
No need to put a stand! Coronary artery stenosis 90%, after traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, blood stasis is eliminated, blood veins are unobstructed

author:Chinese medicine Sun Yanqin

In middle-aged and older people, the incidence of plaque, stenosis, and even occlusion of coronary arteries is high.

Many people have such doubts: can eating Chinese medicine improve the problem of coronary plaque and narrowing?

Today I will give you a detailed answer.

No need to put a stand! Coronary artery stenosis 90%, after traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, blood stasis is eliminated, blood veins are unobstructed

After years of extensive clinical observation, herbal medicine can improve coronary plaque and stenosis.

Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the main blood vein, and there are two meanings here: one is that the heart has the ability to promote the operation of the blood, and the other is that the meridians must be unobstructed so that the blood can flow. Coronary plaques and stenosis are what Chinese medicine calls heart pulse blockage.

There are many causes of heart pulse obstruction, the most important of which are five aspects, one is the weakness of Yang Qi and the weakness of pushing; the second is the depression of liver qi, and the stagnation of blood stasis; the third is the wet and internal sputum, blocking the meridians; the fourth is the internal obstruction of congestion; the fifth is the cold and cold food, cold coagulation of blood veins.

No need to put a stand! Coronary artery stenosis 90%, after traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, blood stasis is eliminated, blood veins are unobstructed

I had previously received a patient, 64 years old, female.

Coronary CTA in this patient showed plaque formation in the middle of the anterior descending branch, luminal stenosis, narrowing of the narrowest place by 90%, and was diagnosed with coronary heart disease.

The doctor in the outer hospital suggested that she be placed in a cardiac stent, but the patient refused to put the stent and came to our place to seek traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

At that time, the patients were mainly chest tightness and chest pain, abdominal pain and swelling, dry mouth and bitter mouth, occasional vomiting, belching, general, rotten stool, red tongue, white dry moss, and fine pulses.

According to the analysis of examination and dialectical results, the main pathogenesis of the patient is that one of the causes of heart pulse congestion I said at the beginning is the liver qi depression, qi stagnation blood congestion type, so in the treatment should be liver and spleen, rational qi and blood activation, you can achieve the purpose of blood stasis elimination, blood vein patency, the specific prescription is as follows:

Melon peel, tangerine peel, wood fragrance, incense, evodia, tulip, salvia, lychee, belly bark, hot licorice.

No need to put a stand! Coronary artery stenosis 90%, after traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, blood stasis is eliminated, blood veins are unobstructed

Based on the above, with the addition and subtraction of the evidence, after three months of treatment, the patient's various symptoms basically disappeared. Coronary CTA review showed that coronary artery stenosis changed from severe to mild, which also brought great confidence to the patient's treatment, and instructed the patient to continue to adhere to the treatment and still add or subtract changes based on the above.

So far, after more than half a year of traditional Chinese medicine treatment, the patient's re-examination of coronary angiography has seen no abnormalities, and it can be said that her coronary stenosis has completely returned to normal.

On the same day, the patient also asked me: Is my blood vessel really open? How is Chinese medicine so magical?

I told her: Congratulations, your coronary blood vessels are indeed open.

No need to put a stand! Coronary artery stenosis 90%, after traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, blood stasis is eliminated, blood veins are unobstructed

Through this case, I also want to tell you that traditional Chinese medicine treatment is a long process, short-term treatment is difficult to work, do not feel that traditional Chinese medicine is useless because taking a few doses of medicine has no effect, you must adhere to the treatment for a long time, it is possible to reduce arteriosclerosis plaque and improve the purpose of coronary stenosis.

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