
Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

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Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

This week, On April 28, Venus joins Neptune, intoxicating with dreamism and wild ideas. Romantic ideas are all over the world, poetry and distant places are desirable, especially beneficial to friends engaged in art and creative industries, you will find that the unrealistic ideas of the past can be implemented in the next few days. Only people who do bad things, not bad things! Friends who have always been conservative, your values will change drastically, and you don't want to be eliminated, you can only adjust to the changes of the times. Just as the so-called Yangtze River back wave pushes the front wave, a generation of old people win over new people, and must follow the trend of the market and develop. In terms of investment and financial management, the fluctuations are uncertain, and we must do what we can.

Love: This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, make people like to live in their own world, not to the Yellow River heart does not die, must break the sand pot to ask the end, even if it is naked cruelty and ruthlessness, but also to have a pain! Ask what the world's situation is, and the Orthodox Church promises life and death!

Health: Easy insomnia

Shipping location: Florist

Career winning star

1 Gemini

This week, April 28th, Venus and Neptune, so that you, who have always been adaptable, will create brilliance in your career. You will find that the customer's ideas coincide with yours, and the order contract is a hit. It depends on the acumen of your professional tentacles and the collaboration of every member of your team. The next thing that needs to be done is to divide labor and cooperate, and each can successfully complete the task by performing its own duties. Warm tips: When you get the fruits of victory, be sure to share it with everyone, which is not only conducive to improving morale, but also has a good reputation and gains people's hearts.

Love: This week on April 28, Venus and Neptune, easy to fall into the emotional trap, just like the feelings of the mirror flower and water moon, it is out of reach! Don't be blindly confident, otherwise it will only be empty!

Health: Prone to skin allergies

Lucky color: white

Kaiyun Ornament: White Ghost

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

2 Libras

This week, on April 28, Venus joined Neptune, and his career was very successful. Not only to obtain the full support of customers, but also under the promotion of the boss, there are many new cooperation opportunities, due to the increase in business cooperation opportunities, the income is naturally rising. Coupled with your good popularity, relatives and friends around you will take the initiative to introduce new project development to you, may wish to know more, you will find that there is no intention to plant willows, a lot of business is promoted between casual words. In terms of investment and financial management, there are professionals around, you may wish to learn more from them.

Love: This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, the object of love at first sight, may wish to be friends first, to be deeply understood, and then establish a relationship.

Health: Pay attention to eye care.

Lucky color: green

Kaiyun ornament: turquoise

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

3 Aquarius

This week on April 28, Venus joined Neptune and won the career. Under the recommendation of your nobles, not only will you have more opportunities, but you will also be invited to attend the banquet, meet the elites of all walks of life to expand your network, so that you can benefit a lot of eye-opening, meet like-minded partners, talk to each other very happily, and have a great feeling of meeting and hating the night. The same concept, coupled with the fact that the gold lord is by your side, you may wish to be brave enough to accept new challenges, the people around you are very much looking forward to it, and you are more and more convinced that everything is possible. Do not make short-term investment in terms of partial financial luck, which is risky and has less returns! If you have enough funds, you can choose long-term financial management.

Love: This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, extremely yearning for love, do not want to be happy alone, but unfortunately there is no suitable person around, do not want to live on the line, rather than indiscriminate!

Health: Easy to sprain foot

Lucky color: yellow

Kaiyun ornament: beeswax

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

The workplace is a non-star

1 Cancer

This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune make you hesitate in the workplace, not knowing whether the choice is correct now, only to see one step at a time! Now the competition in the workplace is quite fierce, you need to always stay awake, just the so-called born in distress and died in comfort! Tips: Avoid fighting with others, don't have a direct conflict with colleagues, just complete your share of the work. Do not seek merit but seek no fault, and a smooth life is the best policy. Don't worry about yourself hanging high, I hope you can meet the stronger the stronger! The partial fortune index has an upward trend and can be invested slightly in the short term.

Love: This week on April 28th, Venus and Neptune, I feel extremely empty and lonely and cold in my heart! Love without an economic basis becomes pale and powerless! The so-called poor couple Pepsi lament! It is recommended to make a living before making love!

Health: Pay attention to the combination of work and leisure

Lucky color: purple

Kaiyun ornament: Purple hair crystal

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

2 Scorpio

This week, on April 28, Venus and Neptune should break the norm in their careers and learn to think differently. If you want to stand out, you have to unite with others, after all, the power of the individual is limited, although the profit will be thin, but at least it can be done! In this turbulent workplace, defense is more important than offense! Many things need time to accumulate, and the so-called quantitative change will only have a qualitative change at a certain stage. It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to do ideological work with everyone, and to pursue the number of colleagues to ensure quality, otherwise it will only be a bamboo basket to hit the water! Alliances are the key to success, don't go it alone!

Love: This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, it is easy to carry out a relationship separating the two places, and it is quite helpless for a long-distance marriage, but I can't help it! I don't know why I am deeply in love!

Health: easy to throat inflammation, fire

Lucky color: green

Kaiyun Ornament: Green Ghost

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

3 Pisces

This april 28th Venus and Neptune, you feel more than enough in the workplace and not enough! Understand that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. There are changes in the external environment, the competition among peers in the industry is quite fierce, not only in the product price, after-sales service to make major adjustments, but also the brain drain is also quite serious. Therefore, it is also necessary to make corresponding adjustments in response to changes in the market, pay more attention to communication and communication among employees and subordinates, do ideological work as soon as possible, and stabilize people's hearts and minds is the primary task! It is worth mentioning that this week is particularly easy to break the money, be careful not to take chances, otherwise it will only make you regret it!

