
The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

author:A new history of exchanges
In 1944 the famous female psychiatrist Nice was heavily posted, but what awaited her would be a terrifying demonstration of electric shock therapy. She will witness colleagues performing the most advanced psychiatric treatments of the moment, electroshock shock therapy, and frontal lobectomy. In order to really change the world's perception of mentally ill people, to prove that these mentally ill people do not need electric shock to treat. Nice has made a great effort to set off a medical revolution. So, how does Nice treat patients? How did she change the way the world thinks about the mentally ill?
The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

Genius on the left madman on the right

Before the story starts, the new friends remember to like and follow more. At the Pedro II Psychiatric Hospital, doctors here believe that frontal lobotomy therapy and electric shock therapy have a 90% success rate in the treatment of mental illness. Doctors are proud of this and believe that such results can be compared to the best surgical centers in Europe and North America. This can make aggressive patients immediately smooth, contribute to family harmony and social stability.

In order to verify the effect of regular shock therapy, a doctor immediately made a demonstration in front of many people, they pushed a patient with schizophrenia, electrocuted his head in the patient's struggle and crying, and the crowd looked indifferent, as if it was not a person in front of them, this was a guinea pig, only Nice, who came to work on the first day, had a frightened face, Nice did not approve of these violent therapies, so the dean directly transferred her from the fat gate to the occupational therapy department that was snubbed. The lack of a doctor willing to work with Nice made her very embarrassed, but the turnaround came at this time.

The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

The lazy dean simply handed over a batch of the most difficult to manage "hard bones" to Nice for treatment, and when she collapsed, she would naturally approve of those violent treatments. Konis always believed that these patients, despite their mental illness, still had the ability to perceive. Soon, her theory was validated, and her patients gradually went from playing with paint to scribbling and finally drawing beautiful patterns. The paintings were contagious and were originally intended to expose these patients to the paintings, but the results were very surprising to her.

The black patient who had been electrocuted began to paint the room. At first the painting was completely chaotic, but gradually he constructed a space and put everything in it one by one. And this room was where his mother worked when he was a child, where he fell in love with the daughter of his mother's boss, who was mad, and that day was when the beloved girl married someone else, and now she began to return to that room and arrange the location of the belongings one by one. In the process, he also began to find his own place, little by little to find himself.

When mentally ill people are unconscious and begin to draw geometric figures, in fact they are reorganizing their minds in a mysterious way. This encouraged Nice, who felt the need to further release the patient's feelings. So she changed the patients into new clothes and took them out to collect the wind, and the sun and plants made them happy. They breathe and walk, wash their feet in the stream, lie on the trunks of trees and take a nap, and these happy moods are reflected in the paintings. These results made Nice eager to write a letter and share it with the famous psychologist Jung, would he approve of Nice's approach?

The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice
Nice, a famous female psychiatrist, watched an electric shock therapy demonstration in 1944. This shocked her, but she was treated coldly by the director because she did not approve of the hospital's violent treatment methods. But Nice did not give up, and she treated these patients in the form of paintings, and even the psychologist Jung admired her. So how exactly did she rely on painting to treat these patients? How are these patients recovering?

The tragic treatment of mentally ill people

These results made Nice eager to write to Jung to share, and Jung was quick to respond to him and give Nice encouragement and guidance. In order to win the support of the outside world, Nice collected the works of the patients and held an exhibition in the activity room in chronological order. This exhibition attracted Mario Pedrosa, the best art critic in Brazil at the time. The exhibition was so loud that even the doctors who usually worked opposite Nice came to see the liveliness.

These doctors do not care about the progress of Nice, but only question whether Nice can completely cure the patient, and there is disagreement about the concept of curing this concept of medicine. Nice does not think that removing a patient's prefrontal lobe is to cure the patient, but is just using the patient to do a sadistic experiment. But the doctor sneered, "Aren't you also testing your theory with patients?" How should Nice respond to their questioning?

