
Chinese martial spirit cannot be lost

author:Kunming Cat Lao Wang

Text/Kunming Elvis Presley (full text 9100 words read about 20 minutes)

The temporary backwardness of a nation and a country is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is that they are at ease with the backward situation, insensitive, and spiritually "indisputable."


Looking back at the history of the Chinese nation, there are both brilliant chapters and shameful aspects.

Especially in modern times, it is full of great shame.

In the Opium War, tens of thousands of foreign devils crushed hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops, and when I read the opium war books, I felt as if in the Opium War, only a few people had a bit of a martial spirit.

On the sixth day of February in the 21st year of Daoguang (1841), the British launched a general attack on the Humen Fortress, with 10 warships, 3 steamboats, and landing troops, to attack the Jingyuan Fort where Tianpei was located.

The battle was fought from noon to late at night, and Guan Tianpei, who was more than sixty years old, personally commanded and wounded more than ten places before personally firing back at the enemy.

The British commander issued an ultimatum to Guan Tianpei, ordering him to abandon the Humen forts, which Guan Tianpei ignored. By the end of the evening, the British army attacked the fort, and Guan Tianpei was slashed in the left arm with a knife and wounded more than 10 times, but he still stood in front of the position and personally fired the cannon. After being hit by a bullet, the wound marks were all over the body, and the mouth was still shouting to kill the enemy.

In order not to let the Admiral Great Seal fall into the hands of the enemy, Guan Tianpei urgently ordered his entourage to take the Great Seal away, and the entourage wept and tugged at his shirt and asked to be withdrawn together. Guan Tianpei sharply refused, insisted on command, and encouraged the soldiers to fight hard.

Suddenly, another shell from the enemy struck, and this veteran general, who was more than sixty years old, was unfortunately shot and killed, and when Guan Tianpei was killed in the line of duty, his eyes were closed, he stood upright, and he was martyred at the age of 60.

The British army was stunned to see "Guan Tianpei standing tall and living, and was terrified and servant", and finally, more than 400 soldiers guarding the fort were all martyred.

Throughout the history of Wanqing, in addition to personally leading five warships, Chen Liansheng surrounded and annihilated the invading British army; In the Battle of the Yellow Sea, he said to his subordinates: "Even if we die, we must also strengthen the prestige of the Chinese Navy, and the time has come to serve the country!" "Rushing towards the Japanese ship Yoshino with full horsepower, Deng Shichang, who died with the Yoshino, and the soldiers who led the soldiers guarding the fort when the British attacked Humen Fort to fight bloodily with the enemy and martyred Guan Tianpei, I don't seem to have read any other more spiritual records."


The Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, only 130,000 people, and as a result, the Emperor of China and the emperor who sat in the car and could not face his own Lafayette Cixi lost the city of Beijing.

Lao She once wrote in the article "Father":

I don't remember my father's voice, he was killed in battle with allied forces that year. He was a protector of three or two silvers a month, and his mission was to defend the imperial city. The coalition forces invaded Di'anmen, and my father died in a grain store on North Long Street.

When the coalition forces invaded Beijing, there was no way to count how many people they had killed and how many treasures they had looted. This is a debt that can never be counted! To kill with words is indeed a chicken and a dog that does not remain. Every chicken in Beijing was captured by foreign soldiers.

The dog that dared to speak out was immediately stabbed to death — my family's big yellow dog died under the bayonet. Stealing chickens and killing dogs shows the bravery and majesty of the occupiers. In words, the occupiers are indeed "civilized." They were not as rough as the good men of the green forest, seizing treasures and roaring away. No! They all have a high degree of theft skills, and they patiently and meticulously go door to door to search, scratching, as calm and delicate as a girl's grate hair.

The small alley where we lived, even the car could not come in, and it had never been seen. The households there are all destitute working people, and the most valuable thing is only Aunt Zhang's wedding ring (maybe copper), or a silver hairpin of Li However, the foreign soldiers found this small alley with rat-like cleverness, and in groups of three or five, they did not know how many batches came a day. Our doors must be open all day long, and the women, with their scissors hidden in their arms, sit silently at the base of the wall, waiting for the civilized robbers, the executioners and open flames, the thieves. They came, first to search for chickens, and then to the house to rummage through the boxes and cabinets, calmly and pervasively taking away the slightly valuable things. If the first batch is missing, there is a second batch and a third batch to add to the selection.

