
The 911-Mumbai terrorist attacks in India that shocked the world began and ended

author:Abraham did not pit

Ten young people land in rubber dinghies at a fishing port in a slum in the West Coast city of Mumbai on November 26, 2008. They divided into five routes, two of them each, to the Taj Mahal, The Central Station, Café Leopold, the Oberoi Grand Hotel and the Nariman Building.

It was their first visit to Mumbai, a city of more than 20 million people that is India's largest financial centre and contributes forty percent of the country's tax revenue. It is also the largest entertainment center, where Bollywood was born. Although this group of young people already knows the city on the map, they are stunned to see its bustle and prosperity. It's lined with tall buildings, crowded, clean streets, and cars. In contrast, their homeland is like a primeval jungle, and they have never stepped out of the rolling mountains of their home country of Pakistan before coming here.

The conditions in the mountains are harsh, they live in poverty, and education and medical care are all things that cannot be expected. They all had many brothers and sisters, but they didn't even have enough to eat, let alone marry. One day, a group of mysterious people approached them and told them a way out of poverty if they went to a more remote place for ten months of training. More than thirty young people were encouraged to follow the group to the stronghold of their organization: Pakistani-controlled Kashmir.

In the course of training, they were brainwashed round after round, learned to use mobile phones and state-of-the-art satellite phones, and were very skilled at guns and grenades. The other party promised to send ten thousand dollars to their family, which was the reward for their actions. Of those trained, only ten were allowed to participate in the operation. Ten months later, they crossed the Indo-Pakistani border to the Indian state of Gujarat. They looted a trawler in Arab waters and killed four crew members. It was their first killing, and it was a rehearsal for the terrorist attack that followed. They took a fishing boat to the west coast of Mumbai and then changed into a rubber boat and landed in a poor fishing port. In India, the severe shortage of naval vessels and helicopters led to the Insubstantial Force being rendered ineffective, so they successfully evaded the surveillance of naval posts and reached their destination by sea.

The shore is full of all kinds of plastic garbage, which also reflects the serious pollution of Indian cities from the side. Although this was their first visit to Mumbai, they were skilled at catching taxis to the locations of their respective missions. It turned out that as early as a few months ago, there were organized eyeliner disguised as Malaysian students who came here to step on the spot, and they were already familiar with the distribution of Mumbai and the structure of the target building. India's religious sects are complex, especially the fierce contradictions between Hindus and Muslims. There are many terrorist attacks here, especially Mumbai, and the city is so unfortunate that there were terrorist attacks and explosions in 1993, 2002, 2003, and 2006, but none of the previous ones came as tragically as the one that was about to come.

As in the case of the Sri Lankan serial terrorist attack some time ago, intelligence services in the United States, the United Kingdom and India had been informed that a group called the "Lashkar-e-Lash" might carry out terrorist attacks in India. But uncertainty about time and location and the reliability of the sources have blinded the intelligence services of the three countries collectively. After all, compared to such well-known terrorist organizations as al-Qaida and the Taliban, the Laota are just small rattles, and they are placed in a less important position.

This time, however, they were careless. The Laosh army had been planning the attack for a long time and had long hoped that the operation would boost the low morale. The Lashkar-e-Lashkar-e-Dauphin is an Islamic extremist group based in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir on the Border between India and Pakistan. The Lashkar-e-Taiba originally had some contact with Pakistan, but as their behavior became more and more extreme and tyrannical, and they were hostile to the Western world, the Pakistani side had some concerns and broke off contact. The group is eager to gain attention through a major operation.

The first group of people came to the Leopold Café, where the people were leisurely drinking coffee and chatting. Two terrorists dropped a grenade and picked up an AK47 and aimed it indiscriminately at the crowd. The sudden change made these leisurely guests fall down and flee like frightened birds. Innocent people fell one after another, and the killing lasted nearly forty-five minutes. Some of the survivors fled to a place they thought was a safe haven, unaware that another group of terrorists had been lurking inside disguised as backpackers. And the two attackers of the café were also rushing there.

Taj Mahal is a century-old restaurant that is luxuriously decorated like a paradise where countless politicians and celebrities have stayed. There were more than a thousand guests at the hotel that day, many of whom came to Mumbai for work or vacation. Just before the arrival of the terrorists, the hotel was orderly and harmonious, but no one expected that soon it would become a shura field.

Several gunshots rang out from the hotel and the carnage began. The two terrorists who arrived from the café officially joined the other two lurking here. They threw grenades at crowded areas and shot at all those alive in sight. They shot floor by layer, searching room by room, and if the door was closed, they would kick open the door and kill the guests inside. They carried walkie-talkies and followed commands from behind the scenes as they killed. People were terrified, and some people closed their doors and waited for help. Others flee to other places, such as kitchens and conference rooms.