The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

Their words infuriated Nice again, who had previously persuaded the black patient's mother to refuse, and the hospital had surgery to remove the frontal lobe. It didn't take long for the hospital to prepare to attack Nice, and they wanted Nice to remove the patient's dog on the grounds that the hospital could not keep dogs. But it was a dog that Nice had specially prepared for the patient, because the animal could soothe the patient and stimulate the patient's desire to communicate. Nice believes that these dogs are cleaner than the patients in the infirmary, because the hospital has not bathed patients, which is the biggest source of the hospital's odor.

Nice also completely angered the hospital, surgery can make money, but painting can not bring any income to the hospital, so the hospital will leave a harsh word, if Nice does not rectify, sooner or later will be punished. Sure enough, when the patient came back from another outing, all the dogs were killed by the hospital. These patients, who had been well appeased by Nice, began to become sad, frightened and angry again. The patients began to cry and cry for their dogs, and the moment the sky fell with them.

Irritable patients begin to scream, and this pain of losing a pet turns into great anger. He began to lose control and injured the nurse, and the hospital prepared to remove his frontal lobe on the grounds that he almost wanted the life of a nurse. Listening to the howling of the patient on the operating table, Nice had nothing to do, they were casting off the patient's perception and the dignity of the patient, just like the castrated animals. How can Nice rescue them?

Nice, a world-famous female psychiatrist, was once admired by the master of psychology Jung. In 1944, after watching an electric shock therapy live, Nice decided that she could no longer allow this violent therapy to rule the psychiatric medical community. She set out to heal her patients from painting and achieved great success. But the hospital's repeated obstructions have caused him to lose his previous achievements, how can she prove her
The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

Exhibition of paintings of mentally ill people

In order to live up to the ideal of the benevolence of the healer, Nice decided to follow the advice of the famous Brazilian critic Mario and engage in a public opinion war with the hospital. They named all the patients' works and brought them into the exhibition hall. Famously in Brazil, I made a content and held an art exhibition called, Don't Be Afraid of the Unconscious. In this temple of art, these crazy people in the eyes of ordinary people have become great artists in the blink of an eye. The real medical path received attention, and Ness was particularly pleased to see the admiring eyes of the crowd. In the beginning, these mentally ill people were not treated this way.

These patients have lost the normal way of communicating, which does not mean that they are not perceptual, so let them express themselves freely, even if these expressions are chaotic and disorderly. Some patients like to break their thoughts all day long, some patients like to smear their own stool on the wall, some are smelly and baked, lying in bed for two days without anyone taking care of them, and some patients are very violent, and the nurses in the infirmary call these patients drooling animals. These patients who have no logical thinking of ordinary people and no norms of behavior of ordinary people are almost the same as animals in his eyes. But Ness doesn't think so, how will she save them?

The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

Nice released the patients and took them to the yard to let the wind blow. The patients in the courtyard were bored and still curled up in their own world. People need to communicate, and as long as the patient is not completely out of control, it is a good thing to some extent. The attending doctor simply threw these difficult patients directly to Sanchez. But Nice still couldn't forget the patient who had been electrocuted, and took him to the activity room. Here, the patient is a human being, not a drooling animal. Nice treated them like children.

Nice's approach gave the new caregiver, Amir, a lot of inspiration. He has always liked art, but he can't find inspiration, he thinks it's the rules and regulations of ordinary people, limiting the creativity, and these patients are in an unconscious state. He proposed an art studio. Nice was so convinced of the idea that they did it themselves. From drooling animals to patients to artists, Nice has tried again and again to correct the attitude of doctors towards patients, and only when patients are guests, doctors will respect patients, rather than condescending to treat patients, or even violently. Nice manages the patients and Amir prepares the materials for the studio. In this way, the art studio, which is mainly mentally ill, was officially established.

The story of the female doctor touched the whole world, condemned by the medical community, the famous psychiatrist Nice

Nice's treatment method set off a revolution at that time, when people really understood the world of the mentally ill, those violent treatment methods were gradually eliminated, and Nice saved the lives of countless mentally ill people. In this regard, what else do you think about Nice, welcome to comment on the message to discuss.

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