
On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here

author:The most beautiful half of the sky
On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here

Facing a quiet city, your heart is actually not at peace?

Watching the baby learn online, full of irritability?

Cook three meals a day at home every day, and want to strike?

With kids, don't know what to do?


Calm down

Read these books with your child

Maybe your emotions will find an outlet

1, "Good Quiet Book",

Pay attention and express your feelings

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


How many kinds of "quiet" can you count? There are 29 kinds in this book, some of which are more familiar to us, such as "the quiet of coloring the painting", and there are also things that we are easy to ignore, such as "the quiet of the first snow falling"; there are more naughty, such as "the kind of quiet that hides and wants to scare a friend to jump", and there are also more warm, such as "the quiet of kissing before going to bed"...

The pictures that match these poetic words are quite soft and cute little animals. By showing small fragments of their daily lives, the book creates scenes that are either warm, lively, embarrassing, or afraid, and stimulate the reader's sensitivity to daily life.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

Because of the epidemic at home, the range of children's activities has been greatly limited. The more such times, the more you should care about your child's emotions and expressions. Through parent-child reading this book, we can communicate their feelings with our children and explore how to look at temporary difficulties with a more positive attitude and always maintain hope for life. Perhaps, we can co-create a "good freedom book" with children, believing that "freedom" has a different definition for children.

2, "That Dark Blue Bird Is My Dad",

Online learning parental patience is king

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


There are 20 birds in the tree, the first time flew away 5, the second time flew away 4, now there are fewer birds in the tree than before? In order to help the child understand this mathematical problem, the father in the story put on the feather of love again and again, and summoned the birds to demonstrate it to the child over and over again. He was fat and tired of flying, but every time the child shook his head to say he still didn't know, he always smiled and said, it doesn't matter, I fly again. Over and over again, day after day, finally, the child shouted out the right answer, and Dad finally stopped being a dark blue bird.

This is a storybook full of imagination and emotion, and it sets up a certain suspense, in fact, the math problems are finally revealed. Seeing the end, you can understand what kind of affection your father is contained in each flight.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

Online learning during the epidemic, I believe that many families have experienced all kinds of chicken flying dog jumps, is all the beauty only in the book? In fact, as long as you treat your children a little more, a little more, and a little more patience, everything will be fine. Of course, if you know your child very well and have a little sense of humor, you can express the boring knowledge points in a more vivid and more adaptable way to your child, maybe everything will be better faster! I hope that after reading this story, every parent can create a family atmosphere where the child can boldly say "I still don't understand".

3. "Emma Painting",

Cultivate a healing love of body and mind

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


Emma is approaching her 72nd birthday, and although she has many children and descendants, they are always in a hurry, and she can only live with her kittens. Emma was not satisfied with the birthday gift from her children, which was a painting about her hometown, and she felt that although the painting was beautiful, it was not her hometown at all. Emma bought all the materials, painted her hometown according to her own memories, and also painted her own life. Finally, Emma's secret of painting was discovered by the children, who encouraged her to continue drawing. There are also many people who come to visit and leave in a hurry. However, Emma is no longer alone, because she has all the beautiful things she paints with her.

This is a story based on real people, and the protagonist is Emma Stern of France. No matter how old you are, you can always make yourself happy by developing a hobby. Of course, the premise is that you love life as much as Emma.

Parent-child reading recommendation:

Many parents exhaust time, money, and energy to cultivate their children's hobbies, but in the end, their children do not appreciate it, because it is not something they really like. Hobbies aren't about earning a certificate, winning a medal, or winning a grade, but about getting a way to get along better with the world. Just like during the epidemic, many people's hearts are empty, and they use their mobile phones meaninglessly every day to vent various emotions, and some people can focus on what they like to do, and they can still feel love and beauty in distress. Let the child cultivate a true love well, the kind that can heal the body and mind, bring happiness, that is a strong inner strength.

4, "Angry Soup", leaving a way out for emotions

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


The little friend Hoth encountered all kinds of troubles all day, unable to do the questions, receiving love letters, being trampled by a cow, and it was not his mother who came to pick him up and take him home. When he got home, he also put on a stinky face to his mother. So, Mom took Hoss to cook a pot of angry soup, and they spit their tongues at the soup, made strange noises, and yelled. Eventually, they stood shoulder to shoulder and stirred up a day of unsatisfactory disappointment.

