
Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

author:Informed Darley Flower Cat N
Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

1. Cola chicken wings

Method: Cut the chicken wings three times with a knife in the root, as long as the skin is cut, fine salt is smeared, put yellow wine, dark soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, onion, ginger and garlic in the bowl, adjust and put on the chicken wings, marinate for about an hour; put salad oil in the pot, fry the marinated chicken wings, pay attention to the slight golden brown on both sides, pour Pepsi, the amount is almost submerged in chicken wings, after boiling, low heat until the soup is thick.   

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

2. Hibiscus chicken slices

Ingredients: 450 g of chicken breast. Egg white 30 g, pork fat 50 g, cooked ham minced 15 g, pea sprouts 35 g, water hair shiitake mushroom 6 g. 15 grams of shallot ginger juice, 20 grams of rice wine, 5 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 500 grams of peanut oil (actual oil consumption 45 grams).

Operation: Put the chicken breast. Cut the fat into a fine mushroom, put it into a container, add onion and ginger juice, rice wine, chicken broth, fine salt, and stir well. Beat the egg whites into eggs and add to the chicken, add MSG and stir until strong. When the pot is heated on the fire and the peanut oil is heated to 30% heat (about 75 ° C), the chicken mushrooms are scooped into a willow leaf shape with a hand spoon and put into the oil pot one by one, and when the chicken slices are "raised" into white jade, gently pour into a colander to drain the oil. Leave a little oil in the pan. Add bean sprouts, shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry, add Shao wine, chicken broth, salt, MSG and boil to the top, add chicken mushroom slices, gently turn the wok and remove the minced ham.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

3. Kung Pao chicken

Take the tender chicken breast, pat the meat loose, shave the cross pattern 3 mm square, then cut into 2 cm square pieces, add salt, soy sauce and wet starch and mix well. After sautéing the peanuts and leaving to cool, peel them, cut the seeded dried red peppers into 2 cm long segments. Mix soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, clear soup, and water starch into a sauce. Add the bottom oil to the net pot and burn it to 50% heat, first add the peppercorns, fry out the aroma and then remove the peppercorns, add the dried red pepper segments and quickly fry them into a brownish red, put in the chicken cubes and fry them, put ginger, green onions, garlic, pepper noodles and stir-fry evenly, cook into the cooking wine and fry it, then add ginger, garlic, and minced green onion to fry out the aroma, quickly pour in the seasoning sauce, boil the juice and add peanuts, stir-fry evenly.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

4: Three cups of chicken

Because when cooking chicken nuggets, add a small cup of sweet rice wine, lard, and soy sauce, do not put soup water, charcoal turkey nuggets stew, so it is called "three cups of chicken". Add chives, ginger, etc. to the seasoning, use a small casserole pot with a lid on the charcoal stove to simmer slowly, after serving, full of fragrance, the chicken nuggets in the casserole are red in color, the chicken is delicious, the soup is mellow, and it is original, which is very popular.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

5. Noble concubine chicken

Ingredients: one and a half pounds of chicken thighs Seasoning: wine three or two or so, green onion knots, ginger, soy sauce, rice wine, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil

Directions: Wash the chicken thighs and chop them into chunks. Heat the pan, add the green onion and ginger to simmer the aroma, pour in the chicken nuggets, sauté until tightened, and then add rice wine, soy sauce, salt and sugar. After boiling, simmer over low heat for an hour, then add wine and cook until the soup is thick, add MSG and a little sesame oil (sesame oil can also be left alone).

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

6. Stewed black-boned chicken

Ingredients: Taihe black bone chicken, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate.

Preparation: Blanch the black-bone chicken with water to remove blood stains, put it in a sand bowl and add spices to stew until crispy.

Features: original taste, Thai and specialties.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

7. Original pebble chicken

Ingredients: native chicken, big red pepper, soy sauce, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, etc.