Shame, shame! Lao She's pen not only wrote about the atrocities of the Eight-Power Alliance, but also the humiliation of China, and the great China, which has fallen to this point.

Every time I think of the figure of 130,000 people in the Eight-Nation Alliance, I think that if our people have the spirit of martial arts, if the generals of the Qing army are like Deng Shichang and Guan Tianpei, and their blood is like wolves, these 130,000 people will not be able to drive straight into the land of China and do whatever they want.

However, history has not yet left Chinese to reflect, and a few decades later, the Japanese invasion of China broke out.

I once read an oral account of the Japanese invasion of China, in which an old man said that a squad of Japanese soldiers in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan could run like ducks and run through the mountains and fields with tens of thousands of ordinary people in a county.

20,000 Japanese soldiers washed the city of Nanjing in blood, 300,000 Chinese were slaughtered in 6 weeks, if the Opium War was the first greatest shame in modern China, then the Nanjing Massacre was the second greatest shame.

At that time, Nanjing City, the entire city population plus the foreign population and the army, there were nearly a million people, not to mention a person slap, that is, a person a spit, a snot, can also drown the invading Japanese soldiers, but there was a tragedy of being "slaughtered" to the home, why?


This is really, as some people say, this is the crushing of the industrial countries on the agricultural countries, so it is understandable that it cannot be defeated, and I think this is not the case.


I think this is very closely related to the serious weakening of the martial spirit of the Chinese nation since the end of the Qing Dynasty.

The temporary backwardness of a nation and a country is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is that they are at ease with the backward situation, insensitive, and spiritually "indisputable."

Human history tells us that it is not terrible for a nation and a country to lag behind in military capabilities, nor is it terrible to be backward in national strength, but the most terrible thing is that it is mentally backward——— has less "qi" and "qi" in the country.

The cultivation of the martial spirit is not only the process of the accumulation of culture of a nation and a country, but also the result of the national strategic boldness, strategic decision-making, and strategic measures of a nation and a country.

In the Tang Dynasty, the martial spirit of the Chinese was fully carried forward.

For example, in 645, after leading his troops to conquer Goguryeo and winning the victory, he wrote to Gao Shilian, a minister who remained in the capital, saying: "How can it be so?" This kind of Shangwu psychology affected the psychology of shangwu of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

Although Tang Xuanzong's external "martial arts" were far from Tang Taizong's, his martial heart was not inferior.

It is very interesting here that none of the great powers and prosperity in our history are not impossible militarily, of course, the Song Dynasty is an exception, in other words, a strong country must be strong militarily, economically, and culturally to be considered a strong country, so is the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty is so, and the current China will be the same.

In the early years of the new century, Yao Chong, Song Jing, in order to prevent the young and competitive Tang Xuanzong from exhausting his military strength and good joy of meritorious service, adopted a policy of suppressing the side merits.

However, with the advent of the Kaiyuan dynasty, Tang Xuanzong gradually began to pursue biangong, and during the Tang Dynasty, the highest commander of the border garrison was the jiedushi envoy, who had excessive power, not only military power, but also financial power, political power, and the right to appoint and dismiss local officials, and his subordinate officials could be killed and appointed and dismissed at will.

During the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang, a tradition was continued: those who had distinguished their merits could enter the dynasty as a minister, and Tang Xuanzong also followed this example, and made Hu people who did not know the book and could not be a face, and the kings with different surnames, such as Wang Zhongsi, Ge Shuhan, An Lushan, etc., were subordinate officials of the shogunate.

Ordinary soldiers and soldiers are also easily promoted, which has inspired a group of low-level soldiers to make meritorious achievements and fight on the battlefield to seek meritorious fame, Tang Xuanzong pursued martial arts, and also greatly rewarded the side merits, which further stimulated some people with lofty ideals who wanted to make meritorious achievements to the border pass outside Saiwai and the enthusiasm of seeking meritorious names through martial arts, which naturally contributed to the social atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty and Shangwu.

The Tang Dynasty's Bian Sai poem is a good proof of the Tang Dynasty's Shangwu.

The literature of an era and a period is very able to reflect the spiritual outlook of people in this era, and in professional terms, the literature of an era has the characteristics of the era of literature of this era, and poetry, as one of the most popular literary styles at that time, must reflect the social landscape of that time in its own way.

