
Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

author:Tao Tao reads history

If You take Lin Biao's name apart, "Biao" is three tigers, and the three tigers are in the forest, and they can attack and retreat, so they can be invincible. Coincidentally, in the snowy fields of Linhai in the northeast, there are really three "Tiger Divisions" active. And these three main forces have also been praised as the "Three Tigers".

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

So which "three tigers" did the Northeast Field Army have, they were the first column, the second column and the sixth column. And the first column, called the world's first army, is the main force in the main force, the vanguard among the vanguard. Later, yizhong was reorganized and became the Thirty-eighth Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which is also known as the "Long Live Army".

So who is the commander of the "Viva Army"? He was the Tiger General, and the general Liang Xingchu, nicknamed "Liang Daya", was also.

Liang Xingchu was one of the few elders and big men in our army, more than one meter and eight meters tall, his cheekbones were slightly taller, his front teeth protruded, and his eyes were not large, but they were bright and bright. Because of his pair of large teeth, he was given the reputation of "Liang Daya" as early as the Long March of the Red Army.

General Liang Xingchu was born in The village of Pitou in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, where more than a thousand families had the surname Liang. In the town, Liang Xingchu's father was a well-known smith, and because his family was too poor, Liang Xingchu only read for three years. Liang Xingchu has been very active since childhood, and his mother once said:

Liang Xingchu was very restless in his childhood, walking and jumping, "entering the classroom to read, often catching birds and finches in the classroom, and also placing frogs in the bag of the same window to do pranks." ”

Because he was too naughty, Liang Xingchu was beaten by his father since he was a child.

Due to the poverty of his family, Liang Xingchu, who had just learned a few words, dropped out of school and entered the "Social University". At first, Liang Xingchu went to the tailor's shop as an apprentice. However, where the active Liang Xingchu became a tailor, one day, the employer asked him to cut a long shirt, and Liang cut the cloth into a short shirt. The employer was furious and dismissed him.

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

Unable to learn tailoring, his father asked him to go to the barbershop to learn haircuts. However, the barbershop owner was miserly and repeatedly defaulted on wages. Therefore, Liang Xingchu, who is full of monkey nature, decided to tease the boss once. When cutting the boss's hair, he deliberately shaved his head into a yin and yang head, which caused everyone to laugh. Not surprisingly, Liang Xingchu was dismissed again.

Later, Liang Xingchu became a division commander and still had the hobby of shaving people's heads. When he was the commander of the First Column and First Division of the Northeast Field Army, Liang Xingchu had to cut his correspondent's hair. After sorting it out, he came to "draw a snake to add enough", and added a pair of eight-character beards to the mouth of the correspondent with a brush, which caused the onlookers to laugh. Lin Biao had always been unsmiling, and this time even he couldn't hold back. Luo Ronghuan criticized: "Liang Xingchu, you are not small, are you still a child?" ”

His father was helpless and had to let Liang Xingchu work in the blacksmith shop. This time, Liang Xingchu was at ease. His energy was already difficult to vent, and striking a hammer could release the strength of his body. Apprenticed for three years, Liang Xingchu swung his hammer for three years and exercised a body like steel. No matter how bitter and tired he was, Liang Xingchu never cried bitterness, let alone tiredness, clenched his teeth, and stubbornly held on.

It has to be said that blacksmith is an extremely suitable profession for being a general. During the Tang Dynasty, Wei Chigong was said to have worked as a blacksmith. After the advent of the revolutionary war era, Liang Xingchu was destined to make a name for himself in this chaotic world.

In 1930, at the age of 18, Liang Xingchu joined the Red Army. Judging from his seniority, Liang Xingchu was not prominent in the Red Army, and then his rank was raised very quickly. On the battlefield, Liang Xingchu would immediately turn into a deadly tiger. He often took a large blade and killed enemy groups, cutting them to the ground. Because Liang Xingchu had to be a soldier in every battle, the general was heavily wounded by bullets and wounded nine times.

