
I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

author:Lema Ridge

There is an old Saying in China, it is easy to ask God, but it is difficult to send God.

Western countries are paying the price for the gods they have shaped.

In the early days, in order to promote environmental protection and blockade developing countries, Western countries shaped Sweden's "environmental protection girls".

The "environmental protection girl" has become an environmental whistleblower, doing a lot of dirty work for Western governments and bringing many benefits to Western countries.

In order to deal with Russia, the Western countries have made Zelenskiy a god fighter for democracy and freedom.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

But Westerners only know when they create "gods", cool! I don't know the consequences of creating "Gods."

God needs to be offered and worshipped.

At present, the West is falling into a "bottomless pit" of nourishing and offering gods.

From the current point of view, the gods worshipped in the West have slowly become evil gods, and are devouring everything in the West in reverse.

Now defending Ukraine has become political correctness in the West, and all those who oppose Ukraine are guilty.

Zelenskiy is also seeing all this, and he is using the political correctness of the West to override the heads of all Western leaders and let the whole West "revolve" around Ukraine, and the center of the West is Ukraine.

Zelenskiy has now become the god of the gods of the West, and he can shout at any Western leader.

If you do not obey, you are violating democracy and freedom.

Western leaders had to do as he pleased, offering him one after another.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

Since the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiev, Western leaders have visited Kiev to pay their respects to show their support for Ukraine and their sincerity for democracy and freedom.

Everything in the West is revolving around Ukraine, the media, the government, the economy, the military, life, the arts, and even education.

Isn't that ridiculous? Isn't it a bit like going back in time to the Middle Ages? Everything revolves around God.

Unfortunately, this is not a good god, but an evil god.

Its incomparable greed has become an iron-eating beast, a gold-devouring wolf, a ghost car, also known as a nine-headed bird and a nine-phoenix, and likes to suck human souls.

On April 23, Zelenskiy announced to the outside world that US Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin would visit Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, on the 24th.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

The two superpowers will pay homage to Kiev, and they will not be greeted by Zelenskiy's welcome, but by Zelenskiy's sage-like teachings.

Zelenskiy said: "Come to us, we are very happy to see you." But please give us the assistance that we have already discussed. You should not come empty-handed, I want to see concrete things and specific weapons. ”

This tone is clearly not asking for people, nor does it show equality.

Why did the United States send two big names to Kiev for a pilgrimage this time?

It all stems from Zelenskiy's pressure on Biden.

Zelenskiy has always hoped that Biden can go to Kiev for a "day trip", but for safety and face reasons, Biden is currently unlikely to go to Kiev.

On the security front, unless the United States is prepared to expand the conflict and has the courage to face a frontal conflict with Russia, or even prepare for the worst, for World War III and nuclear war.

Obviously the United States was not prepared, but under zelenskiy's pressure.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

The helpless United States can only push its own two big names to the front line and replace the president's "royal conquest".

On the face, Biden is unlikely to fully meet Zelenskiy's demands.

The United States is the only superpower in the world, and in the eyes of americans, the United States is the ruler of this earth and the god of this world. If Biden chooses to go to Kiev for a pilgrimage, it means that Zelenskiy has truly become the god of the gods of the West.

Zelenskiy will be able to command the world, the United States will be led by the nose, and even used by Zelenskiy.

From being the original leader to being a Ukrainian retinue, it meant that the whole West was on its knees.

Zelenskiy's heart was clearly not satisfied with this.

Recently, UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced that he will visit Russia and Ukraine next week.

Zelenskiy immediately ran out and angrily rebuked UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

"The decision to go first to Russia and then to Ukraine is a completely wrong decision, the order is neither fair nor logical," he said. ”

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

Then added: "The war took place in Ukraine, and there were no bodies on the streets of Moscow. It is logical to go to Ukraine first, to look at the people there, to see the consequences of the occupation. ”

In Zelenskiy's eyes, the world has no rules, much less etiquette.

Everything in the world should be centered on Ukraine, not Ukraine first, everything is unjust, illogical, and even more disrespectful to God, and should be punished.

I guess you remember two things in March?

On March 16, when Zelenskiy gave a video address to the US Congress, one of the members did not applaud and eventually became the target of the House of Representatives.

In mid-March, in a bill passed by the House of Representatives on ending normal trade relations between the United States and Russia and Belarus, eight U.S. lawmakers voted against it, and as a result, they were "made public", became the target of everyone's attack and insults, and were labeled as "traitors". Dare to vote against it, directly "social death"!

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

After a series of deliberate campaigns, both in the United States and Europe, the entire Western countries succeeded in turning Ukraine and Zelenskiy into political correctness. - "A Different Taste!" Zelenskiy's wonderful performance allowed the United States to stage a "Madman's Diary"

Now Zelensky holds high the banner of Western political correctness, coupled with some internal activities, Zelenskiy firmly controls the Western countries and lets the Western countries "turn" around Ukraine.

Germany, Europe's leading boss, has also recently been kidnapped by Zelenskiy.

Some time ago, German President Steinmeier originally wanted to follow the leaders of Poland and the three Baltic countries to Kiev to express support for Ukraine.

