
Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

author:Tongtian le

There is such a group of people, the amount of dandruff is different from ordinary people, and if you scratch your head slightly, there will be large pieces of snowflakes falling. Dandruff is actually a product of hair metabolism, and it has two main causes.

1. Mainly the changes in the human endocrine, the abnormality of sebum and metabolism, the strong metabolism of the skin of the head, and the excessive secretion of oil;

Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

2, and the hair on the Malassezia parasitism is related, this fungus can decompose the sebum of the scalp, produce some irritating substances to stimulate the scalp, which causes scalp metabolism to accelerate, this fungus exists on everyone's scalp, if excessive reproduction, it will be infected with dandruff.

Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

In addition, the formation of dandruff is also related to the dry climate, dry climate is easy to cause dry hair, less sebum secretion, the scalp loses the external moist protection, insufficient moisture, will make dandruff increase.

What should I do if dandruff is repeated?

1, pay attention to diet, diet should be light, eat less spicy, irritating, greasy food, avoid irritation to the scalp, but also drink less alcohol, do not stay up late, so as not to aggravate dandruff.

2. Reduce the number of shampoos and avoid the loss of scalp oil that has the effect of protecting hair. Do not use hot water too frequently to wash, do not use alkaline, irritating shampoo, will be more irritating to the scalp, so that scalp metabolism accelerates, aggravate the production of dandruff, should use silicone-free oil and shampoo containing plant essential oil shampoo. +

Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

3. Anti-dandruff antipruritic and fungal-inhibiting shampoos can be used, such as selenium disulfide lotion, ketoconazole lotion, Hill raw lotion and compound sulfur lotion shampoo treatment, thereby reducing dandruff. Or use parizone cream, compound miconazole cream and other external applications to treat dandruff, control localized malassé fungal infection. You can also add a little vinegar to the shampoo, which can remove dandruff and relieve itching, which is also helpful in preventing hair loss and reducing hair splits.

4, shampoo do not directly to the scalp, unbubbly shampoo will stimulate the scalp, aggravate the appearance of dandruff, conditioner directly applied to the root of the hair, easy to block the pores of the scalp, resulting in hair loss;

Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

5, reduce the number of hair dyeing, regular scalp care, hair dye will damage the hair shaft, resulting in hair breakage, but also make scalp cells stimulated, resulting in increased dandruff.

6, pay attention to pillow hygiene, every day to sleep to use the pillow, not only stained with saliva, body secretion of grease, sweat and other substances, but also may breed mites, bacteria, easy to cause dermatitis, acne and other skin problems, seriously endangering scalp health.

Why is my dandruff volume different from ordinary people

7, proper sun exposure, moderate sun exposure can inhibit dandruff, because sun exposure helps to enhance the body's serotonin, not only beneficial to night sleep, but also to soothe the symptoms of depression, reduce the risk of dandruff, but in order to avoid skin sunburn, it is recommended to choose to walk outdoors for about 10 minutes in the morning.