Preparation Method: Stir-fry the chicken cubes and add spices to cook until the juice is thick, then pour it on the hot pebbles.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

8. Ganwei roasted stone chicken

Ingredients: stone chicken, pork belly, red pepper, ginger garlic, dried pepper, salt, soy sauce, rice wine, monosodium glutamate.

Preparation method: pork belly, stone chicken chopped, added with auxiliary ingredients sautéed after adding stone chicken, pork belly pieces, soup, spices together stewed.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

9. Yiyang chicken

Ingredients: fat and tender hen, tempeh, ginger pieces, green onion knots, cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate.

Preparation method: Chop the chicken into long strips, blanch the water, add the accessories, spices and cover well, and steam until crispy.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

10. Three fresh chicken wings

Ingredient A: Six chicken wings Half a pound of shiitake mushrooms, half a pound of mushrooms, six and seven black fungus

Ingredient B: Ginger slices, garlic slices, shallots, soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, rock sugar, oil.

Method: First put the chicken wings into the soy sauce and marinate for half an hour; pour the oil into the pot, heat it, add ginger slices, garlic slices, green onions and stir-fry, and then add the chicken wings; stir-fry, when the chicken wings turn slightly yellow, add salt, add chicken essence, add water, the water should be completely spread over the chicken wings; add rock sugar, add shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, black fungus. Cover the pot, cook on high heat for five or six minutes, cook on medium heat for thirty minutes, the longer the fresher, if you cook for an hour on low heat, it will be very fresh. 11. Large plate of chicken

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

11. Beer chicken

Ingredients: 1 chicken, washed and chopped into small pieces for later; potatoes peeled and cut into chopstick-head thick slices, rinsed with water to remove starch for later; dry pepper about 100 grams, washed and cut into sections, 1 bottle of beer for later; watercress and white sand sugar 2-3 tablespoons each; 1 slice of ginger, 4-5 cloves of garlic, chopped green onion for later, peppercorns, monosodium glutamate, a little salt; belt noodles (other noodles can also be replaced, to be wide).

Method: Add more oil, put the peppercorns in the pot, fry out the aroma, fish out; white sand sugar under the pot, stir slowly, until the burnt is brown and float to the oil surface, remember not to turn black; the chicken into the pot and turn the high heat for a while; the ginger, dry pepper (red) under the pan and stir-fry with the chicken, until there is no water in the pot, the chicken nuggets are fried golden; add watercress (and then add salt appropriately) quickly stir-fry a few times, quickly turn the watercress and salt well; put the beer into the pot and bring it to a boil. The amount of beer depends on the amount of meat and potatoes; put the potatoes into a pot and stir well with the chicken and cook. Heat for 6 or 7 minutes and then heat on low; let the potatoes cool, add the green onions and turn well. Do not burn dry beer, but the beer should not be too much, a little soup in the pot can be; after about a minute, put MSG and garlic, turn well out of the pot; cook the noodles with water alone, and mix the noodles with the lower belt after eating the chicken.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

12. Chicken wings curry

Ingredients: chicken wings, cooked potatoes, green beans, accessories: salt, chicken essence, curry powder, cooking wine, fresh soup, water starch.

Method: Wash the chicken wings, cut the potatoes into hob pieces, wash the green beans and drain the water; sit in the pot and light the fire, pour in the oil, the oil temperature is 40% hot, add curry powder and fry the aroma, pour in the chicken wings, potatoes and stir-fry, add fine salt, fresh soup, chicken essence, green beans simmer for 20 minutes, before the pot water starch is thin, you can get out of the pot.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

13. Beer stewed chicken wings

Ingredients: 8 wings, 1 beer, 1 star anise, 1 small piece of cinnamon, pixian bean paste, rock sugar

Method: Blanch the chicken wings with boiling water first; when the beer is about to dry, flip the chicken wings and dry the water with a high flame; plate.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

14: Crispy chicken fillet

Ingredients: Fresh chicken breast, delicious crispy and spicy fried chicken seasoning.

