
Some farmers, who did not pay social security that year, asked for a monthly pension of 400 yuan, is it reasonable?

author:Xiao Zhang said rural

The contrast between rural areas and cities is like a chasm, and some people may not believe that the rural development of rural areas is getting better and better, how can there be such a big gap with cities? The backwardness of the countryside is not only the environment, but also the difficulties of life. Take pensions, almost all the elderly in the city can receive pensions, and even if they are not good, there are children who help them to retire. Even for people with pension difficulties, this number is far less than in rural areas.

Some farmers, who did not pay social security that year, asked for a monthly pension of 400 yuan, is it reasonable?

The existence of the problem of the elderly in rural areas is not a day or two, and they do not know that they can receive pensions without paying social security. However, the income from farming is already limited, and where does the money come from to pay social security. Nowadays, the old man who handed over the public grain has also reached the age of pension, but there is no pension to receive at all.

In this regard, some people proposed that for the rural elderly who have not paid social security before, a monthly pension of 400 yuan will be issued. Is such a request reasonable?

Some farmers, who did not pay social security that year, asked for a monthly pension of 400 yuan, is it reasonable?

Farmers made many contributions in the era of public grain

Most of the farmers who do not have pensions today are the elderly who have experienced the era of public grain, and these farmers have responded to the call of the state and handed over grain free of charge. For the people of that era, the life of a family was not easy, and hunger still threatened the lives of the people. However, the peasants handed over public grain free of charge, which promoted the development of the country, and only then did the country that is now strong have it.

From this point of view, the pension of 400 yuan given to farmers is entirely a reward for the contributions made by farmers in the era of public grain. As a large agricultural country, the mainland produces grain to feed the country's population of 1.3 billion. But it is really sad that the peasants who produce grain cannot even provide for their pensions.

Some farmers, who did not pay social security that year, asked for a monthly pension of 400 yuan, is it reasonable?

It is difficult for farmers to provide for the elderly

From the perspective of human feelings, farmers should receive this 400 yuan pension. You know, it's not that they don't want to pay pensions, it's that they can't do anything about life. For people in the city, having a company means having insurance, and the company's five insurances and one gold cover pension insurance. But the peasants have no company, and they do not have five insurances and one gold.

For farmers who have been farming all their lives, they do not have the so-called retirement, and they live to the old age. Pension insurance can only be paid by themselves, but the awareness of pension insurance alone is not enough, and real life is that they have no extra money to pay pension insurance. Especially in remote and poor rural areas, the pension of 4 million yuan can provide a strong guarantee for their lives.

Some farmers, who did not pay social security that year, asked for a monthly pension of 400 yuan, is it reasonable?

Xiao Zhang said

Farmers are undoubtedly vulnerable groups, and the elderly in rural areas are even more vulnerable among the weak. The state carries out targeted poverty alleviation in order to help vulnerable groups, the elderly in rural areas cannot afford social security, and they should receive social attention like the poor people. Therefore, the pension payment of 4 million yuan is reasonable. Some people may say that public grain is essentially a tax, and the collection of taxes should not require a return.

However, we can't take this for granted, and the pension of 400 yuan is not much, but it can bring great improvements to the elderly in rural areas. Society should have more warmth, pay attention to this group of farmers who have contributed silently but are still struggling in their lives, and bring a force to their later life.