
Abandoning the basic principles of the journalists' union, it was listed as a political organization by the Hong Kong government, and the Hong Kong "Journalist Association" discussed the dissolution of the matter

Source: Global Times

Following the dissolution of anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong groups such as the "Democratic Front" and the "Education Association," another organization, the "Journalist Association," also began to discuss the dissolution.

According to the Hong Kong Headline Daily Network, the "Hong Kong Journalists Association" held a special general meeting of members by video on the afternoon of the 23rd to discuss the future direction, including "whether it is necessary to amend the constitution to match the future direction", which involves the dissolution threshold. Chen Langsheng, chairman of the "Journalist Association", said after the meeting that 90 people attended the meeting and more than 20 members spoke, but he would not cite details such as the content of the discussion and the proportion of opinions at the meeting, and would continue to collect written opinions from members until May 31.

When asked whether "dissolution" was one of the future options for the Association, Chen Langsheng said that "someone must have mentioned the relevant words" at the meeting, but would not assert that it was an option. According to the Constitution of the Association, the organization may be dissolved only if not less than 5/6 of all voting members vote by secret ballot; once dissolved, all remaining assets of the Association after the settlement of debts will be divided equally among all voting members. As for the follow-up action, Chen Langsheng said that the relevant actions will not be carried out until June at the earliest. Earlier, the Hong Kong police said that they would no longer recognize the membership card of the "Association of Journalists" and had searched the residence of Chen Langsheng and others. According to Hong Kong's "Ming Pao" reported on the 24th, a senior member analyzed after the meeting that the "Journalist Association" has now been listed as a political organization by the Hong Kong government, so it is not surprising that it has been investigated by the National Security Department of the Hong Kong police.

Founded in 1968, the Hong Kong Journalists Association has had fewer than 1/10 of the industry's membership for many years, and a significant number of them are non-practitioners. In addition to full members, the Association also allows PUBLIC RELATIONS members (those employed in the public relations industry and information services) and student members (trained in journalism or apprenticed). In 2021-2022, two out of 11 executive committee members are not informal members. The organization's executive committee in the past has been the backbone of "Yellow Silk" and has a close relationship with Next Media, founded by Lai Zhiying. For example, former chairman Yang Jianxing was the chief writer of "Zhongxin", and the founder of "Zhongxin" was Cen Yilan, the elder of Apple Daily. When Lai Zhiying and 10 other people, including Top Executives of Next Media, were arrested on suspicion of colluding with foreign or foreign forces, conspiring to commit fraud and inciting incitement, Yang Jianxing went outside the Next Media Building to speak out about "protecting the Lord".

During the "black riot" period, many Hong Kong citizens complained that people wearing yellow vests, holding "Ji Xie" membership cards, and self-proclaimed "journalists" entered and exited the scene of the riots, blatantly obstructing the police from performing their official duties, and the police also seized many fake press cards during the arrest operation. In early August 2019, an online media outlet "started" a Hong Kong pro-establishment media reporter online, but the "Ji Association" did not condemn the incident. The "Journalist Association" even poisons students under the banner of professionalism, and their student membership cards only need dozens of Hong Kong dollars, resulting in "children's memories" everywhere at the scene of the "black riot". In May 2020, two 12- and 16-year-old "student journalists" from Shenzhen Learning Media were at the scene of the demonstration and taken back to the police station, where Yang Jianxing disregarded the safety of the students and insisted that he did not believe that the "middle school reporters" were wrong to cover the demonstration site. After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the "Journalist Association" also denigrated the "harshness" of the provisions of the National Security Law, and even smeared the national security law as "meaningless" in the protection of human rights.

In September 2021, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung criticized by name the "Ji Xie" for violating professional ethics and infiltrating the campus. Commissioner of Police Siu Tak-yi said that the "Journalist Association" once advocated "everyone being a journalist" and "selectively deafness" to media with different opinions.