His wife, Ren Guilan, once said:

In May 1931, he was wounded in the second anti-encirclement and suppression battle, and after recovering from his wounds, he was promoted to platoon commander; in the autumn of 1932, he served as a deputy company commander, twice wounded in the Battle of Huangpi, and was awarded the title of "Model Company Commander", and was awarded the "Red Star" medal, and later transferred to the company commander; in the summer of 1933, he was wounded in an encounter, a bullet penetrated the head from the left cheek, the blood flowed all over the face, it was difficult to speak, and he was commended by the division headquarters and then transferred to the battalion commander; at the end of 1933, in the battle to defend Xingguo, he was wounded and hospitalized for 10 days In 1935, he fought with the enemy in the pig farm blockade battle on the long march, was wounded and not hospitalized, and later served as the commander of the reconnaissance company; in the battle of Zhiluo Town, he was promoted to regimental commander; during the Yellow River Crusade, Liang was wounded in his right hand and disabled by his index and middle fingers. ”

It is said that the scar is a man's medal, and Liang Xingchu's nine injuries brought him nine times of military rank promotion, which happened to be a scar first-class military rank. Liang Xingchu was a breakthrough from soldier to general with life and blood.

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

Among them, in the Battle of YuduHe in 1933, Liang Xingchu was particularly legendary. Liang Xingchu, who was then the commander of the Ninth Company of the Fifth Regiment of the Second Division of the Red First Army, led his troops to fight and kill fiercely, crushing the enemy and occupying the commanding heights. Just at this moment, a bullet came, right through Liang Xingchu's left cheek, passing through his head. If I had changed to someone else, I am afraid I would have sacrificed a long time ago.

However, even after being so badly injured, Liang Xingchu still shouted and killed and fought with the enemy. After repelling the enemy's last attack, Liang Xingchu fell to the ground. At that time, he was almost like a blood man. When the soldiers looked at it, they were very sad, and the company commander was definitely not saved this time. So the soldiers applied for money, gave Liang Xingchu a coffin, and put it in the hospital behind.

As a result, on the night of the third day, where the hospital parked the remains of the martyrs, suddenly someone shouted hunger and said that they wanted to eat. Everyone rushed over to take a look and found that Liang Xingchu had woken up. Wounded like this is not sacrificed, Liang Xingchu where he hit iron, obviously iron hit.

Later, in the Battle of Pingxingguan, Liang Xingchu was once again in distress. In Shili Changgou, Liang Xingchu served as the commander of the third battalion of the 685th Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. When the battle began, Liang Xingchu, holding a machine gun, swept at the enemy army, hitting the Japanese and Kou with blood and flesh. After the charge horn sounded, Liang Xingchu grabbed a rifle with a bayonet and rushed down. As we all know, Niko is very good at fighting bayonets. The three Japanese cooperated with each other and could even resist more than a dozen people of our army. But in front of Liang Xingchu, Rikou's stabbing technique was not good.

After the battle, Liang Xingchu became a "blood man" again. Due to excessive fatigue, Liang Xingchu stumbled to the ground. When his correspondent saw it, he thought the battalion commander had died and couldn't help but cry, "Our battalion commander is dead!" Who knew that Liang Xingchu was lying in the pile of dead people and scolding: "What is the number?" Lao Tzu did not break a single piece of skin."

Liang Xingchu's wisdom and courage not only have "tactical" effects, but also play a "strategic" role. Liang Xingchu fought bravely and even saved the entire Red Army.

On September 18, 1935, Mao Zedong arrived in Hadapu, Gansu Province, with 7,000 men and horses. At this time, there is still no certainty of where the Central Red Army will go. This was the darkest moment in Mao's life. At that time, Liang Xingchu was transferred to the red first army directly under the reconnaissance company commander. On a certain day, during the march, Liang Xingchu and his instructor Cao Delian ran to the headquarters of the Red First Army and accepted orders to carry out their tasks.

So Mao Zedong ordered Liang Xingchu: "You go to the newspaper office of Hadapu and bring me some spiritual food, preferably a recent newspaper." ”

After Liang Xingchu received the order, he immediately led the officers and men of the whole company to change into the uniforms of the Central Army of the Nationalist Army. Liang Dai had the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Cao Dai had the rank of Major, and the two men entered the town with full spirits. Before the military police in the city could react, they were disarmed by Liang Xingchu. But when I went into the city, I walked around for half a day, and I didn't find a place to put newspapers and periodicals.

