
China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

author:Jingyang fusion media

April 24, 1970

With the music of "Oriental Red"

Playing in the vast expanse of space

Dream of the stars and the sea

Plant a small seed in the hearts of the Chinese people

China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

That's the moment

China's aerospace industry set sail

The yellow sand of the Gobi could not hide the clear eyes

This path to dreams

The journey is arduous but the footsteps are firm

China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

The road is blue, and the stars wear the moon

Generations of astronauts are facing the sky and chasing the light

Dedicate your life to the deeply loved aerospace industry

China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

From the desert to the starry sky

From the North to the South China Sea

The dream sound of "nine days to catch the moon"

Rhythmic echoes in space-time

The stars are engraved with more

The highlight moment of China's aerospace

China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

Today, 52 years later

How do we sing for spaceflight?

Xinhua News Agency's "Sound in China" column

Launched the first space music documentary

"Song for You, Tribute to China's Aerospace"

Tell you about the sea of stars

A story of invincibility

China Space Day 丨This hardcore romance from space, please check it out

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Source: Xinhua News Agency

Editor: Gao Yan

Editor-in-charge: Xie Tao

Supervisor: Li Haifeng

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