The Spirit of the Tang Dynasty's Plagiarism and Shangwu directly brought about the social atmosphere of Shangwu, so praising the heroic and fierce temperament of ethnic minorities and the spiritual atmosphere of Shangwu Qingsheng directly affected the values of Han boys.

For example, Wang Changling's "Seven Songs from the Army, Four of Them" is also my favorite poem:

Qinghai Changyun Dark Snow Mountain,

The lonely city looks at the Jade Gate Pass.

Huang Jingbai wears golden armor

If you don't break the building, you won't pay it back. ”

The poem describes a good boy who puts life and death aside in an instant, and also uses just a few sentences to jump the heroic oath of a martial youth image on the paper, and the author sings this martial folk custom with an appreciative tone, in addition, in a large number of border poems, there are also many verses praising "Hu'er", "Yin Shan'er", "Teenager" and "Boy" for bravery and fierceness, being able to ride and shoot, sacrificing life and forgetting death, and taking horses on foot. These verses are also the embodiment of the martial customs of the time in literature and art.

Poetry with the theme of the frontier was unprecedentedly prosperous, never seen before.

Among them, the tone of the poems of the early and sheng tang border plugs is more exuberant and energetic, quite artistic, Luo Binwang is one of the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty, he is a poet who wrote more poems in the early Tang Dynasty, and his poems cover the scenery of the border plugs, the hard life of the border soldiers, killing the enemy and serving the country, building meritorious deeds, and homesicking of the soldiers, etc., with broad themes and high style.

Sheng Tang was the heyday of the creation of Biansai poetry, and the Tang Dynasty Shangwu was inseparable, and the Biansai poetry was formed into a school alone, represented by Gao Shi, Cen Shan, Wang Changling, Li Qi, Wang Wei and so on.

In particular, the seven-word long song line embodies the aesthetic characteristics of sheng Tang Biansai poetry, and Gao Shi's "Yan Song Xing", Cen Shan's "White Snow Song" and "Walking Horse Chuan Xing" are the most representative works, known for their majesty, majesty, boldness, romance, tragedy and magnificence.

On the contrary, you read the ancient poems of the Qing Dynasty, I have carefully read some of the poems of the Qing Dynasty, and my feeling is that people of that era seem to be depressed, or they are too feminine.

As for modern poetry...


Writing about the spirit of Shangwu, I had to write about the traditional excellent culture of China and the shit Bushido of Japan; When writing this paragraph, I did not want to juxtapose the traditional excellent Chinese culture with the Japanese bullshit Bushido;

In fact, I despise Japanese culture, and in my opinion, in the face of China's excellent culture, Japan cannot be called culture, but only village history.

The Chinese shangwu spirit is influenced by the Tao of Confucius and Mencius and traditional religions and the art of war, it is composed of Confucian virtue, Taoist Daoist heart and Buddhist nature of the Shijia and the "cessation of war" and "survival" of the warriors, forming a social consciousness of moral supremacy, the concept of the ancient Shangwu spirit is to prohibit violence, fight soldiers, baoda, Dinggong, anmin, hezhong, and wealth, most of which are based on defense and defense rather than expanding the concept of aggression and oppression of others.

Mencius said that the hegemony of the false benevolent is hegemonic, and the hegemony must have a great power; The king who acts benevolently in the Dhamma will not wait for the king to be great. Those who obey people with strength, those who are not convinced, those who obey people with virtue, are happy in their hearts and sincerely obeyed. ”

Buddhism believes that only by accumulating virtue in this life and in the next life can we live a good life, and we must purify all sentient beings, and we must not kill in life, and be compassionate.

Taoism advocates "inaction", "widowhood", "indisputable" and "jishili", requires "accumulating merit and virtue, loving kindness to things", practicing martial arts for health and so on.

Under the influence of Confucianism and religious thought, the practice of martial arts was alienated into the pursuit of "jian" and "shou", weakening the technical essence of martial arts, and advocating that martial arts serve people with virtue, serve people as the best policy, beat people as the lower policy, and kill people as the lowest policy.

The "Art of War of Sun Tzu" says: "The method of using soldiers by husbands is the first in the whole country, the second in breaking the country, the upper in the whole army, and the second in breaking the army,...... Soldiers who yield without fighting, and those who are good are also good. ”

Under the influence of Confucian "moderation" and Taoist "wuwei" thought, the Chinese nation loves the state of "harmony", such as "harmony is precious" and "harmony is beauty", and pursues peace and people-oriented, because "harmony" is the guarantee that things do not go to extremes, conform to the law, and achieve a smooth, stable and beautiful realm.