However, rescue was delayed, because several other terrorist attacks were also taking place at this time, and the police in Mumbai did not know how to respond for a while, and could only passively exhaust themselves. Apparently, The Lashkar-e-Lash has not defined the operation as a terrorist attack, but rather a war and a protracted one. Because terrorists carry dry food and drugs in their backpacks, in addition to bullets and grenades. Dry food is to maintain physical strength, while drugs are for continuous excitement. In Pakistan, they had already been trained in siege warfare, they knew that the army would come sooner or later, they estimated that they would not be able to escape death, they only wanted to kill some more people before they died, and preferably foreigners.

Mumbai, Central Railway Station.

Passengers at the train station are in a hurry, and some people are waiting at the platform for the train to go home. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and there was a scream from the crowd. Two terrorists, back to back, swept toward the crowd with ak47s, sweeping in circles as they swept. Within the radius of their bullet range, no one was spared.

People fled, and several patrol policemen at the train station ran away, but they did not flee for their lives, but they were going to the gun store to pick up their guns. They didn't carry a gun with them, because there were no guns to carry, only one pistol and five rifles in the magazine, and the rifle was an old World War II gun, firing only one bullet at a time. Police in India are underpaid and under-equipped. In The state of Maharashtra, where Mumbai is located, there are 180,000 police officers, but there are only 2,200 firearms, of which Mumbai has only 577. This means that most of Mumbai's police officers can only carry batons. Even the policemen who had guns were very backward in their guns, and the number of bullets was completely insufficient. The police were armed with old-fashioned rifles and revolvers, and the sniper's sniper rifle could not see people in the distance. Compared to the terrorist AK47 and grenades, the gap is too large. In the face of the terrorists' strong firepower, these weak policemen still decided to fight to the death, but in the end they were suppressed by the terrorists. In the exchange of fire, 50 civilians and eight policemen were killed.

After leaving the train station, two terrorists attacked the Parliament building and then came to a maternity and infant hospital, where they fired another strafing shot. They killed until they were thirsty, and in order to drink their saliva, they went to a house and killed two civilians by the way. It seems that they are trying to create a scene of terrorist attacks everywhere in the city, so that the police in Mumbai will be exhausted. They put time bombs on the taxis they were riding in, and poor taxi drivers, who came out early and returned late every day, died innocently, and the world was so cruel.

After killing the civilians, the two turned around and ran to the hospital, ready to kill again, and the head of Mumbai's special forces, Herman Kakari, went to intercept with seven policemen, but was attacked by terrorists halfway through, and all eight policemen were killed. I've seen a lot of Indian movies and I'm deeply aware of the corruption of the Indian police, but I think these eight cops deserve the title of policeman.

After a grueling wait, some people in the Taj Mahal Hotel are trying to help themselves. Someone tied sheets and curtains together and hung them from the windows along the bundled ropes. It was in this way that more than two hundred people were rescued and none were killed.

Meanwhile, in another hotel, the Oberoi Grand Hotel, another massacre is taking place. Still two young people, they first killed 9 staff members of the hotel, then set fire to the first floor of the hotel, and then they took 13 hostages. Under the cover of thick smoke, eight of the hostages ran under their eyelids. Furious when they realized that someone had escaped, the terrorists killed three of the remaining five hostages, leaving only a Turkish couple that survived because the terrorists discovered their Muslim identity. During the attack, they had been reciting fragments of the Quran to pray.

The last group of terrorists arrives at the Nariman Building, and the other end of the walkie-talkie tells the two that killing one person here is worth killing five people elsewhere. Because this is the center of Jewish activity in Mumbai, the relationship between Jews and Muslims does not need me to elaborate, right? However, due to the structure of the entire building, the two did not cause huge casualties here. But they killed two people, a Jewish rabbi and his six-month-pregnant wife. The terrorists killed the couple extremely cruelly, I really can't bear to express the specific details, to know the details you can go to the BTV file.

In this way, ten terrorists stirred up Mumbai chickens and dogs, and the whole city fell into panic. At this time, more than a hundred people have been killed, the rest of the people are uncertain, and the media has moved. Everyone was anxiously waiting for help, but the Mumbai police could not draw enough police and equipment to cope with the situation. Where is the hope again? The answer: The capital, New Delhi, is 1,100 kilometers away. There's India's most elite counterterrorism force: the National Security Forces.

I checked the internet and found that much of India's elite counterterrorism forces are concentrated in the capital, New Delhi, to protect politicians and senior officials, that is, ministers of all kinds. It is not difficult to understand that India has many sects and various contradictions, resulting in India ranking first in the number of terrorist attacks in peaceful countries in the world. Politicians may co-opt certain factions in order to vote, so they become targets of attacks by hostile factions.

Some netizens may ask, the attack occurred in 2008, when communications were developed, the news of the attack should soon spread to New Delhi, right? That's right, the National Security Forces received the news 90 minutes later, and then it took five hours for them to leave from New Delhi.

What the? Five hours after receiving the message? What were they doing for those five hours?

The answer is that they are waiting for the plane. Because there is only one nearby anti-terrorist base, it is located in Manisa (which belongs to Haryana) 1400 km away. They also had to get the plane at four o'clock in the morning at the earliest, arrive in Mumbai at six o'clock in the morning, and by the time they could move, it was about eight o'clock in the morning of the 27th. (The data comes from the documentary "Return to the Scene of The Crisis : The Mumbai Massacre").

