
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

author:Chinese Photography Yue Lizhong

In order to enthusiastically praise the great, glorious and correct Communist Party of China, sincerely express the touching voice of gratitude to the party, listen to the party, and follow the party, inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and show the beautiful style of the Chinese language to the world, from July 19 to 23, 2021, the Organizing Committee of the China International Chinese Language Conference, the Weight of Sound (Beijing) Culture and Art Exchange Center and the Guangxi Baise City Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau jointly sponsored, the 2021 Fourth China International Chinese Language Conference was held in Baise City, Guangxi Province.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

Wu Junquan, feature film director and famous dubbing artist of Bayi Film Studio, Li Jiang, former deputy director and broadcast director of the Central Radio and Television Department of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, Qi Kejian, famous studio artist and dubbing director, A Zi, famous poet, Hao Yu, famous documentary narrator and planner of China Central Radio and Television Corporation, Wang Xiangqun, famous voice performance artist and chief creator and commentator of CCTV's "Moving China" program for ten consecutive years, Zhou Yang, special voice actor of CCTV's editor-in-chief office and famous documentary commentary artist, Famous voice-over artists in Taiwan, Jiang Zhenjin, famous recitation artists Yizhou, Kang Zhuang, Ji Guosheng, Rao Liqun, Zhang Yunlong, Xie Dongsheng, Guo Jie, Chen Hong, Zhao Na, Shao Weiqing, Gu Yu, He Lin'er, etc., dozens of well-known Chinese recitation artists, studio artists, dubbing artists, interpretive artists, CCTV hit animation film vocal performers, radio and television celebrities, experts and scholars, and other celebrities from all over the taiwan strait and the four regions and international Chinese celebrities gathered at the conference, brilliantly presented their voices and showed the unique sound charm of the Chinese language. Wang Xinxin, chairman of the Xingtai Recitation Art Association, was invited to recite on the same stage with domestic art masters, showing the style of Xingtai recitation artists, which was widely praised by the recitation community and all walks of life.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

As the only invited representative of Hebei Province, Chairman Wang Xinxin was invited to participate in two "2021 4th China International Chinese Language Conference · Famous artists' dubbing recitations" won the warm applause of the audience, which brilliantly recited the classic poems of famous poets Ai Qing and Haizi, "I Love This Land" and "Facing the Sea and Spring Blossoms". On the afternoon of July 22, Wang Xinxin was invited by the Organizing Committee of the Chinese Language Conference to give an open class by famous teachers, and gave a special lecture entitled "Stage Display and Selection of Works of The Art of Recitation" to the representatives of chinese teenagers participating in the conference activities. On the evening of July 23, the finale of the conference was performed "2021 4th China International Chinese Language Conference · In the Red Heart to the Party - Famous Artists, Famous Pieces, Music Dubbing Recitation And Thousands of People Reciting the "Communist Manifesto" Activity", Wang Xinxin and the famous reciter Guo Chen jointly recited "Songhua On the River", and at the end of the program, they recited the "Communist Manifesto" with the famous reciters, dubbing artists and Chinese teenagers, paying tribute to the centenary of the founding of the Party and pushing the activity to a climax.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

At the Chinese Language Conference, Wang Xinxin was invited to participate in three performance activities, held a special lecture, and shared the stage with domestic celebrities, and the "Xingtai Voice" was the first "loud" China International Chinese Language Conference, showing the excellent style of Xingtai recitation artists on the national stage, and also showing the good image of Xingtai, which won the general praise of colleagues in the recitation circle and the famous artists attending the meeting.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

The Chinese Language Conference is committed to bringing together the four generations of the old, middle, young and young in the domestic and international Chinese art circles to jointly create the world's highest standard, largest scale, most authoritative and most influential Chinese festival, to show the world the beauty and unique charm of Chinese, inherit national culture, and carry forward the national spirit.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

The conference invited dozens of influential experts and scholars in the Chinese art industry in China, recitation artists, studio artists, film and television dramas/animation sound stars, documentary narrators, advertising feature film voice actors, directors of the departments of broadcast hosting art, broadcast master directors, doctors of broadcasting, radio and television anchors, university teachers, cross-talk actors, music critics, directors, singers, poets and representatives of local language committees and lang associations.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