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

However, it also happened that a major aide-de-camp of the Kuomintang commander in Lu Dachang's division in Min County had just returned from the provincial capital and was taken prisoner of Liang Xingchu. Later, Liang Xingchu rummaged through his luggage and found a large bundle of "Ta Kung Pao" and "Shanxi Daily". So Liang Xingchu hurriedly gave the newspaper to Lin Biao and Nie Rongzhen, who in turn gave the newspaper to Mao Zedong. In the newspaper, Mao Zedong was pleasantly surprised to find that in the desolate northern Shaanxi, there was actually a Red Army base area. Later, Mao Zedong humorously said to Liang Xingchu:

"You have gained the most by going out this time, and you have 'arrested' Liu Zhidan's base area."

The next day, Mao Zedong presided over a meeting of cadres in a temple of the Guandi Emperor. He said excitedly: "Comrades, I would like to tell you the good news that we would like to thank the Kuomintang newspaper for providing us with news of the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, where there is not only Liu Zhidan's Red Army, but also Xu Haidong's Red Army, as well as a large base area. This is really good news for us! ”

It should be known that at that time, the Central Red Army already had the worst plan to go to the Sino-Soviet border to fight guerrillas, and Liang Xingchu's bravery and wisdom not only saved the whole party, but also saved the Red Army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as the battalion commander and deputy commander of the 685th Regiment of the 343rd Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, the commander of the 5th Brigade of the 115th Division, and the brigade commander of the Independent Brigade of the New Fourth Army. In the anti-Japanese and anti-stubborn struggles, he repeatedly made great achievements.

During the Liberation War, Liang Xingchu entered the customs with the army and served as the commander of the First Division of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army. At the beginning of the war, the situation of our army was quite unfavorable. Taking advantage of the unstable foothold of our army, the Kuomintang took the new First Army and the New Sixth Army, which also belonged to the "five main forces," as the vanguard, and stormed the liberated areas in northeast China.

In the Siping Defense War, the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army was unfortunately defeated and suffered great losses. While the Kuomintang was in hot pursuit in the rear, Lin Biao even had plans to fight a guerrilla attack in the northeast for a while. In the southern Manchuria base area, the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army has been compressed to the border between China and North Korea, and the situation is very dangerous. After capturing Jilin City, the Nationalist 71st Army sent a battalion of the 263rd Regiment and the 264th Regiment of the 88th Division to Xinzhan and Rafah.

With Lin Biao's consent, Liang Xingchu unified the command of the First and Second Divisions. At that time, the weapons of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army were far inferior to those of the later one, and although the enemy's 71st Army was inferior to the New First Army and the New Sixth Army, it was also an expeditionary force unit, well-equipped and not lacking in ammunition, so it did not pay attention to our army at all.

In Rafah, our army withstood the bombardment of enemy aircraft and repeatedly tugged with the 71st Army. In the past, our army, relying on its superior strength, often took the enemy away in one breath with only one charge. However, Liang Xingchu found that the firepower of the Nationalist army was now even more ferocious than that of the little devil, and the cannon hit more accurately than the little devil. Therefore, Liang Xingchu's troops suffered heavy casualties, and coupled with the previous defeat of Siping, the situation of our army was even worse.

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

Seeing that the new station and Rafa were about to fight a "small four flat", Liang Xingchu began to make difficulties. Fight, the casualties are very large; if you don't fight, hundreds of comrades will die in vain. Someone gave Liang Xingchu an idea: "Withdraw! The internet is too big! ”

However, Liang Xingchu gritted his teeth and shouted, "Keep fighting me!" As the commander of the First Army, Liang Xingchu keenly found that although the 71st Army was fierce, it was not without weaknesses. He wasn't a brain melon hot, no matter how fierce it was three or seven twenty-one. That night, he adjusted his deployment, lined up the six regiments of his reserve to attack and reinforce, and the rest of the main force attacked with full force. At this time, the enemy army was already at the end of the crossbow, and finally suffered a major defeat and loss, losing four battalions of soldiers.