Directions: Cut the chicken breast into strips, mix well with the fried chicken seasoning and marinate slightly. Rack the pan, put the oil (the oil should be more, otherwise it is easy to stick), the oil to 7 minutes hot, under the chicken shreds, fried until golden brown can be out of the pan, plate, eat while hot.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

15. Chicken stewed in the field snail

Raise the snails for 3-4 days with water, stir-fry with spices; Chicken stir-fried separately with flavor; Stir-fry, add half a stick of beer to simmer live, eat over low heat.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

16. Chestnut roast meat (chicken, duck, beef, pig)

Chestnuts can be cut into a cross in the skin with a kitchen knife, then boiled in water, boiled for a while and picked up, after a little cold water is easier to dial. Put a little oil, put a little more minced garlic and ginger into it, add meat (chicken or pork), etc.; fry until the meat turns white, put cooking wine, just order sugar, add some soy sauce, add water just over the meat, and then put the chestnut in, in order to be more fragrant and more flavorful, I will also put some star anise and the like, like spicy put some bean drum or something; boil on high heat, and then use a low heat to blunt for about 30 minutes, add salt after the chestnut is cooked, add salt early, chestnut is difficult to cook, put MSG, plate'

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

17. Pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: 500 grams of chicken claws, a bottle of pickled pepper.

Method one: the chicken feet with boiling water to go fishy, and then put another boiled water until the chicken feet are cooked thoroughly, after fishing up, remove the large bones, pour into the whole bottle of the supermarket to buy the liquid and half a bottle of mountain pepper, and then add the kimchi water in their own kimchi irrigation (if there is no kimchi irrigation, add pure water and then add the right amount of salt according to personal taste, the salty taste is slightly heavier to enter the taste), the brine is appropriate to drown the chicken claw, and then put in the refrigerator The next day to eat just right. It is characterized mainly by highlighting the salty taste of kimchi.

Method 2: Chicken feet Wild mountain pepper Ingredient A: 25 grams of salt, 5 grams of brown sugar, 5 grams of white wine, a little peppercorns, 5 dried peppers, a slice of ginger, three slices of garlic, and an appropriate amount of cool white

Method: Mix Ingredient A with wild pepper, soak for more than an hour; wash the chicken feet, cut off the tip of the claws, chop small pieces, put in hot water and cook for about 20 minutes; rinse the cooked chicken feet with cool water to remove the oil slick, put them in Ingredient A, marinate for half a day; take out and plate.

Tip: If you have your own Sichuan kimchi at home, you can directly replace ingredient A with water from the kimchi jar, which tastes better. The time to cook chicken feet should not be too long, otherwise the stew will affect the taste; wild mountain pepper is very spicy, do not put too much, you can pour some wild mountain pepper water in ingredient A.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

18. Hainan white chopped chicken (also known as Hainan Wenchang chicken)

Method 1: Fill the steel pot with seven minutes of water, chop two pieces of ginger into ginger slices, and 3 spices of fine salt. Bring to a boil over high heat. Place the chicken in boiling water and carefully turn it over twice so that the chicken's whole body can evenly pass through the boiling water. Especially the boiling water in the chicken cavity, must be kept consistent with the temperature outside the chicken body. Cover the pot and simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Poke the chicken body with chopsticks, if there is no blood spilling, well, it means that it is already seven or eight minutes cooked. Ready to go out. A layer of clear chicken fat on the chicken soup can be skimmed out with a spoon and used to cook chicken fat rice, also known as chicken rice, which is very fragrant. Scoop out the drained chicken. After cooling, if you are interested, you can apply sesame oil to the whole body of the chicken, so that the chicken will be more tender and beautiful. The chicken soup continues, add rotten bamboo, vermicelli..., and make a pot of fragrant chicken soup for the soul. Chicken cut into chunks. First chop the chicken head, separate the wings, disassemble the chicken legs, cut the chicken body; the cut chicken is laid out haphazardly and plated. Chicken because seven or eight cooked, the bones also have a trace of blood, this is the characteristics of Hainan chicken, so that it is tender and delicious, soft and fragrant in the mouth. Wenchang chicken is indispensable to the embellishment of coriander, just like spring onion and tofu, which are naturally destined to be together. Sprinkle some coriander leaves on top.

