
The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

author:Chinese military horn

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily client · China Military Number

Netizens of the People's Liberation Army Daily client, good morning! Today is April 26th, Tuesday, let's take a look at what wonderful content today's military newspaper has.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

On April 25, President Xi Jinping sent a telegram to Macron congratulating him on his re-election as President of the French Republic.

On April 25, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 50th anniversary of the advent of artemisinin and the International Forum on Helping to Build a Community of Human Health.

On the occasion of may fourth youth day, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, president of the country and chairman of the Central Military Commission, came to Chinese University on the morning of the 25th for investigation and investigation. On behalf of the Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping extended festive congratulations to young people of all ethnic groups across the country, sincere greetings to all teachers, students and staff of Chinese Min University, and to the vast number of educators and young workers across the country. Xi Jinping hopes that the vast number of young people throughout the country will bear in mind the party's teachings, aspire to national rejuvenation, live up to Shaohua, live up to the times, live up to the people, run the track of youth, and strive to run the best results of contemporary youth!

See the front page for details above.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

On April 9, a landing ship group of the Southern Theater Navy conducted multi-subject training. Wei Xian's history

"After 18 years as a soldier, the formerly well-known senior technician of armored chassis repair is now 'cross-border' to learn the most difficult radio major at the land terminal station..." In early April, at the education class of a brigade of the 78th Group Army, the transfer experience of Wu Gang, the second-class sergeant major, aroused heated discussion among officers and men: Why did he make such a choice? Open the article in the 2nd edition of this newspaper, "'Cross-border Change of Careers,' The Needs of the Troops Is the Direction of Advance," to understand the story of the struggle of grass-roots officers and men to strengthen the army.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

On April 14, the firepower detachment of a brigade of airborne troops organized live-fire training. Photo by Liu Xingyu

Kazakh President Tokayev met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe in Nur-Sultan on April 25.

On the 25th, the State Council held the fifth clean government work conference, and Li Keqiang stressed the in-depth promotion of the construction of party style and clean government in the government system and anti-corruption work, impartial and clean administration, diligent and pragmatic and heavy work.

25 April is World Malaria Day. In 1972, Chinese researchers successfully extracted artemisinin and developed it into a drug to treat malaria.

On April 25, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the 50th Anniversary of the Advent of Artemisinin and the International Forum on Helping to Build a Community of Human Health, and read a congratulatory letter and speech from President Xi Jinping. For more information, see editions 3 and 4.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

Recently, 15 officers and men of our 12th peacekeeping engineering detachment to South Sudan (Wau) were awarded the Western Theater Commander by Saiyam, Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), for their outstanding contributions to peacekeeping missions. The Western Theater Command held an award ceremony at the barracks of our peacekeeping engineer detachment.

A reform of the system for training troops thus unfolded: They carried out systematic thinking throughout the entire training process, changed the traditional method of organizing training by dividing the arms, and organized joint training in stages in accordance with the idea of "strengthening according to the branches of the army and combining them according to the number"; they took the combat effectiveness of the system as a new "measure and measure", let the collaborative courses move to the front desk of the competition assessment, and take the "module combination" as the focus of the evaluation. For more information, see the 5th edition of the article "Flying Together, What Did this "Flock of Geese" Cross".

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

Chariot Assault. Photo by Yu Xiaoping

The spirit of responsibility and struggle is not innate, nor is it achieved overnight, and it needs to be gradually improved in theoretical study and practical training. Only when we are sober in theory can we be firm in politics. The broad masses of party members and cadres must constantly strengthen their own theoretical study, master marxist positions, viewpoints, and methods, and consolidate the ideological foundation for daring to take responsibility and struggle. The knife is sharpened on the stone, and the man practices in things. For details, see the 6th edition of the article "Be a Communist Party Member Who Dares to Take On Responsibility and Dare to Struggle".