It is reported that from July 19 to 23, 2021, the five-day Chinese Language Conference held a number of summit forums, open classes of famous teachers, and dubbing recitation evenings of famous masters, widely expanding the vision of audio language art, and hundreds of Chinese teenagers from all over the country and 1300 teachers and students from Guangxi Baise City participated in the conference.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

The Chinese Language Conference is one of the large-scale public welfare academic festivals with the greatest influence in the Chinese art industry in China. Its origin is the 2014 "First China International Scientific Documentary Academic Exchange Conference" branch venue jointly sponsored by CCTV and China Television Artists Association, China Television Artists Association Television Documentary Academic Committee, Central New Film Group, etc. - "Weight of Sound • 2014 National First National Tv Documentary Dubbing Interpretation Academic Seminar". This year's Chinese Language Conference upholds the awe, rigorous spirit, inheritance obsession, rich form, cutting-edge leadership concept of Chinese academic inquiry, especially the scale of the participating artists has always been one of the highlights of the event, so that the event has a high and large popularity, reputation and influence in the Chinese art circles at home and abroad.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

The news that "the 'Xingtai Reciters' was invited to the stage of the 'China International Chinese Language Conference' has received widespread attention from the news media at all levels. People's Daily Economic Network, Party Newspaper Headlines, Great Wall Network, Hebei Daily Client, Great Wall New Media, Hebei News Network, Today's Toutiao, Yanzhao Metropolis Daily (full page), Hebei Provincial Literary Association Public Account, Niucheng Evening News WeChat Public Account, Xingtai Propaganda WeChat Public Account, Fengya Xingtai WeChat Public Account, Xingtai Municipal Literary Association Public Account, Local Headlines, Pocket Xingtai, Xingtai Network and other 16 central and provincial and municipal major media have given extensive attention and coverage.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"

As the founder of the first recitation art association in Hebei Province and the Xingtai Recitation Art Association, Chairman Wang Xinxin has won the honorary title of "100 Most Influential Marketers and Planners in China in the 2004-2005 China Advertising List" jointly selected by CCTV and other departments, and has won many important honors such as "The Third Prize of the 19th China Economic News Competition" and "2019 Top Ten Reading Promoters in Xingtai City". He has been invited to appear on the stage of large-scale national poetry recitals such as Hebei Radio and Television Station, Shaoxing Recitation Festival, Henan Recitation Festival, Ningxia National Day Poetry Festival, etc., leading Xingtai Recitation to the whole country, and footprints throughout the motherland. Under his leadership, in the eleven years since its founding, with the purpose of "reciting classics and inheriting civilization", the Xingtai Lang Association has invited famous performing artists, famous poets, famous hosts of CCTV, famous hosts of Hebei Radio and Television Station and other famous artists to enter Xingtai, and held hundreds of themed poetry parties of various kinds on major national festivals and traditional festivals. At the same time, we insist on holding a free "recitation art salon" every Saturday for the general public, recitation enthusiasts, and primary and secondary school students, so as to carry forward the patriotic spirit with recitation, spread the excellent Chinese poetry culture and language art, promote Mandarin, enrich the cultural life of the masses, cultivate the sentiments of the citizens, enhance cultural self-confidence and the cultural taste of the city, and become the "cultural glimmer" that illuminates the city at night every weekend. News media such as The People's Daily and Yanzhao Metropolis Daily have made special reports on his deeds under the title of "New Era of High-pitched Recitation", and the Niucheng Evening News has reported his advanced deeds with the title of "Savoring the Beauty of Life in Reading - Every Saturday Night They Are Readers". Xinhua Net, People's Net, Party Newspaper Headlines, Phoenix Net, Sohu, Great Wall Net, Hebei News Net, Hebei Literature and Art Net, Hebei Provincial Literary and Art Network, Yanzhao Metropolis Daily, Xingtai Daily, Xingtai Radio and Television Station, Local Headlines, Xingtai Net, and other media at all levels have widely reported on the activities of the Xingtai Recitation Art Association, which have been widely praised by the national recitation circles and all sectors of society.

"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"
"Hebei Xingtai Reciter" Wang Xinxin was invited to the stage of the "China International Chinese Language Conference"