Method 2: The more authentic Wenchang chicken is generally made of soup water, which is also a high-heat boiling broth, and then put the chicken into the boiling soup and flip it and blanch it, so that the chicken body is heated and expanded. Then switch to slow cooking, the soup is bubbling in the air without boiling the heat, cook for about 5 minutes, lift the chicken, pour out the abdominal soup, and then put it into the soup to soak, repeat three, four times, to eight minutes cooked, the chicken extract drained and then put in the cold soup to soak, cool slightly after taking out, smeared with a layer of sesame oil. There are usually two kinds of condiment blending, one is salty and umami type, made with ginger, garlic, monosodium glutamate (I never buy MSG), and old soy sauce. The other is the sweet and sour type, which is formulated with chicken broth, white vinegar (preferably small oranges), white sugar (if you don't put it), salt, ginger and garlic paste. If you like spicy, you can add a little chili sauce.

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

19) Stir-fried chicken with pineapple

Ingredients: 1/2 fresh pineapple, chicken, carrot, cabbage, green vegetables 4 pairs (160 grams), white sesame seeds 1 two (40 grams), red pepper shreds, tender ginger shreds, green onion white, sweet and sour pickles to taste. Seasoning: Ginger, salt, sugar to taste, peanut butter, fish sauce (shrimp oil) 1 tablespoon each.

Directions: Divide the pineapple in half, use a knife to dig out the meat and cut it into strips, and set aside the husk. The chicken is shredded, the chicken is marinated in ginger juice for 10 minutes, and the white sesame seeds are sautéed until fragrant. Sauté shredded pineapple, shredded chicken, shredded sour beets, shredded ginger, season with salt and peanut butter, put into the shell, sprinkle with white sesame seeds, decorate with red pepper shreds, etc

Twenty Recipes for Chicken All Color, Aroma, and Taste Are Quickly Preserved

20. Chicken stew with mushrooms

Wash the mushrooms and soak them in warm water (the water to soak the mushrooms must not be poured) After soaking, the mushrooms are fished out and set aside, and the water used to soak the mushrooms is also used. Wash and cut the chicken into chunks. Heat the pan and add the oil to an appropriate amount, add the green onion and ginger to sauté the pan until fragrant, then pour in the chicken nuggets and stir-fry. Add an appropriate amount of dark soy sauce to color. Transfer the chicken nuggets from the wok into a sand pot, add the water to soak the mushrooms, add the mushrooms, and add the star anise. Bring the sand pot to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat and start simmering. Finally, add salt and MSG. 21. Brine gizzard flowers

Ingredients: 250 g chicken gizzard. 3 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of ginger and green onion, 10 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of peppercorns, 50 grams of fresh soup, 10 grams of sesame oil, 0.5 grams of monosodium glutamate

Method: Remove the inner gold from the wrist and wash it, remove the white rib membrane of the outer skin of the chicken gizzard, change it to four petals) and then use a straight knife to carve into a cross flower knife (the knife spacing is 2 mm, the depth is 4/5), and then put into the steaming bowl, add refined salt, ginger, green onion, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, fresh soup, peppercorns into the cage and steam until cooked thoroughly, take it out and refrigerate, plate it, and drizzle the gizzard flowers with sesame oil. This dish can also be cooked. If you add five-spice powder when steaming or drizzle with pretzel sauce after serving, it is a five-spice wrist flower or a pepper salt wrist flower.