Some nonsensical expressions, Picasso-style painting style, close to the child's text, this book looks very simple, but in fact is full of life poetry, wisdom and fun.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

During the epidemic, life is limited, don't talk about children, even adults will have a lot of negative emotions, such as anger, fear, sadness and so on. Many people are reluctant to face such emotions and always want to escape or suppress them. Don't cry, don't make a fuss, don't get angry... Do you often say these words to your children? In fact, we should be like the mother in the book, bravely face the negative emotions of the child, accept it, channel it, and finally dispel it. So, would you like to try to cook a pot of your own spiritual soup together?

5, "The greenest and greenest plant book in the world", who has not grown vegetables on the balcony

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


This is a popular science book, divided into two parts. The first part talks about the life of plants, from the roots, stems, flowers, seeds, fruits, photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, fertilization, propagation methods and other aspects, introduced some basic knowledge of plants. The second part introduces the survival wisdom of plants, such as camouflage, symbiosis, parasitism, defense, wintering, drought prevention and other special "skills", and also introduces some special plants that can move and eat insects.

This popular science book is not as serious as an ordinary popular science book, there is more cold knowledge, and the painting style is very exaggerated and funny, which is easier to attract children's attention.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

During the epidemic period, everyone began to grow vegetables on the balcony, including hydroponic spring onions and garlic, as well as locally cultivated potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, which is also a rather unique life experience. You may wish to take this opportunity to set up a "small position for growing vegetables" for your children at home, encourage them to learn more about the basic knowledge of plants, and take good care of these vegetables and fruits at home, I believe that they will gain a lot.

6, "Dessert is really delicious",

Not only sweet in the mouth, but also in the heart

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


This book tells the story of 4 different families making the same dessert for 400 years. The daughter and mom in the English town of Lyme in 1710, the little girl and mother in the suburb of Charleston, South Carolina in 1810, the little girl and mother in Boston, Massachusetts in 1910, and the little boy and father in San Diego, California in 2010, they used the same ingredient, the same step, to make the same dessert, "Blackberry Dessert".

Under the author's deliberate arrangement, the space occupied by each family and the content displayed in each span are the same, and such a comparison can make you intuitively feel the changes brought about by the progress of science and technology in each century, and the customs and customs of different cities are also very different. However, there are also some things that are permanent, such as the sincere emotions between people and the joy of enjoying life and enjoying food.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

During the epidemic period, at home, are you tired of cooking? Ever thought about having your kids participate too? Maybe they will add to your confusion, but is it possible that they will turn your heavy burden into a sweet parent-child time? Why not start with a dessert? Go online and search for one of the simplest recipes, make a dessert with your child that can be refrigerated in the refrigerator, let it lower your anger, and send the sweetness from your mouth to your heart.

7, "Neighbor", open your heart and embrace the good

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


The little girl moved to a new home and had her own room. As she packed up, her mind drifted away, imagining her neighbors and her environment—did they look like me or were they very different? Are they at home? Are they really there... Thinking about the little girl fell asleep. When she went out the next day, she ran into her neighbor, another little girl. They went to school together, and the little girl couldn't help but imagine what her new classmates would be like.

The paintings in this book are very distinctive, through the design of the cross-section of the building, showing the little girl's neighbors and the imagination of the little girl, and the content is very rich and attractive. The story takes on some philosophical speculations, exploring the relationship between the individual and others, with the environment, with the world, and with cognition. The unknown is always frightening, but we always have to open our hearts and embrace the good.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

The pandemic has slowed down the pace of cities and opened up avenues for neighbors to help each other. What are our neighbors like? Are there any grandparents or babies who have difficulties in life? What can we do for them? Take your child to do some research and thinking, and do what you can. Maybe we can't change the world, but we can all do some small things within our power, let the change happen around us, take the children, and be always kind, sunny, and warm people.