Just as German President Steinmeier was preparing to go to Kiev, he was regarded as an "unwelcome person" by the Kiev side, on the grounds that Steinmeier personally had close ties with Russia.

Kiev also said they would prefer German Chancellor Schoelz to visit because only he has the right to bring more weapons.

The naked insults of kiev have made the entire German government extremely embarrassed and even overwhelmed.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

The German people were so outraged that they once demanded the direct expulsion of The Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, Andrei Melinik.

Even in the face of such humiliation and popular anger, the German government had to provide arms and financial support to kiev.

On the 22nd local time, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Schulzer announced that the federal government will provide additional assistance of 37 million euros to Ukraine for the country's post-war reconstruction.

As early as April 15, the German side had already expressed its willingness to allocate 2 billion euros for military aid, most of which would be provided to Ukraine.

Germany paid such a huge price for Ukraine, but suffered a merciless humiliation from the Ukrainian side, and Germany, as the leading boss of Europe, could only obediently obey the demands of Kiev, which meant that the whole of Europe was on its knees.

The kneeling of Germany, of course, also means the kneeling of Europe.

The EU has provided Ukraine with three consecutive €500 million military aid, totaling €1.5 billion.

Moreover, the European Union has become the biggest victim of Ukraine's post-war reconstruction.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

On April 19, local time, Bloomberg released a report that informed sources revealed that the EU plans to set up a solidarity trust fund to provide reconstruction costs for Ukraine destroyed by the war, and the specific expenditure is borne by EU member states.

At the World Bank's April 21 ministerial roundtable on support for Ukraine, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy said that at present, Ukraine needs up to $7 billion (about 45.1 billion yuan) a month to make up for economic losses.

According to preliminary estimates, the war cost Ukraine $550 billion, and ukraine will need hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild after the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

After blackmailing Europe, Zelenskiy set his sights on the International Monetary Fund .IMF.

Recently, the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) George Eva urged an emphasis on grants and "highly concessional financing", asking countries to cooperate with the IMF to provide Ukraine with $15 billion (about 96.9 billion yuan) in the next three months to help Ukraine provide necessary government services.

Whether it is the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund (IMF), their money comes from the government of a member country, which we can also understand as the people of the world.

This means that after Zelenskiy successfully kidnapped the West, he began to kidnap the world from international organizations to pay for the conflict in Ukraine.

Under western political correctness, few countries dare to oppose the practices of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Ban Ki-moon named Biden: Misappropriation of climate change funds to aid Ukraine is unacceptable.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

At this time, Ukraine has become a "golden wolf", and we do not know how much the people of the West and the world will eventually pay for it?

But it all looks like a "bottomless pit".

The Western countries have sent a large number of weapons to Ukraine, which has led to the Fact that the Western countries do not have enough weapons to ensure their own security, and everyone's arsenal has bottomed out.

However, on the Battlefield of Ukraine, little effect was achieved at all, and the Ukrainian army was still losing ground.

According to incomplete statistics, Western countries have sent 60,000 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine.

Let's take the 10:1 conversion, the Ukrainian army will have to kill at least 6,000 Russian tanks.

But the Russians simply did not have so many tanks in Ukraine.

Curiously, however, the Ukrainian side has always said that there are not enough weapons.

Desperately demanding that Western countries continue to provide weapons.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

The weapons sent to Ukraine by the West were either destroyed or captured by Russia.

What makes Western countries most uncomfortable is that many videos of Ukrainian armed personnel reselling Western weapons have been exposed on the Internet, and the target of the resale is still armed personnel in the eastern region of Ukraine.

It can be said that Zelenskiy has already eaten the Western countries.

For Zelenskiy, Ukraine is sacrificing to maintain the centuries-old international order established by the West.

Western countries cannot and dare not abandon Ukraine.

If Ukraine surrenders, or loses, the international order that the West has been building for centuries will fall apart.

So no matter how much Ukraine is excessive, the Western countries can only endure and go all out to support Ukraine.

The West knows very well that Ukraine is now an iron-eating beast, but what can it do?

No one in the West dared to question it, let alone oppose it.

Because saying that Ukraine is not good is wrong, it is all politically incorrect, and the results can be imagined.

I didn't expect it! Biden portrayed Zelensky as a "god", only to be eaten back, too late

Zelenskiy is devouring the soul of the West with political correctness and the soft underbelly of the West.

Zelenskiy has become the "nine-headed bird" of Chinese mythology, and the Western countries have no choice but to do anything about him.

Zelenskiy succeeded in firmly tying the West to the chariot of Ukraine, allowing the West to coexist with Ukraine.

This may be something that Biden never thought of, always thinking that he was a chess player who could control everything on the board.

I didn't expect to inadvertently hold the chess pieces as "gods", which meant that everything was chaotic.

An uncontrollable order will be dangerous, and I can only pray for peace, and hope that heaven will have the virtue of good life.

--Thanks to the support of all old irons, the article is the expression of literature. Remember that any idea of adding a modifier is an expression of one's own opinion, which may be a little far from the truth. Don't take it too seriously, just for entertainment, don't sit in the right seat!