
Fu Bingxun, the "king of bragging," gathered a crowd of 3,000 but claimed to be 100,000, and after being captured by our army, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

author:The battle flag is red

Author: Little Orange

One day in June 1952, the great man met with He Long, commander of the Southwest Military Region, in Zhongnanhai, and as soon as they met, the great man asked a confusing question with an unhappy face: "How many treasure islands do you say china has?" ”

He Long did not understand the meaning of the great man for a moment, and he was stunned and did not speak, and the great man asked himself and replied: "It seems that there are two, there is a Jiang clan on the sea in the southeast direction, and I am afraid that one will also appear in the mountains of your southwest military region!" Blackwater Reeds is another. ”

Fu Bingxun, the "king of bragging," gathered a crowd of 3,000 but claimed to be 100,000, and after being captured by our army, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

After saying that, the great man took out an internal reference newspaper and handed it to them, and the two of them took a look at it, which reprinted an Associated Press report "Fu Bingxun Pulled Up a Hundred Thousand Troops in Black Water behind the Bandit Army", and the two people immediately understood what the great man said.

It turned out that the "black water reed flower" said by the great man was actually the black water county in today's Sichuan, which was called luhua county in the late Qing Dynasty. This is an area controlled by local toasts for generations, often launching rebellions, friends familiar with Chinese history know that the Qing Dynasty sent troops twice to suppress the "big and small Jinchuan" rebellion during the Qianlong period, and Heishui Luhua was a rebel area.

During chiang's rule, they regarded the area as a large rear area, and in the Liberation War, Chiang initially planned to fight guerrilla warfare with the People's Liberation Army, but it was really not possible, and then retreated to Burma. Therefore, Chiang installed many secret agent warlords in the southwest and ordered them to pull up armed forces everywhere to rebel, at which time a secret agent named Fu Bingxun appeared in the Luhua area of Heishui to pull up the rebel forces.

Fu Bingxun, the "king of bragging," gathered a crowd of 3,000 but claimed to be 100,000, and after being captured by our army, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

This Fu Bingxun was a native Han Chinese, a graduate of the Huangpu Fifth Term, who followed Hu Zongnan in his early years in attacking the Red Army, killed many Red Army soldiers, and was a sworn enemy of our army. Later, when he was a military commander under Yang Sen, he actually absconded with a huge amount of military salaries of the whole army and fled to western Sichuan to hide.

By 1949, when the People's Liberation Army liberated most of Sichuan, Fu Bingxun felt that there was nowhere to escape, so he raised an armed band of bandits in western Sichuan and made contact with Baodao. Chiang Kai-shek had always wanted to kill him, but at this time and another time, Chiang Kai-shek was employing people, so he did not care about his previous suspicions, reappointed him as "lieutenant general commander of the 249th Route of the Assault Army", and asked the United States to send them airdrops of weapons, ammunition, radio and other equipment. Fu Bingxun pulled up more than 3,000 people, but boasted that there were 100,000 troops.

He Long read the newspaper, smiled contemptuously, and assured the great man: "These remnants of bandits still want to build a base on the territory of the Southwest Military Region, it is really a pipe dream, I will destroy it!" ”

The great man reminded He Long that he must not underestimate the enemy situation here, the Qing Dynasty twice quelled the chaos, and the Sichuan army attacked three times that year, but all failed, so the enemy must not be taken lightly.

The great man who is familiar with history said it well, black water and large and small Jinchuan, the terrain is dangerous, the local people have built watchtowers in villages and villages, easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Qing army in the Qianlong period fought two counterinsurgency wars, the first was defeated, the second time it was fought for more than ten years, costing half of the national treasury silver, and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed before they were finally pacified.

From 1931 to 1932, the Sichuan warlords invaded here, and as a result, they were defeated in three battles in Blackwater, which shows the strength of the people here.

The black water toast of the defeated Sichuan army was Doji Basang, who ruled a large area in western Sichuan, and the Chiang clan also tried to win him over, giving him a Han name, Su Yonghe, who was named Su Dingyuan, a military general who guarded Wenchuan in the Tang Dynasty. Fu Bingxun also fooled Su Yonghe, asked him to join him in opposing the People's Liberation Army, gave him a lot of gold treasures, and made him "deputy commander of the 249th Route of the Assault Army", and Su Yonghe joined the rebel army with his arms, which also made the situation more complicated.

Fu Bingxun, the "king of bragging," gathered a crowd of 3,000 but claimed to be 100,000, and after being captured by our army, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

After He Long returned to the Southwest Military Region, he immediately dispatched troops and sent Guo Linxiang to serve as the commander-in-chief of the bandits; this man had participated in the famous Central Plains breakthrough and was a brave general, and he also transferred 11 regiments of troops from the Chongqing Military Subdistrict in Guizhou to attack in separate ways.

What is different in the process of suppressing bandits this time is that our army's logistical means have also exchanged shotguns for artillery, and used transport planes to "airdrop," which has greatly solved the obstruction of the difficulties in transportation in the mountains of western Sichuan. In order to demoralize the enemy, the Air Force also airdropped a large number of "security certificates" printed in both Chinese and Tibetan characters into the rebel areas.

Under these circumstances, the advance of the bandit troops was very smooth, and in just five days, they crushed Fu Bingxun's "large army" in one fell swoop; these rabble-rousers indeed surrendered to our army one by one holding aloft "security certificates." Su Yonghe and Fu Bingxun each absconded with a small number of retinues, and the Platon Army pursued them separately and adopted different strategies for them.

Premier Zhou instructed that in ancient times, Zhuge Liang could still get "seven captures and seven indulgences" against Meng, so he also had to be lenient with Su Yonghe, and successively sent his wife and two sons up the mountain to persuade him to surrender.

Fu Bingxun, the "king of bragging," gathered a crowd of 3,000 but claimed to be 100,000, and after being captured by our army, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the river

And Fu Bingxun had to be hunted down severely, and the bandit troops and the local people searched for Fu Bingxun, who was like a bereaved dog, disguised as a refugee, hiding in Tibet, and finally starved, and even used gold to buy food from the local people. As a result, Lu Feng was captured by the masses, and on the way to escort him to the People's Liberation Army, Fu Bingxun thought that he would not be able to escape being shot, so he threw himself into the water and committed suicide, ending his shameful life.

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