8, "Later, what happened later",

Death is not just one color

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


The story has 3 parts, the first part is the introduction, starting from the cover to introduce the daily life scenes of grandpa and grandson, but grandpa died, and while cleaning up the room, they found a notebook about "what happens after death". The second part is what Grandpa wrote, including "equipment when going to heaven", "Please build my tomb like this", and other wild ideas. The third part is the grandson's thinking after discovering his grandfather's notes and his memories of his grandfather, there are sadness, regrets, and relief.

The author of this book has a strong personal style, he always expresses his brain-opening imagination through simple lines, and finds the interesting side in everything. Just like in Grandpa's notes, the pain of death is dissolved, but his recognition of ordinary life, his love for his family, and his love for life are all displayed one by one, and they are also left in this world and in the hearts of his relatives.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

Sometimes, we can't stop our children from being exposed to the topic of death, especially during the pandemic, when they may receive some relevant information. In fact, life education should include death, and we explore death in order to live better, to cherish the life in front of us more, and to cherish the ordinary beauty of this world. Take the child to call the grandparents, grandparents and grandmothers, let them have more opportunities to express their love and care for the elders, and every moment of emotional connection will become a light and heat that shines on each other. Life is a cycle, and I hope we can all leave some more beauty in this world.

9, "Big City, Little You",

The weak in the city are also worth caring about

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


At the beginning of the story, there is a little snow in the sky, and small children wander through the big city, warning one familiar scene after another, such as the panic caused by loud noises, the hidden dangers of the dark streets and the big dogs guarding the door; and also suggesting one warm scene after another, such as where safe corners and warm breaths can be found, and which adults are trustworthy and loving. The child told over and over again, over and over again, as time passed, the snow fell more and more, the child took out a cat hunting revelation, you know that these words were said to his lost cat. At the end of the story, the child returns to his door and plunges into his mother's arms, and the footprints of the cat in the snow hint at the end of the reunion.

The author is very good at using pictures to narrate, and the rendering of the snow in pieces of the picture sets off the weakness of the child, but even such a weak child is still concerned about the weaker beings, and through the story you can feel the bondage and comfort between life.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

This is a story that is very easy to arouse empathy with children, especially children who have pets or like small animals at home. During the epidemic period, the animals in the family cannot go out, and the stray animals in the community are not taken care of, and some even have to survive alone because of the isolation of their owners. We all meet individuals who are more lonely and weak and helpless than ourselves, can we give them warm help with our love and actions? When a child offers to have a pet, can we help them realize how much of a responsibility it is? The pandemic may be a good time to think again about these issues.

10. "The Seed of Ann",

Peace of mind and peace of mind

On the Nth day after the sealing, I found inner peace here


In the cold winter month, the old monk gave each of the three young monks a seed of a thousand-year-old lotus for them to plant. The little monk, who was an impatient monk, immediately cut a pit to plant the seeds, and waited for them to blossom, and angrily destroyed the seeds and tools. The little monk Jing was a monk with a brain, he consulted a lot of books and studies, found a golden pot to plant the lotus in a warm room, the lotus sprouted, he valued the lotus too much, covered it with a gold cover, and the lotus died. The little monk Ann is a calm monk, he puts the seeds in the pocket of his chest, what to do, carry water, plow snow, buy things, go to evening classes, take a walk with the puppy to bask in the moon... When spring came, he planted lotus flowers in the pond. When summer comes, the flowers bloom.

The paintings in this book are very rustic and very atmospheric, whether it is the color, the characters or the environment, they are very Zen, and they complement the philosophical words.

Parent-child co-reading recommendation:

This is not a story of teaching people to lie flat, it seems that the Tao Fa is natural and waits for the flowers to bloom, in fact, the little monk has been doing his duty, serious and diligent, and has no distractions. The duty of a monk is to practice, but what is the duty of a student? Online learning during the epidemic period, reading this story, can guide children to treat learning and life more from the perspective of accumulation and thin hair, so as to harvest growth. Let us be calm parents together, and raise enthusiastic and lively children.

These picture books

Not just children's books

It also allows parents to find the answer to life

It can also make parent-child reading a beautiful thing

What are you waiting for

Take your baby and read it together!

The End

Source: Shanghai women

Audit: Warm and warm