This is something we are still mentioning today; This kind of "harmony", in fact, is a kind of harmony between people and people, people and the environment, and it is a realm of beauty pursued by traditional Chinese aesthetics, and this part is currently an important connotation of our socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Under the influence of Confucianism, Chinese martial arts vigorously abstain from "violating the prohibition with force" and "bullying the weak and small", hating killing and poking, believing that Xi Wu cannot bully the weak and advocating the cessation of evil and the promotion of good.

The word Shangwu first appeared in the book Zuo Qiuming's "Zuo Zhuan" in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period: "Wu has seven virtues, forbidden violence, soldiers, Baoda, Dinggong, Anmin, Hezhong, and Fortune", although it is a requirement for the morality of the princes to use soldiers, it has a far-reaching impact on the later practice of martial arts.

The formation and development of the Shangwu spirit was influenced by the traditional Chinese culture of Confucianism, Ink, Taoism, Buddhism and other ethics and morality, of which Confucianism, which has always occupied the orthodox position of feudal society, was the most profoundly influenced, Confucianism believes that "gentlemen are harmonious but not flowing, middle and not dependent", "Zhiren and Courageous in the world", "to learn almost to know, to practice almost benevolence, to know shame is almost courageous", so the main content of the traditional Shangwu spirit is expressed as "benevolence", "righteousness", "etiquette", "wisdom", "faith", "courage" and other aspects.


Economically developed, food and clothing life and stable and solid political power come from the construction of internal affairs, people believe that war can only bring destruction and famine, praise the war is those that stop the war, so our various texts have "people kill people, kill can also," "the warrior is destroyed, the bully dies; The saints use their soldiers, they move in battle, and they are used as a last resort" and the like.

The feudal monarch's implementation of Confucian benevolence is in line with this social psychological requirement in China since ancient times, and the Shangwu spirit has also been nurtured and developed in this psychological requirement, and gradually formed the Shangwu spiritual consciousness and connotation characterized by benevolence, moderation, "gentleness, goodness, courtesy, frugality, and concession".

Japan is an island nation that is often hit by typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes, and frequent natural disasters have always made the Japanese people always have a sense of crisis.

The backward productive forces of ancient Japan led to an unstable social environment, the samurai were the guarantee of oppressing the weak and the strong, and the constant war and chaos made this nation generally form a deformed worship of force; The spirit of Bushido is a complex, chaotic, and extreme sense of existence and emotional tendency that arises in a narrow island.

Japan's small territory, crowded population, poor resources, and heavy dependence on imports have also strengthened the centripetal force and sense of crisis of the Japanese people, and the sense of crisis determines the narrow nationalism of the Japanese, and the Hearts of the Japanese are as narrow as the size of their land, which can be seen from the fact that they dumped nuclear wastewater into the Pacific ocean this year, which is a narrow nation that has always harmed others and harmed themselves.

If the Japanese were not narrow-minded, how could they not know that China has a glorious history in its five-thousand-year history? Can there be a time when the Chinese nation is not strong? Aggression against China is the greatest mistake made by this narrow nation.

I think that in many years, the evil consequences of this mistake will also be swallowed by the Japanese, because there is an old saying in China called "a gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late", And no one can stop China's strength and rejuvenation, and Chinese certainly will not forget that there was such a narrow nation that committed crimes in our land.

In the narrow geographical living space, strong nationalism once benefited Japan a lot, and their nationalism further strengthened the psychological isolation, as a compensation for the inferiority of the Japanese nation, the sense of superiority generated by the Japanese national inferiority, making Yamato nationalism a strong xenocentrism, "Japan is the kingdom of God, the supreme country, it symbolizes the mainstay of the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean, and only Japan is most suitable to lead Greater East Asia" is the embodiment of this deformed narrow nationalism;

"Domineering" and "domineering" became the core of Bushido.

From the Liancang period to the Meiji Restoration, about seven hundred years ago, Japan was in a period of competition for supremacy among samurai groups, in order to survive, the samurai groups had to do everything possible to defeat their opponents, in a society where the right to survive was not guaranteed, the stronger the ability to overthrow their compatriots, the higher the chance of survival, in order to survive and save themselves, unscrupulous means are the best means.

