
Wu Kunfeng, deputy of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress: Concerned about the masses and practicing the original intention of serving the people

author:Ding'an release

"Along the way, watching the changes in the village from a poor village to a rich village, and the days of the villagers have become more and more prosperous, my heart is not to mention how happy I am." Looking at the Anren Village in front of him, the neat cement roads and the brand new small buildings, Wu Kunfeng showed a happy smile on his face.

Wu Kunfeng, deputy of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress: Concerned about the masses and practicing the original intention of serving the people

Wu Kunfeng has served as the secretary of the branch of the Anren Village Committee and the director of the village committee of Longhu Town for 14 years.

In 2007, at the age of 30, he chose to give up the superior conditions in the city and the best opportunity to start a business, and resolutely returned to Anren Village to take up the burden of the director of the village committee, and in 2009, he took up the two positions of secretary and director of the village committee. He not only sprinkled his blood and youth on this land with full enthusiasm, but also ignited the "light of hope" of Anren Village with his true feelings.

Once, Anren Village was listed as a provincial-level poor village in the "13th Five-Year Plan", the village cadres were only three people, the village was full of potholes and dirt roads, once it rained, it would become muddy, and there were also phenomena such as mixed living of people and animals, sewage flowing, and the environment was "dirty and chaotic". In the face of the great plan of poverty alleviation, Wu Kunfeng believes that it is necessary to give play to the strength of unity.

"Rural revitalization is the only way to achieve common prosperity, which is inseparable from the role of 'leaders' and the support of the masses." Wu Kunfeng said.

In order to unite people's hearts, twist everyone's strength into "a rope", and promote the beautiful vision of anren village to realize the revitalization of the countryside, Wu Kunfeng became the "leader" of getting rich, actively ran to every party member's family, conspired with them to develop a good strategy for the development of Anren village, and jointly painted a new picture of anren village's prosperity. At the same time, he also took the initiative to raise a number of black goats, with the great cause of raising sheep to help poor households in the village, to incorporate them into their own industries, through the dividends of shares, etc., to help them achieve increased income and poverty alleviation, and finally "livestock into gold".

This move not only greatly stimulated the villagers' enthusiasm for breeding, but also laid a solid foundation for leading the villagers to get rich together in the future.

Wu Kunfeng, deputy of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress: Concerned about the masses and practicing the original intention of serving the people

"Backward infrastructure is a major obstacle in the rural poverty alleviation battle, and if you want to build a good village, you must put the improvement of the living environment and the strengthening of infrastructure construction in the first place." Wu Kunfeng introduced.

Since 2016, Anren Village has raised a total of 24.23 million yuan in supporting funds for various facilities, which are used for village road construction, water supply engineering, toilet revolution, sewage system, communication facilities, village beautification and lighting project, industrial development and other aspects.

"You see how clean and tidy the two sides of our road are, we started to build the road in 2018, and then the two sides of the road were gradually planted with greenery and fruit trees, and solar street lights were installed, the road was basically hardened, and the villagers traveled much more conveniently." Looking at the scene of the village in front of him, Wu Kunfeng said that he was very relieved and proud.

Today's Anren Village is as beautiful as a garden, compared with the muddy road ahead, breeding pigs, cattle and sheep and other livestock mixed situation, is a world of difference.

To achieve rural revitalization, while doing a good job in improving the rural living environment, Wu Kunfeng believes that it is also necessary to develop and expand the village-level collective economy. "Relying solely on the production model of fighting alone cannot form a scale and resist risks, and we must give play to collective advantages, strengthen the collective economy, and take the road of jointly getting rid of poverty and getting rich."

Under the leadership of Wu Kunfeng, everyone worked together to actively learn good experience and good practices from other cities and counties, and finally innovated and established a village collective company with "party members + company + poor households + farmers": Ding'an Ren'an Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.

Wu Kunfeng, deputy of the Eighth Provincial Party Congress: Concerned about the masses and practicing the original intention of serving the people

After the development of recent years, Anren Village has explored the southern medicine puzzle, golden coconut, pig breeding, Anren chicken, Anren dumplings and other industries suitable for the industrial development path of the village, and has stepped out of a "short-term + medium-term + long-term" industrial development model, and the collective economic development of the village has also changed from almost zero in 2016 to more than one million yuan in production and operation income.

Today's Anren Village, the village is beautiful, the villagers are also rich, the whole village has no "zero migrant worker" family, and has realized the gorgeous "transformation" from a poor village to a rich village.

"The development of this road is inseparable from everyone's unity and concerted efforts, and we have also recorded the changes in the village with photos." Wu Kunfeng looked at the photo in his hand and couldn't help but sigh. He said that next, in strict accordance with the general requirements of "industrial prosperity, ecological livability, rural style civilization, effective governance, and affluent life", with the goal of creating beautiful villages and enhancing the happiness of the masses, we will continue to develop and expand the village collective economy, and do our best to lead Anren villagers out of the "happy road" of strengthening the village and enriching the people.

Source: Ding'an County Rong Media Center