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

On April 15, a composite regiment of the Xinjiang Military Region organized long-distance maneuver training, focusing on tempering and improving the actual combat ability of drivers. Photo by Gao Hongjie

In the confrontation of intelligent warfare, human intelligence has widely penetrated into the combat field and transplanted to weapon systems, and the global multi-dimensional and various types of intelligent combat platforms can quickly couple combat forces, build a combat system according to the requirements of the task, independently implement coordinated operations, and quickly return to the state of being ready for battle at the end of the task, showing a trend of intelligent autonomy. Open the 7th edition of the article "Perspective on the Transformation of the Winning Mechanism of Intelligent Warfare" to understand from "fighting the weak with the strong" to "using wisdom to control the clumsy".

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

Marine Corps brigade amphibious armored detachment maritime training image Amphibious armored vehicles out of the cabin flooded. Gao Guojing Li Weike Su Lianghuang Photography

Inspection and supervision, as an important means for organs to grasp the implementation of work, the original intention is to help the grass-roots level discover problems and do a good job in rectification. However, in actual work, there is a situation of "deformation and deviation". Some supervision cadres look for problems in order to find problems, and arbitrarily report criticism; some supervision cadres only report problems and do not guide rectification... In the long run, not only will it not be able to effectively help the grass-roots units to solve problems, but it will also affect the enthusiasm of officers and men in their work. For more information, see the 8th edition of the article "No Problem" Supervision Report, Why Praise Against Praise".

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

The mobile detachment of the Guangxi Armed Police Corps conducted a multi-professional coordinated drill to capture and annihilate the depths of the dense forest. Xu Dong Liu Ming Yu Haiyang Photography

At the beginning of April, the chariots stationed at a training ground on the coast roared, and smoke was everywhere. A brigade of the Marine Corps and the naval unit joined hands to train troops, and carried out multi-subject coordinated training on amphibious armored equipment at sea here.

In mid-April, the mountains of northern Gui are full of grass and trees. Deep in the jungle, a multi-professional coordination exercise of the mobile detachment of the Guangxi Armed Police Corps was launched. Version 9 is the "Image" version, so stay tuned.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

Recently, an engineer corps of the Xinjiang Military Region strictly implemented the relevant laws and regulations on equipment management, organized and carried out equipment maintenance work, and ensured that weapons and equipment were always in good condition. Photo by Feng Yuyang

Strictly enforcing the rule of law is easier said than done. Leading soldiers at all levels must act in strict accordance with the scope, authority, procedures, and standards stipulated in the laws and regulations and systems, prevent and overcome the subjective arbitrariness in their work, and neither can they establish other local policies and regulations in addition to the laws and regulations, and engage in increasing the number of laws and regulations at every level, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of officers and men, nor can they "have policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom" and engage in "degrading" law enforcement, thus undermining the seriousness and authority of the laws and regulations. In carrying out all work, it is necessary to strictly align itself with the laws and regulations, never exceed the red line of the laws and regulations, and ensure that combat readiness, training, work, and life are regular and orderly. Turning to the 10th edition of the article "Strict Words Are the Head, Discipline Enforcement and Accountability Will Never Be Arbitrary and Flexible" went into the grass-roots units to strictly grasp the implementation of laws and regulations in accordance with the law.

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

On April 11, the fifth brigade of recruits of the Tianjin Armed Police Corps organized training in accordance with the queue regulations to enhance the quality of the new recruits. Photo by Zhang Peng

"'When I grow up, I'll be you,' it's a choice to follow your heart." Dong Dengkui, an instructor of a certain cadet team, said with deep satisfaction that the "story meeting of strengthening the army" before graduation is no longer as simple as simple story sharing, and in the process of excavating, conceiving and telling by themselves, the trainees feel the original intention of serving the country from the military and outline the "look" of future military life. Open the 11th edition of the article "A Spiritual Collision Connecting the Past and the Future" and enter this "Strong Army Story Meeting".

The People's Liberation Army reported on April 26

Marines landed on the beach in hovercraft.

The 12th edition is the "Long March Supplement" edition, today's "Soldier's Face", we focus on 4 soldiers at a base of the Naval Aviation University, and feel the sincere feelings behind their lifting of the "flying shark".

(Produced by the People's Liberation Army Daily client and China Military)