Kindness is not conducive to self-preservation, and tyranny is the most effective way to preserve oneself. The samurai exchanged their allegiance to the monarch for some of the favors of the samurai, recognized the lands and rights of their subordinates, and gave the samurai many privileges. For example, "The samurai are not guilty of killing civilians", and it is forbidden by law to rebel against the samurai class as a commoner.

Even if they suffer from unreasonable legal provisions, the people have nowhere to complain, and killing people becomes legal, making samurai killings sexual.

Japan's Warring States period sword Saint Miyamoto Musashi, he is the best at using sneak attack methods to attack the enemy family, once successful, the enemy's whole family to kill the chickens and dogs will not even spare newborn babies, such a beast, in China, will definitely end up with a reputation and a bad reputation for thousands of years, but in Japan worship him is thousands of people, what kind of nation is this?

I think the reason for this is that Miyamoto Musashi's atrocities are in line with the samurai's habit of killing and poking, and even the pro-Luan, who is known as the grandmaster of the Japanese Buddhist family, openly proposed: "In order to achieve the past life, even thousands of people can be killed."

In the eyes of the Japanese, human life is not respected and cherished at all, the Japanese Bushido techniques only study the art of killing, in the shogunate era, in order to hone the courage of the samurai, the government openly encouraged the samurai to kill first to practice courage, allowing the samurai to test the sword against the civilians, which is the opposite of the "chivalrous" spirit of the Chinese martial spirit.

Chinese samurai pay attention to "good men do not fall down", while Japanese samurai pay attention to "chopping", the more the other side does not resist and ask for forgiveness, the more they have to chop the other party to death, beheading and then willing to give up.

The Japanese army's killing contest "Hundred People Beheading" in the Nanjing Massacre, which slashed and killed Chinese prisoners who had lost resistance in batches, all of which showed the admiration of Japanese Bushido.

However, since the Sino-Japanese War, when the Chinese army engaged in foreign aggression against the Japanese army, the Chinese army was gradually defeated and retreated, appearing vulnerable, although mainly social factors and economic and technological backwardness, but at the same time the military influence of the martial spirit concept was also revealed.

However, when the destruction of humanity by the Japanese army aroused the righteous indignation of the entire Chinese people, shared hatred with the enemy, carried forward the spirit of resistance of benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, and courage, and truly embodied the true meaning of the Chinese martial spirit, the spirit of Bushido would be vulnerable in the face of the glorious ideas of "people's war" and "protracted war"!

From the results of the military contest between the two martial spirits, we can see that the "martial spirit" is the soul of a country and an army.


I think the reason why the martial spirit is very important, first of all, is to be able to protect yourself as the premise, if you are weak and small, then it is just fine, for the time being, you may first allow you to eat, but if you are weak and large, the ability is not large, the amount of food is not small, how can others tolerate you? This is a portrayal of the partition of China in the late Qing Dynasty.

In the eyes of some foreigners, China only gained its current international status after the Korean War and really stood up in the eyes of the world.

This actually tells us that whether it is a strong country or a weak country, in this world, what people fear and respect is mainly strength, a force more powerful than themselves, and more importantly, a spiritual force that is not afraid of heaven and earth.

If you fight with a strong man, where you only shout "gentleman does not move", this can only be regarded as cowardice and funny; you at least dare to call him a challenge and overwhelm him mentally, and you are qualified to demand "no war" from him.


Writing this, I can't help but write about Commissar Mao.

In modern Chinese society, there is the erosion of the cancer of feudalism on the inside, the aggression of the imperialist powers on the outside, and the endless plundering of capitalism, and the "three mountains" have pushed modern Chinese society to the precipice of great chaos and the end of the road.

In China, which has witnessed many disasters and difficulties, how to save the country from peril and revitalize the Chinese nation is in front of the first group of Chinese who have awakened.

In the view of Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong, Qiu Jin, Sun Yat-sen, Chen Duxiu, Mao Zedong and others, the lack of patriotism of the people, let alone the lack of martial attitude is one of the most serious factors among the many inducements.

Mao Zedong profoundly disclosed such social phenomena: "The national strength is weak, the martial arts style is weak, and the constitution of the nation is becoming lighter and thinner. Advocacy cannot be its original, it is ineffective over time, it is long and unchanging, it is weak and even worse... If the body is not solid, then the soldiers are afraid, why is there a hit, and what is a far-reaching? ”

Mao Zedong also put forward two basic themes of his thoughts and actions: one is to advocate patriotism, and the other is to promote the spirit of martial arts.

