
Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

author:Observe snooker

At present, the 2022 Snooker World Championship has reached the quarter-final stage. In the second round of the main tournament, Selby, Robertson, Karen. Winners such as Wilson were eliminated, and there were only four candidates left to compete for the year-end world number one: Selby, Trump, O'Sullivan and Higgins.

World Championship prize distribution: £500,000 for the champion, £200,000 for runners-up, £100,000 for the final four, £50,000 for the quarterfinals, £30,000 for the round of 16, £20,000 for the round of 32 (seeded players' first-round exit bonuses do not count towards points).

Let's take a look at the world rankings before the start of the World Championships and after the end of the quarter-finals.

Top 10 in the provisional world rankings before the start of the World Championships (deducting the 2020 World Championship prize money):

1st place: Mark. Selby, £884,500;

2nd place: Neil. Robertson, £872,000;

3rd place: Judd. Trump, £809,500;

4th place: Ronnie. O'Sullivan, £536,000;

5th place: John. Higgins, £437,000;

6th place: Zhao Xintong, £404,500;

7th place: Karen. Wilson, £389,000;

8th place: Mark. Williams, £323,500;

9th place: Sean. Murphy, £316,000;

10th place: Barry. Hawkins, £309,000.

Before the start of the main event, seven players had a chance to become the year-end world number one of the season. Karen. Wilson's conditions were the harshest, he had to win the championship, and Selby and Robertson had a round trip.

Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

Top 10 provisional world rankings after the quarter-finals of the World Championships:

1st place: Mark. Selby, £914,500;

2nd place: Neil. Robertson, £902,000;

3rd place: Judd. Trump, £859,500;

4th place: Ronnie. O'Sullivan, £586,000;

5th place: John. Higgins, £487,000;

6th place: Zhao Xintong, £434,500;

7th place: Karen. Wilson, £419,000;

8th place: Mark. Williams, £373,500;

9th place: Sean. Murphy, £316,000;

10th place: Jack. Lissovsky, £315,500.

After the quarter-finals, Selby, Zhao Xintong, Karen. Wilson was eliminated. Although Selby is currently provisionally ranked No. 1 in the world, if he wants to win the year-end world number one, Then Trump cannot reach the final, and O'Sullivan and Higgins cannot win the title.

Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

O'Sullivan has only one prerequisite for becoming the world number one at the end of the year: winning the 2022 World Championship! If Higgins wants to win the year-end first place, in addition to winning the championship, he also needs Trump to fail to reach the final.

Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place
Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

If Trump can win this year's World Championship, the year-end world number one will naturally be in the pocket. If Little makes it to the finals and the Rockets fail to meet the division finals, then the year-end world number one is still him. If Xiaote fails to reach the final, he will lose the world number one at the end of the year.

Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

In terms of Chinese players, Yan Bingtao currently has a score of 253,000 pounds, ranking 15th in the provisional world rankings, and is expected to continue to improve. Zhao Xintong ranked 6th, and Lisovsky, Bingham, Yan Bingtao and Maguire had the theoretical possibility of surpassing him.

Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place
Provisional World Rankings: Selby is provisionally no. 1, with O'Sullivan Jr. Terhiggins vying for year-end first place

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