
The sky is high and the fresh water is like a mirror, and the wicker on the shore is full of life

author:Three lines of ancient poetry

Wugong Lake to watch the sunset

The clouds of light and light are like fire at sunset,

The lake is red all over the water.

Fishing on the shore of the mountain into the scenery,

Howe asked who I could compete for.

The sky is high and the fresh water is like a mirror, and the wicker on the shore is full of life

Night walking ancient Qin Huai has a feeling

Pray for King's Landing on the banks of the Qinhuai River,

Shadow Shadow Shan Yingqin Heart;

Through the years of many dreams,

Jiangnan Gongyuan smoke clouds.

Yang Confucius of the Temple of Yi Qi,

Egret black cloth poetry sound;

Do not see the poet and do not chant,

Where to find it late at night?

The sky is high and the fresh water is like a mirror, and the wicker on the shore is full of life

Liangshu Bay

The sky is high and the clouds are fresh as a mirror,

The wicker on the shore is full of life.

Fish in the water play with each other,

Tourists on the side of the fence enjoy the scenery.

The sky is high and the fresh water is like a mirror, and the wicker on the shore is full of life


Prosperity ends in nothingness,

Everything is empty in the cycle of reincarnation.

Stay until the flowers are full of flowers,

The first wise man is in red dust.

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