In the thousands of years of historical development of the Chinese nation, many national heroes and revolutionary leaders have emerged.

In Mao Zedong's view, the Chinese nation is a nation with glorious revolutionary traditions and excellent historical and cultural heritage, and it is the feats of these heroes of different dynasties that have interpreted the wonderful history and culture of China and set a good example for future generations.

In modern times, it was Mao Zedong who made this Shangwu culture inherit the past and opened a new chapter in the modern Shangwu culture. Mao Zedong gave a positive appraisal of the value of the martial artists in history.

As for the ancient martial heroes, Mao Zedong said: "The beginning, the beginning, the beginning, the beginning of the pasture are all new. Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, are not all teenagers new to the new? Yue Fei, a famous strategist, military strategist and national hero in Chinese history, also occupied a pivotal position in Mao Zedong's mind.

Mao Zedong once used the example of Yue Fei to explain to Stalin the spirit of the Chinese Communist Army in the revolutionary war years of "not fearing hardships and dangers, and regarding death as a homecoming.", Stalin could not help but sigh after understanding: "It seems that this is a genius commander-in-chief, showing a fearless spirit and great talent. ”

Yue Fei's patriotic spirit of heroically resisting foreign aggression and resolutely opposing national oppression and his unyielding national integrity have set an excellent example for the Chinese nation and also encouraged future generations to carry forward the spirit of martial arts and serve the country loyally.

Mao Zedong particularly appreciated Yan Yuan's viewpoint in "The Study of Sports" that "literature and martial arts lack one thing and no morality", inheriting and giving full play to Yan Yuan's idea of attaching importance to sports, and zuo zongtang of the Qing Dynasty was mighty and mighty in Xinjiang, and Mao Zedong called it "my ancestors, the people who do things" Mao Zedong's evaluation of historical martial figures can be described as pertinent, and from one side also reflects the profound and far-reaching influence of these historical martial artists on Mao Zedong Thought. “

In addition, Mao Zedong also listed the attitude of foreign powers toward Shangwu, which showed the importance of Shangwu to the strong and powerful: "In today's civilized countries, virtue is the most prosperous, and its sword fighting style is spread throughout the country; Japan has Bushido, and because of the surplus of our country, it has caused jiu-jitsu, which is considerable." ”

Mao Zedong once pointed out: "China should absorb a large number of foreign progressive cultures, as the material for its own cultural food, Chinese culture should be united with the socialist culture and new democratic culture of all other nationalities, establish a relationship of mutual absorption and mutual development, and jointly form a new culture in the world." ”

This is also an important part of Mao Zedong's world cultural concept, which in turn takes Mao Zedong's martial military concept as the core. Mao Zedong not only attached great importance to the traditional Chinese martial arts culture, but also emphasized the positive role of foreign martial arts culture in transforming the national physique.

Mao Zedong pointed out at the beginning of his article "Research on Sports" that the reality of weak national strength is caused by the sluggish martial arts, and the article also lists many martial generals, which illustrates the importance of martial arts to strengthening the body and defending the country, which can also be seen from Mao Zedong's positive affirmation of ancient and modern martial arts figures.

While fully affirming the value of Chinese martial arts culture, Mao Zedong also positively evaluated the influence of Shangwu culture on foreign powers.

He believes that "the civilized countries of today are the most virtuous, and their sword fighting style is spread throughout the country; Japan has Bushido, and because of the surplus of our country, it has caused jiu-jitsu, which is considerable."

Therefore, Mao Zedong advocated not only protecting and inheriting the martial arts culture of his own nation, but also actively learning from the martial arts expertise of other countries.

Mao Zedong believed that "in the war, healthy people are particularly needed, not only to learn from the Soviet people's culture of paying attention to sports, but also to learn from the enemy's Bushido style and the German people's martial spirit, regard it as the basis for transforming the modern civilized and weak people, and get rid of the insults of the sick man in East Asia", and actively transmit and learn the martial spirit of foreign countries.

It is precisely this huge contrast that has created a situation in which the external strength is strong and the internal is weak, and such a national physical condition and internal worries and external troubles have stimulated Mao Zedong's motivation for saving the country and has become the driving force for his advocacy of shangwu.


