
British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

author:Knight of Don Quixote
Or add a staff, poisonous pain ginseng and down - Cai Wenji

Poison is a very terrible thing, can kill people invisible, and many toxins are untreatable, take many people familiar with paraquat, this chemical agent originally used to remove weeds, will cause irreversible damage to the human body, as long as a small bite, people will die of organ failure, and no effective treatment drugs have been found so far.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

Some poisons are chemically synthesized, some poisons are carried by animals and plants, but in human history, there was actually a poisonous man, who injected radioactive elements into his body in order to prove the new elements, so his excrement must be collected and cannot be discharged, and even after his death, he must be secretly buried in a coffin up to half a meter thick.

Fight for science

Modern science and technology can develop rapidly, thanks to the countless heroic sacrifices of predecessors, in that era of underdeveloped technology, many protective measures are not in place, so the lives of scientists are very dangerous, especially those engaged in nuclear research, life has long been brilliant by radioactive elements.

The most typical of these is the famous scientist Marie Curie, who has been working in an environment dense with radioactive elements for many years, although the final research is very effective, but it seriously endangers her health, it is said that when sorting out her belongings, her notebooks have a large number of radioactive elements.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

Although there have been lessons from Marie Curie, in order to complete the research and make science and technology further, there are still countless scientists who have devoted themselves to research, including Eric, who is called a poisonous person by later generations, all of which began in 1940.

In 1940, a scientist in the United States, Jin Guo, repeatedly experimented and finally creatively synthesized the plutonium element, which is very powerful and has an important role in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, but the success of this test did not attract everyone's congratulations, but caused everyone to be controversial, because before this, most of the radioactive elements have huge toxicity, which will directly induce cancer, tumors and other issues.

So in a short period of time, rumors about the bad plutonium element have appeared all over the world, and even scientists have publicly declared that this element is very terrible, only a small cup can kill people all over the earth, this statement quickly caused panic among everyone, this new element has signs of being banned.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

At this time, Eric made a surprising decision to inject this element into his body, and he needed to prove to the world that this element could be controlled by people, and if he did not do so, he would not only be banned from this element, but also the future development of technology.

Test the poison with your own body

As a scientist who has long been successful, Eric can spend the rest of his life surrounded by honor and money even if he stops everything in his hands, but Eric still decides to dedicate himself to science, so he still injects this element into his body despite the opposition of his family and friends.

Although after the injection, Eric did not die, and even the difference between physical functions and normal people was not much, but everyone still did not dare to approach him, and regarded him as a walking gas bomb, and the locals would be very tacitly more than ten meters away from him, so that the local government also ordered everyone to keep a distance from Eric.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

Although Eric's body at this time is always healthy, there is no sign of poisoning and spreading toxins, but the three people into a tiger, the public's fear of him has risen to a certain height, helpless, the government can only order him, and carried out strict action control on him, can not go out at will, must always be supervised, even if the toilet must be under the watchful eye of professionals, the most exaggerated is that it is said that Eric's excrement at that time will also be kept by special personnel to avoid leakage.

However, under strict supervision, Eric's body has never had any problems, and even when he died, everyone did not directly suspect that it was caused by elemental poisoning, because Eric's grade was not small at that time.

Although Eric did not have a toxin, he had been treated as a poisoner, so after his death, what to do with his body became a very serious matter, the traditional burial method is nothing more than coffin and cremation, but many people believe that these two methods will continue to spread radioactive elements.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

After deliberation, everyone has decided to dispose of Marie Curie's body in the same way, using a lead coffin half a meter thick to seal his body, and in this way, Eric died forever with the identity of a poisonous person.

The misunderstanding was finally lifted

So is this new element of plutonium really toxic? According to the detection of modern instruments, this element itself is toxic, but the toxicity is very small, and it can be studied within the control of humans, in other words, even if Eric injected this element into the body, he would not spread radioactive elements.

And compared with the harm to the human body, the damage of plutonium element is far less than that of cigarettes, betel nuts and other things, even if you accidentally contact the plutonium element, immediately disinfect and sterilize there is no problem, but in that era, everyone still deeply misunderstood him.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

Modern science can develop to the present point, and Eric and other scientists dedication is inseparable, although Eric has always been regarded as a poison, but his behavior clearly tells other scientists, plutonium is five poisons, it is on the basis of Eric, a large number of scientists dare to continue to study plutonium, and make breakthroughs in related experiments.

Any kind of scientific and technological products, at the beginning of research and development, there is a certain danger, especially after he and large machinery are combined, for this reason there are countless people killed and injured, such as space rockets, this kind of machinery that closes the distance between humans and the universe, even now does not dare to guarantee 100% successful launch, which means that every astronaut sitting in the space rocket may not have bones.

But they do not care, because only their efforts, human science and technology is possible to progress, if they dare not ride on the space rocket, human beings will never be able to step into the unknown field, although modern scientists have a very advanced research and development environment, but their research is still dangerous, explosions, poison gas leaks, etc. are dangers that may occur at any time, but this still can not stop their research.

British "Poison King": Excrement must also be collected, and the body is put into a half-meter-thick lead coffin after death

Looking back now, Eric was killed by many ignorant people, if he had not restricted his actions that year, it is very likely that the plutonium element could be better studied around 1945, and the related technology may have met with everyone more than forty years in advance, perhaps this is the saddest thing in Eric's life.

The progress of science and technology requires someone to sacrifice, but what is more needed is the popularization of ordinary people, if a person spreads rumors around without control, these scientists will sacrifice in vain, just like in the face of the epidemic, there are still many people who publicize that the epidemic is false information, but he has never thought about what the scientists and medical personnel who died because of the epidemic have paid for what they have paid.

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