A commentary in Hong Kong's "Bus Newspaper" on the 24th believed that the dissolution of the "Association of Journalists" was "sooner or later", and gave an example that the "Association of Education" held a similar special general meeting on August 28 last year, and after significantly lowering the threshold for dissolution by amending the constitution, it quickly voted to dissolve at the second general meeting on September 11. The commentary said that the Hong Kong government must strengthen the supervision of press cards and "fake news", so that the police and journalists have a law to follow, so that the "Journalist Association" and some "yellow silk" reporters can no longer abuse the so-called "press freedom" to act arbitrarily. Gu Yaokun, vice chairman of the Federation of Journalists, criticized that for many years, the "Journalist Association" has taken a radical stand on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law and the "black riots" and other matters, and is not qualified to represent the Hong Kong press. Fu Jianci, a member of the All-China Association for the Study of Hong Kong and Macao and vice chairman of the Hong Kong Law Exchange Foundation, said: The "Journalist Association" has betrayed the basic principles of the journalists' union and undermined the professional image of journalists, which is basically a naked political tool. He urged law enforcement to conduct a thorough investigation into the Association, trace its source of funds, and bring the relevant offenders to justice. Chen Xuefeng, vice chairman of the DAB and member of the Legislative Council, believes that the most important factor in determining the future direction of the "Association" lies in whether they have done something illegal, "The purpose of this trade union is to challenge the national security law, which is something that the law does not allow."

Related Links: There is also the chaotic Hong Kong organization "borrowing corpses to return the soul"

After the Hong Kong National Security Law came into effect at the end of June 2020, it immediately showed great power. In June 2021, the 11-year-old Hong Kong "New Democracy League" announced its dissolution, the "Democratic Front" disbanded in August, and the radical "Hong Kong independence" organization "Enthusiastic Citizens" announced its dissolution in September. In the same month, the "branch association" that has been anti-China and chaotic in Hong Kong for 32 years held a special general meeting of members, and the dissolution bill was passed by the big ratio. The 48-year-old Association of Education Professionals ("Education Professionals Association") in Hong Kong with 95,000 members has also come to an end.

Some organizations that have not yet been dissolved, such as the "Social Democratic Association", are only struggling to support, and the current party chairman is Huang Haoming, and the vice chairman of the internal affairs is former Legislative Council member Leung Kwok-hung. The organisation currently has no seats in the Legislative Council and District Councils of Hong Kong. There is also the "Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion", formerly known as the "University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Programme", which was officially registered as a limited company on 19 February 2019, and the current chairman and chief executive officer is Chung Ting-yiu, a retired assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong. In March, a draft questionnaire suspected of being produced by the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion was circulated online, and a poll on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was circulated, and some of the questions were alleged to be seriously inducing and suspected of violating the national security law.

However, some of the chaotic Hong Kong organizations that have been dissolved are actually "borrowing corpses to return their souls", which is worth vigilance. The "Workers' Union", which was dissolved in October last year, was not removed from the registration of the association until this month, but it still did not submit to the police in accordance with the law and timely information on the operation of the organization, activities, sources of income and expenditure. Hong Kong media disclosed on the 22nd that the "Workers' League" transferred a large amount of information to the training centers of the shadow organization "City-Up Continuing Education College", which are located in Jordan, Kwai Hing and Sha Tin, all of which are the original sites of the "Workers' Union" training centers that have been discontinued. Its website is copyrighted by "Consultancy Training Consultants Limited". The Consultant was incorporated two weeks before the "Workers' Union" announced its dissolution, and its directors and shareholders included Lo Ying-kei, Wong Jun-si and Yao Shaohong. Among them, Luo Yingqi was once the organizational officer of the "Workers' League", Huang Junsi was Luo's partner, and he was the training director of the "Workers' League" Shili Center, and Yao Shaohong had a close relationship with the executive committee of the "Workers' League".

Hong Kong media also found that in April last year, the "Workers' League" secretly held a number of "black riot" film screenings to incite violence. A Hong Kong reporter directly attacked about 20 men and women dressed in black who gathered in a classroom of about 300 square feet to watch a movie, including students under the age of 18. At that time, the screening venue was the unit where the City-Up Continuing Education Institute was located in the Jordan Four Seas Building today. In addition, at least 8 former "employee union" affiliate officers who are still active have each registered a new company, changed the name of an affiliated company, or remained in an important position as a subordinate officer.

The commentary believes that the dissolution of chaotic Hong Kong organizations shows that Hong Kong laws have played a deterrent role and that "sky nets have been restored without leakage." As for those chaotic Hong Kong organizations or institutions that are still surviving, if they do not change their political concepts, they will inevitably escape the fate of dissolution.

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