
Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

author:Breeze and smoke rain

Recently, a friend asked me that there is a problem that has plagued him for a long time, and he can't understand whether these mobile phone manufacturers think that the people have money? Or are they already in control of product pricing?

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

He said that he did not know how many people would still miss the mobile phone market four or five years ago, and remember that at that time, domestic mobile phones had not yet risen, and they could only survive under the pinch of a number of foreign brand mobile phones, but the domestic mobile phones at that time were really cheap and easy to use, not to mention the powerful copycat machine, that is, the genuine mobile phone was only one or two thousand yuan, and three thousand was their flagship mobile phone.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

However, with the "concerted efforts and cooperation" of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, domestic mobile phones have finally "turned over and serfs have sung" to dominate the share of the domestic mobile phone market, so that the once indispensable foreign brand mobile phones have been driven off the altar.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

But just when everyone has not had time to celebrate it, everyone suddenly found that the domestic mobile phones that were once inexpensive have begun to quietly increase in price, and such a price increase is not a star and a half, but a double increase. If you sell you five or six thousand at a slightly high-end, don't be surprised if you come to ten thousand dollars.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

Do you want to buy a little cheaper? Yes, but where two or three thousand yuan or less, either the use of old and obsolete technology, or for you to choose from a small number of models, want to buy a better one? Okay, pay for it! Because of the current mobile phone market, our brother several brands say the least.

So some people will say: how to compare with before, now people's income is high, mobile phone raw materials are expensive, such a price increase is normal.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

So I want to ask the person who said this, how much has your salary increased now compared to four or five years ago? Doubled? How many times? Can your salary increase keep up with the price increase of your mobile phone?

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

Don't tell me that raw materials are expensive, the prices of everything on the market are equal to the economy, put aside mobile phones to see other products, TVs, cars, and home appliances, how much have they risen compared to four or five years ago? Don't they need new materials? Won't the price of their raw materials go up? Or is it only the raw materials of domestic mobile phones that have risen, while foreign ones have not risen? Of course, foreign brands of mobile phones have always been which virtue, as long as my price is high, I can highlight my honor, naturally someone will use it to pay for my trademark.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

Let's take a look at the per capita income in 2017 almost 26,000 yuan, to 2021 reached 35,100 yuan, the first look at 4 years rose a lot, but do not forget that this is the per capita income, Yao Ming height 2.26 meters, Pan Changjiang height 1.6 meters, an average Pan Changjiang height also reached 1.93 meters, but the fact is that Yao Ming is always 2.26 meters, Pan Changjiang height is always 1.6 meters.

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

On May 28, 2020, Premier Li Keqiang mentioned in his visit to a press conference and answering questions from Chinese and foreign scholars that 600 million people on the mainland earn less than 1,000 yuan a month.

At such a glance, do you still think that it is normal for domestic mobile phones to double their prices at every turn?

Return to the text: In my opinion, a product according to the number of functions, the division of price levels is normal operation, but blindly pursuing advanced and high-end regardless of reality, but abandoning the basic products with the most basic uses of the product, how long will such a product brand last in the market?

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?

To know that there are now ninety percent of people, in addition to using mobile phone calls, playing WeChat, watching videos, buying things, playing games other functions of mobile phones will hardly be used, but such practical mobile phones within two or three thousand yuan do not use the elimination of technology mobile phone choices?

The inner volume is OK, and the outer volume is not impossible, but don't wait until that day to play yourself to death, and then regret it too late.

After all, those who win the hearts and minds of the people can win the world, and domestic mobile phones were originally tested to rely on such a strategy to turn over, and now how can they forget it?

I am the author: breeze and smoke and rain

Can you afford a high-end phone for a month's salary?