Love: This week on April 28th Venus and Neptune, Caught in a feeling of physical and mental tiredness, no motivation for love! I always feel that the person in front of me is not what I want! You have to understand that there is a distance between ideals and reality!

Health: Decreased sleep quality

Lucky color: Gold

Kaiyun ornament: Blonde crystal

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

Other constellations

1 Aries

This week, April 28th Venus and Neptune, if you have divine help in your career this week, you will find that the people around you are very fond of you, so that you feel that everything is possible in your career. Be good at grasping the current opportunities, to engage in long-brewed plans, through the friends around you can be implemented on the ground, so that you can get a win-win situation. Professional things are left to professional people to deal with, you only need to integrate resources, you can harvest full of wealth. In terms of investment and financial management, it is appropriate to take prudent measures, do not hearsay, and follow your own wishes.

In terms of love: This week on April 28th Venus and Neptune, a harmonious life allows you to maintain a balanced mood, attach importance to spiritual communication, get along well with a partner, and good communication adds fun to ordinary life.

Health: Drink plenty of water to replenish water loss

Lucky color: white

Kaiyun ornament: Mammoth ivory

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

2 Taurus

This week on April 28th Venus and Neptune, I feel powerless for my current job! The same work tasks make you bored! Although physically and mentally exhausted, he still kept to his post. You can strive for more favorable resources from your superiors, and if you are understaffed, you can also directly reflect them in order to make adjustments! If you are the boss, you should participate in more activities and gatherings, change the circle, and you will have unexpected gains. In terms of fortune, we must pay special attention to living within our means and trying to avoid unnecessary expenses, otherwise we will become slaves to money. In terms of investment and financial management, we must do what we can and do not blindly follow the trend.

In terms of love: This week On April 28th, Venus and Neptune, don't continue to invest in your unwillingness, don't spend time on people who don't cherish you! The rest of your life is expensive, so be sure to spend time on people who make you laugh!

Health: Eat more fruits and supplement vitamins

Lucky color: Red

Kaiyun ornament: Red Ghost

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

3 Leos

This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, this week in the career need to learn to act low-key, to understand the taoguang and obscure, to learn to take into account the overall situation. It is a very big ordeal for you, and now many people are waiting to see your jokes, hoping that you can turn grief into strength to face difficulties, prove your own strength with your actions, and do not need too much argument! It is worth mentioning that it is easy to have theft incidents, and it is necessary to keep valuables!

Love: This week, April 28th Venus and Neptune, this week in love will face many temptations, you will be happy in the world of flowers and flowers, I hope you can turn the peach blossom into a popularity, can help you in your career.

Health: Pay attention to traffic safety

Lucky color: green

Kaiyun ornament: green hair crystal

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

4 Virgos

This week on April 28th Venus and Neptune, you who are born with perfectionism, then become more perfect in your career. Just as the so-called details determine success or failure, your serious and responsible, meticulous attitude has become a good story in the industry. In the original industry, you can not only get the praise of customers, but also get more and more abundant resource investment, so that you are more confident to meet the future. In terms of partial fortune, we have obtained a lot of favorable information, and there are many opportunities to earn extra money.

Love: This week on April 28, Venus and Neptune, in terms of love, it can be said that the spring breeze is blowing. In the face of the long-desired object, take a proactive attitude, contact more, express your sincerity, the other party is quickly moved by your sincerity. Those who already have a partner need to arrange a reasonable time, take more time to accompany their families, and the stability of feelings is conducive to the release of the individual's heart.

Health: decreased resistance, pay attention to rest.

Lucky color: Brown

Kaiyun ornament: copper hair crystal

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

5 Sagittarius

This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, so that you are in a dilemma in your career, you must understand that in business, do not be emotional, even in the face of familiar colleagues to make mistakes, you must also act according to the rules and regulations, otherwise people will think that you shield your subordinates, not only damaged reputation, but also will cause a series of contradictions. Just as the so-called everything is ready only to owe the East Wind, the words are not there, do not make senseless verbal disputes, and wait for the opportunity to be the best policy! Don't do any investment and financial management, easy to lose!

Love: This week on April 28, Venus meets Neptune, yearning for romantic love. Always envious of the love of friends, rather than envying the fish, it is better to retreat to the net!

Health: Pay attention to the health care of the cervical and lumbar spine

Lucky color: Brown

Kaiyun ornament: Amber

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

6 Capricorn

This week, April 28th, Venus and Neptune, you have always been stable and victorious, breaking through fixed thinking and ushering in new breakthroughs, so that your career can see the sky in the clouds. Not only can the previous problems be solved smoothly, but also get the help of your nobles, this noble person is a lady with financial strength and certain network resources, she can make you recognize the goal, the communication between people has also improved, but also for you to build a new team, it is recommended to hit the iron while it is hot, express your ideas, make a plan together, and achieve your goals as soon as possible. The partial fortune index has also gradually recovered, and the previously trapped situation has been resolved.

Love: This week, April 28, Venus and Neptune, to deal with the mode of getting along with friends of the opposite sex, facing not their ideal object, if you do not want to develop a stable relationship with each other, you need to keep a distance, so as not to give others misunderstanding.

Health: Pay attention to eye health

Lucky color: Black

Kaiyun ornament: Black hair crystal

Ning Space Tarot House Weekly Star Course April 24 -April 30 Venus meets Neptune

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