
Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

author:Dr. Jiro

As we all know, the liver is one of the important organs of the human body, it plays a role in detoxification metabolism and endocrine, which is why everyone attaches great importance to liver nourishment.

However, with the acceleration of the pace of life and the influence of bad living habits, the liver will be more or less damaged, coupled with the fact that there is no pain nerve on the surface of the liver, when it has a health risk, patients often do not feel abnormal, so it is easy to miss the best time for treatment.

But fortunately, there are more and more clinical cases, and the data summarized by doctors shows that once the liver has a problem, the human hand will first send a signal for help, such as the following 5 kinds.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

1. Palm color is yellow

After having the problem of yellowing of the palm area, we must first consider whether it is caused by spleen and stomach weakness, if this factor is excluded, but the color of the palm area continues to yellow, and even has signs of aggravation, it is likely to be caused by liver abnormalities.

Because after the liver function is impaired, it is impossible to complete the task of cleaning up the metabolic junk toxins in the body, and at the same time, the content of bilirubin continues to rise, and eventually it will manifest itself in the form of yellowing of the palm color.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

2. Spider mole

The so-called spider mole, in fact, is similar to the shape of the spider mole from the appearance, generally appearing in the palm of the patient's hand, and the middle part is slightly raised.

The appearance of this symptom is also related to liver diseases, such as common hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc., because the liver has the ability to inactivate estrogen, but when it is damaged, the inactivation function will also decline.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

3. Abnormal nails

Under normal circumstances, the surface of people's nails will be very smooth, but once the nails lose their luster and slowly appear vertical lines, it may be caused by weak liver qi or lack of liver blood.

As a result, the nail area can not be fully moisturized, so it will show abnormalities, if there is no timely treatment, the nail may also be easy to break the problem.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

4. Liver palm

Liver palm is a medical term, in short, the color of the patient's palm area becomes particularly uneven, especially the thumb and the base of the thumb and small thumb fish remember that there will be more flaky bleeding.

After a firm grip, the palms of your hands will turn pale, and you will immediately become red after letting go.

The appearance of this symptom is often related to liver diseases such as chronic hepatitis cirrhosis, so remind everyone that when similar symptoms are found, please go to the hospital to check the liver.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

5. The green tendons on the back of the hand are prominent

For men who have been engaged in manual labor for many years, vascular protrusion is a normal manifestation, but if there is less physical labor, but the green tendons on the back of the hand are still more prominent, it may be the performance of liver qi depression.

Especially if you are too angry, when you are angry, your blood qi will be hindered, and eventually it will manifest as a symptom of protruding green tendons.

Once there is a problem with the liver, the hand or send out 5 distress signals, pay attention to observation, do not be careless

All in all, the liver is a vital organ for all people, so we must protect it well, such as staying up late drinking and other bad habits.

Secondly, pay more attention to the physical performance, if the hand inexplicably has the color of yellowing, spider moles and nail performance abnormalities of these symptoms, you should be vigilant whether it is liver disease attack, at this time please go to the hospital for the first time to avoid missing the best treatment time.