The cultivation of the martial spirit is not only the process of the accumulation of culture of a nation and a country, but also the result of the national strategic boldness, strategic decision-making, and strategic measures of a nation and a country.

It is necessary to write here that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea not only effectively realized the strategic goal of "defending the family and defending the country" and played a role in national and military prestige, but more importantly, it deeply rooted the spirit of the Chinese nation among the broad masses of the people in New China.

In 1950, 90% of China's national economy was still stuck at the level of modern agricultural economy, and the industrial output value ranked only 26th in the world; at that time, the United States, economic and scientific and technological strength were in the world's first, industrial output accounted for 40% of the world. Moreover, the United States also possessed the atomic bomb, and the 16 countries it gathered were all of considerable economic and military power.

Just by comparing the equipment and economic strength of China and the United States, we cannot see the huge gap between the two sides:

Chinese warship tonnage 40,000: 3 million U.S.,

60 Chinese military aircraft: 31,000 in the United States,

China's steel production 600,000 tons: 87.75 million tons in the United States,

China's crude oil production 200,000 tons: the United States 26 million tons,

National income in China $10 billion: $240 billion,

Chinese income per capita of $20: US per capita income of $1600,

China's defense spending amounted to $700 million: the United States $15 billion.

If we only compare our strengths, we can come to two basic conclusions: first, China should not participate in the war; second, China's participation in the war will undoubtedly be defeated.

However, the combat effectiveness of the army has always been composed of two major factors: people and weapons, and a country's strategic ability has always been determined by two aspects: strategic boldness and comprehensive strength. Although the Chinese People's Volunteer Army was backward in equipment, the officers and men were heroic and tenacious, and they overwhelmed the enemy in their will to fight. It is also on the basis of this spiritual strength that mao zedong and other military experts of the older generation have worked hard to realize the thinking of "you hit yours, I will fight mine," created many effective tactics based on a certain material foundation, and brought into full play the subjective action of people.

Without a spirit, it would be impossible to force the United States to suffer the "greatest defeat in the history of the army," nor would it be possible to use the "Great Underground Wall" to deal with the firepower superiority of the "United Nations Army," it would be impossible to turn the moonlit night on the Korean Peninsula into a "moon Chinese," and it would be impossible to stabilize the front near the "38th Line."

Historically, the Chinese Communists have never surpassed the enemy on a material basis, and of course they have never been weaker than the enemy in terms of subjective mobility.

This is precisely the key to the Chinese Communists' ability to defeat the superior with the inferior and the strong with the weak -- the spirit of shangwu, in other words, an army, a nation, and a country must have the courage to overcome all enemies and all difficulties.


In historical China, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, "less iron and more gas" defeated the powerful Japanese imperialism; during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, "less iron and more gas" defeated US imperialism armed to the teeth.

Today's China, not only has its economic strength greatly increased, but also its national defense and military strength have also been greatly strengthened. What I am afraid of is that "less gas", "less iron and less gas" can't work, "more iron and less gas" can't do it's not good, "imperialism is a paper tiger".

This sounds a little too romantic, but it implies a very simple and profound truth——— "The one who is afraid of the horizontal, the horizontal is afraid of not dying."

Historical experience proves that Americans, whose strength is supreme, are afraid of both the material forces that are more powerful than them and the spiritual forces that "do not die."

Some of our intellectuals and some people, fearing war, and even some well-known people, with their brains on their butts, not only boast about the theory of FRIENDSHIP between the United States and Japan, but also say that the strategy of seeking "peace" in Chinese is that they cannot fight or dare not fight.

Your people are not strong, your army is not afraid of death, the country is not strong, who talks about civilization and etiquette with you? Who respects you? If you are not strong, those so-called civilized people will immediately show the side of the beast, which is a bloody portrayal of our recent history.

For example, the theory of weapons and the theory of only high technology have almost become the mainstream consciousness for a period of time, and when talking about future wars, opening their mouths and shutting their mouths is a comparison of weapons and equipment, how many planes, how many warships, how many missiles, and how many satellites.

It seems that if there is no quantitative and qualitative superiority, Chinese is not worthy of a war with a possible enemy, or even if it is to fight, it will undoubtedly be defeated, if according to this logic, where can China's modern history 'Chinese and can it survive in this world with dignity and great rejuvenation?

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