Although this battle did not annihilate many enemies, it was of great significance. After the Battle of Siping, the morale of our army was low and it was repeatedly frustrated. The enemy army, on the other hand, was so arrogant that it dared to send small troops to attack the main force of our army everywhere. The battle between Rafa and Xinzhan beat down the enemy's arrogance fiercely. The "headwind battle" commanded by Liang Xingchu really came in time.

Soon, the Northeast Field Army emerged from defeat and gained a foothold in Northern Manchuria and Southern Manchuria. Subsequently, Lin Biao launched the "Three Lower Jiangnan, Four Bao Linjiang" campaign, which seized the command on the battlefield.

In the middle of the Jiangnan, Liang Xingchu skillfully set up an ambush in the ambush battle of Zhangmazigou and completely annihilated the 113th Regiment of the New Thirty-eighth Division of the New First Army. The New First Army was the main force of the Nationalist Army, the New Thirty-eighth Division was the main force in the main force, and the 113th Regiment was the vanguard leader. But in front of Liang Xingchu, what aces and first cards are not good! Lao Tzu is your trump card! In the end, all the 113 regiments were annihilated, and none of them escaped.

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

Due to their outstanding military achievements, Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan decided to give Liang Xingchu a new task. Luo Ronghuan was originally liang Xingchu's old leader, and he was not polite to him:

"The Single Division and the Third Independent Division are both old foundations of the 359Th Brigade, and they cannot always be independent divisions." We want to add another East Manchurian Independent Regiment, form the Tenth Column, let you be the deputy commander (equivalent to the deputy commander), and bring the Ten Columns into units that can fight hard and vicious battles. ”

For this promotion, Liang Xingchu was very dissatisfied: "He said, I will not go!" Let me go and take the word "vice" out. I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. ”

In our army, the deputy commander cannot be the master. In both the first and sixth columns, Liang Xingchu served as deputy commanders. However, in the first column, Liang Xingchu concurrently served as the commander of the First Division; in the sixth column, Liang Xingchu concurrently served as the commander of the Sixteenth Division. Therefore, even if Liang Xingchu served as deputy commander, he also had to serve as the chief officer of a division in the column.

For Liang Xingchu, who had a big temper, Lin Biao was not angry, but said: "Good steel should be used on the blade." So Lin Biao was as good as a stream, and promoted Liang Xingchu to a higher level, from deputy commander to chief of the army. And Liang Xingchu also vowed to beat the ten columns, the little brother in the East Field, into iron and steel.

In the Liaoshen Campaign, jinzhou artillery fire was continuous, and the tashan blockade battle was bloody. Liang Xingchu, on the other hand, took his ten columns and walked back and forth between Changchun and Shenyang. The task of the Tenth Column was to work with the Sixth Column and the Fifth Column to prevent the enemy of Shenyang from reinforcing Changchun or Jinzhou, and to be ready to attack Jinjin or the Battle of Changchun at any time.

However, Liao Yaoxiang in Shenyang City decided to fight in the direction of Yingkou, and after hitting Yingkou, he could escape by boat. In this way, the 100,000-strong army of Liao Yaoxiang's corps staged an armed parade in the land of western Liaoning and marched toward Yingkou. But to get to Yingkou, you have to go through Montenegro, which is the only corridor in and out of Yingkou, Shenyang and Jinzhou. And the ten verticals are at this node that is related to the overall victory or defeat.

The Liao Yaoxiang Corps, consisting of the powerful New First Army and the New Sixth Army, is also equipped with the New 3rd Army, the 71st Army, the 49th Army, and the 207th Division of the Youth Army, a total of 5 armies and 12 divisions. There are five times more people than the Ten Columns, and the armament is much better. How difficult it is to "partialize the division" against the main force. However, Lin Biao still firmly believed in the ability of his subordinates, and he sent a telegram to the Ten Columns:

"I hope that you will strengthen your resolve and mobilize deeply, so that the enemy will be scattered in the field in front of our position without any progress. As long as you hold the Black Mountain for three days, the enemy who flees west will be completely annihilated! ”

In this regard, Liang Xingchu said to the soldiers of the Ten Columns without fear:

"Comrades, we will face five times as much as our enemy on a frontal stretch of 25 kilometers, and I need not say how difficult it will be. The tasks of each division and regiment are clear, and the party committee of the column is determined to make one decision and never allow an enemy to pass! Whoever loses his position, do not have to ask for instructions, immediately counterattack, counterattack can not come down, do not see me! ”

