, not moving and making all things come into being, and only by letting go can we gain peace, can we be a benevolent person, a person full of great wisdom."

Liu Heyi: Calm is a skill

Liu Heyi, a Chinese teacher at Liu Sheng Middle School in Zaoyang City, Hubei Province, likes to share small details in life, is easily moved by stories, and hopes to be able to beat all the time to live.

(Do you prefer cheerfulness or calm as water?) Welcome to leave a comment in the comment area to discuss. )