
For unknown reasons! Another country appears, and the WHO speaks...

author:Bright Net

A day on a number of hot searches, children of unknown cause acute hepatitis caused worldwide concern.

Recently, many countries in Europe and the United States have successively experienced unexplained acute hepatitis in children, with the infection as small as 1 month, and there have been cases of death in children.

For unknown reasons! Another country appears, and the WHO speaks...

Image source: CCTV

The first case of acute hepatitis in children of unknown origin occurs in many parts of the world

Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced on April 25 that the first case of children in Japan who may have this acute hepatitis has also appeared.

On 23 April, the World Health Organization issued its latest notification: since the UK reported the detection of 74 cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children on the 15th, more countries have reported new cases.

As of 21 April, at least 169 cases of unexplained acute hepatitis in children have been reported in 11 countries in the WHO European Region and 1 country in the Region of the Americas. Among them, there are 114 cases in the United Kingdom, 13 cases in Spain, 12 cases in Israel, 9 cases in the United States, 6 cases in Denmark, 5 cases in Ireland, 4 cases in the Netherlands, 4 cases in Italy, 2 cases in Norway, 2 cases in France, 1 case in Romania and 1 case in Belgium.

All cases ranged in age from 1 month to 16 years. Seventeen children (about 10 percent) needed a liver transplant and at least one died.

For unknown reasons! Another country appears, and the WHO speaks...

Screenshot of the Reuters report Source: China News Network

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According to CCTV news, on the 25th local time, the British Health Security Agency said that more and more evidence shows that a common virus is related to rare hepatitis cases that have occurred in some young children recently. The UK's Health Security Agency said an adenovirus called F41 appeared to be the most likely cause of the disease.

Mila Chand, director of the UK's Clinical and Infectious Diseases Specialty, said information gathered through surveys by relevant departments increasingly suggested that the increase in sudden hepatitis in children was linked to adenovirus infection.

The clinical syndrome of the confirmed case is acute hepatitis, with a significant increase in liver enzymes, usually accompanied by jaundice, and sometimes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most cases do not have a fever. In the area of epidemiological investigations, no link between cases in different countries has been identified based on the information currently available.

WHO said it was unclear whether the unexplained cases of hepatitis were still on the rise. The WHO has previously recommended that countries identify, investigate and report potential cases that meet the case definition, so it is already expected that more cases that have been overlooked in the past few months may occur.

The cause of these cases is under investigation. Of these cases, laboratory tests have ruled out hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses, with adenovirus detected in at least 74 people and 20 detected infection with the virus, WHO said. In addition, 19 people were infected with both COVID-19 and adenovirus. But the role of these viruses in pathogenesis is unclear.

Although adenovirus is currently a major pathogen hypothesis, it does not fully explain the severe hepatitis symptoms in patients. Because adenoviruses rarely cause severe hepatitis in healthy people, it is very rare in children without serious health problems.

One view from experts at the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that even if the cause of the disease is adenovirus infection, it may be related to the new crown epidemic, and many young children have not been exposed to the common virus because of the long-term isolation during the epidemic. When masks are removed and social distancing is lifted, their resistance to external infections may become more vulnerable.

According to CCTV news, THE WHO said that since the vast majority of patients have not been vaccinated against the new crown, it can be considered that they have hepatitis at present and are not a side effect of the new crown vaccine. WHO is closely monitoring this situation and working with the UK health authorities and other partners.

For unknown reasons! Another country appears, and the WHO speaks...

Image source: CCTV

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