
World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life


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Wuhan, April 25 news (reporter Zhu Na correspondent Deng Liling) On April 25, World Penguin Day, two three-month-old Hong's ring penguins in Wuhan Zoo went into the water for the first time with the help of conservationists, marking the official opening of independent "goose" life by two newborn penguins.

World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life

Baby penguins practicing swimming in the water (Photo by Peng Shaobo, Central Broadcasting Network)

The Hon's ring penguin is a nationally protected animal, mainly found in South America, where it breeds along the coasts of Peru and Chile. It is characterized by a black head, pink glands around the mouth, and a black circle around the chest like a "scarf".

World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life

Baby penguin cute (Photo by Peng Shaobo, Central Broadcasting Network)

Under the meticulous care of the penguin nurses at Wuhan Zoo, the baby penguins have grown up healthy and are very cute. One of them is more shy, the other has a stable personality, and will not hide when he sees the camera, which is quite "general style".

World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life

Baby penguins walk quite "general style" (Photo by Peng Shaobo, Central Broadcasting Network)

Early in the morning, the nursery carefully brought the two baby penguins to the shore and encouraged them, who were strangers to the water, to take the first step. Two baby penguins probed the shore, observing very carefully, and did not immediately enter the water. After getting familiar with the surrounding environment, a baby penguin began to walk on the shore, but accidentally "whirred" into the water. It swam a little in panic and then immediately returned to the shore. Compared with the panic of the first baby penguin, the second baby penguin who went into the water was considered gifted, and after entering the water, it did not panic and swam freely in the water.

World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life

Baby penguins walk quite "general style" (Photo by Peng Shaobo, Central Broadcasting Network)

Wang Zhenhou, a conservationist at Wuhan Zoo, introduced that as long as you have the patience of teaching children to swim, insist on holding them more in contact with the water, and let them overcome their fears, baby penguins will slowly adapt, because penguins are natural "swimmers".

World Penguin Day | to see how the baby penguins start their independent "goose" life

Baby penguin cute (Photo by Peng Shaobo, Central Broadcasting Network)

It is understood that there are currently 34 Hong's ring penguins in Wuhan Zoo. Wang Mingquan, senior veterinarian of Wuhan Zoo, said that in the past three years, 2 Hong's ring penguins have naturally hatched and survived in the past three years, and 21 artificially bred penguins have survived, marking the gradual maturity of the artificial breeding technology of Hong's ring penguins in Wuhan Zoo and the improvement of the breeding team.

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