Encouraged by Liang Xingchu, all the divisions and regiments of the Tenth Column joined the battle. In the face of the enemy's rain-like shells, all kinds of whole battalions and whole regiments charged at the sea of people, and the officers and men of the Tenth Column did not take a step back. When Liang Xingchu took time to eat, a shell exploded nearby, and a piece of shrapnel flew into the bowl. As a result, Liang Xingchu was not afraid, picked up the shrapnel and said: "There is no meat, where is the bone?" ”

Because the sacrifice was too tragic, some people suggested that Liang Xingchu retreat a little, but Liang Xingchu said: "I will not withdraw, see which one dares to withdraw?" Whoever wants to withdraw, step on my body! ”

Liang Xingchu will be promoted to deputy commander of the Tenth Column, but he is not satisfied that the rank of the army is too low, Lin Biao: Then raise it one more level

In the bloody battle of three whole days, the "second-rate" unit of the Tenth Column had to take turns to attack the two aces of the Kuomintang. Liang Xingchu really beat the ten columns into iron and steel.

After the victory of the Black Mountain Blockade, the columns of the Northeast Field Army surrounded and blocked Liao Yaoxiang's corps. Ten Zhong had just finished chewing on the "bones" and was now joining the ranks of eating meat. As long as the female soldiers of the propaganda team shouted a voice, hundreds of Kuomintang soldiers came to surrender. Like Hu Qicai's 4 columns, Liang Xingchu's 10 columns also made a miracle contribution to the victory of the Liaoshen Campaign.

In November 1948, Liang Xingchu was appointed commander of the Forty-seventh Army of the Northeast Field Army. In May 1949, he was transferred to the commander of the 38th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, marched south, and cooperated with fraternal troops to successfully carry out the Battle of Yichang, the Battle of Crossing the River and the Battle of Hengbao, and then marched into Guangxi to liberate Baise. After Liang Xingchu left the customs, he fought from the northeast to Guangxi, making great contributions to the liberation of all of China.

After the outbreak of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Liang Xingchu led the 38th Army into the Korean War. Liang Xingchu has a fiery personality and is easy to scold people when he is in a hurry. However, in the first battle of entering the DPRK, Liang Xingchu was scolded. At that time, the 38th Army failed to penetrate Heecheon in time, causing a South Korean puppet army to escape. Afterwards, Peng Dehuai scolded: "It is said that Liang Daya is a striker, a tiger general, I think it is a rat general, what is the main force of the Thirty-eighth Army?" What a bird main force. ”

When did Liang Xingchu, who had been in the army for 20 years, ever suffered such a scolding? After the meeting, Liang Xingchu thought bitterly: "This battle was not fought well, it is my responsibility Liang Xingchu, no matter how you scold me, you can't scold the troops, I can't scold the Thirty-Eighth Army, I can't stand it!" ”

So in the second battle, the 38th Army was ashamed and brave. After the battle began, they were like a group of unstoppable iron streams, defeating the ROK, Turkish and U.S. troops along the way, from Tokugawa all the way to Sansho-ri and Ryugen-ri, locking the floodgates for the main force of the U.S. army to flee south. In this battle, the 38th Army made the first contribution, counting nearly a thousand tanks and cars, and capturing hundreds of prisoners alone. After the war, Peng Dehuai sent a commendation telegram to Liang Xingchu. At the end of the cable, Peng Dehuai specially added two sentences: "Long live the Chinese People's Volunteer Army!" Long live the Thirty-eighth Army! ”

Since then, the 38th Army has gained the reputation of the Banzai Army. The volunteer generals triumphed, and Mao Zedong received the volunteer generals in Zhongnanhai. When introducing Liang Xingchu, Mao Zedong said happily: "Long look up to the great name, the commander of the Long Live Army."

General Liang Xingchu has been a warrior all his life, and he must be the vanguard in every battle, with the momentum of "preferring to be a chicken head, not a cow's tail", and the spirit of not being afraid of suffering and tiredness. Only a steel general can fight a steel general. And Liang Xingchu is such a "iron hit" hero.