More than two hundred commandos finally reached the scene of the crisis, but that didn't mean victory would come anytime soon, and they still had to go through a long and arduous battle.

This battle is not easy to fight, for two reasons. First of all, the special forces are in the light, the terrorists are in the dark, the terrorists attack from the lowest level up, set fires and lay bombs everywhere, occupying the commanding heights, and are very clear about the movement of the special forces. Second, terrorists have the most important bargaining chip in their hands, and that is the hostages they have taken. At this time, there are still many people trapped, terrorists can attack any target in the line of sight, and security forces are inevitably forward-looking and restricted. But this is a war that is destined to be won, because the targets are already surrounded by security forces, and the terrorists cannot escape even if they have three heads and six arms.

The operation, code-named "Black Whirlwind", aimed to capture the terrorists as alive as possible, and the first battle was held at the most difficult location, the Oberoi Trident Hotel. The hotel has 30 floors and a total of 887 rooms, which means that it is difficult to accurately locate terrorists. The terrorists had already set fire to the ground floor of the hotel, and even they themselves had been smoked upstairs. At this time, more than ten hours had passed since the attack, and the continuous excitement made them feel a little weak, and even some mental trance appeared. The two locked the Turkish couple in a room and ate all the food in the fridge. After a while, they opened the door to check the situation outside, when a small oversight made them face death. It turned out that they had forgotten to take their backpacks when they went out. The backpack, loaded with all the ammunition and grenades, was too late by the time they realized the problem. The couple had dialed the distress call.

"The enemy has run out of ammunition, so come in!"

The special forces received the news and the action immediately became rapid. Just then there was a sharp knock at the door outside the room. Apparently, the two terrorists understood the seriousness of the problem, and they almost roared while slamming the door. The couple's heart is full of anxiety and contradictions, do you want to open the door in the end? This is an issue that must be decided immediately. Although the terrorist's backpack was in their hands, the other side was still holding a gun, and when the terrorist knocked the door open, the two would not be as lucky as last time.

"Please, open the door, for the sake of all muslim brothers."

Hearing these words, the couple's hearts actually touched at the same time, but then they regained their composure, "These people are not worthy of forgiveness at all, these murderous devils are not real Muslims!" ”

The husband and wife gambled, no matter how the other party knocked on the door, they were not moved, but silently thought that the support would come early. Unexpectedly, although the terrorists had guns in their hands, they did not blast the door open with guns, and the special forces had already rushed up, and the special forces threw grenades at them, accompanied by a burst of gunfire, and the two terrorists fell to the ground and died.

Finally the first location was breached, and the morale of the special forces was greatly boosted. The Turkish couple made a great contribution. However, the words they said in an interview afterwards moved people.

"When they saw me turn on the tap and the water flowed out, they all showed an unbelievable expression, as if they had seen an object from outer space, and one of them had a curious look in his eyes and even wanted to touch it, but in the end he resisted, because his hand was clutching the target of the gun."

Yes, these killers are from the mountains of extreme poverty, ignorant, ignorant, cold-blooded, cruel, do not know which word is the most accurate description of them. They would use state-of-the-art satellite phones, but they had never seen any tap water. Are they teepiable or hateful that they hover on the fringes of human civilization and are alien to the modern world?

The battle at the Oberoi Hotel came to an end, as the tense standoff in the Nariman Building, the center of Jewish activity, continued.

The two sides confronted each other all night. Because the terrorists have resorted to a trick that has caused the Indian government a lot of headaches.

Earlier, the terrorists took five hostages and asked them to call the Israeli Embassy in India in hopes of elevating the incident to diplomatic issues. In this way, for the safety of foreign citizens, the Indian government is bound to have some scruples. The terrorists also offered to exchange hostages for captured accomplices, which naturally did not get a response from the Indian government, so the situation has been deadlocked.

After killing the Jewish rabbi and his six-month-pregnant wife, the terrorists patrolled the building from room to room. A photograph hanging on the wall caught their attention, and the group photo showed three people, two of whom were the Jewish couple they had brutally murdered, and the other child, who looked to be about five or six years old.

It turned out that the couple also had an older son.

The eldest son is probably right at the hotel! It must be killed and left without leaving a living mouth!

The terrorists immediately took action, carefully scanning every corner of the hotel, rummaging through boxes and cabinets, searching back and forth, but never seeing the target.

Isn't the eldest son of a Jewish couple in the hotel?

It turned out that the son had been taken into the basement by his nanny, and the two hid in a hidden corner, always looking for a suitable time to escape.

After an agonizing night of waiting, the nanny finally sneaked out with the couple's eldest son at some point.

"They're all dead, they're all dead!" When she came out, the nanny shouted at the police around her. It turned out that the five hostages had already been executed by terrorists, who lied that they had taken the hostages just to delay time.

At this time, the special forces no longer had any worries, and the paratroopers quickly landed on the roof of the building, and the ground troops from all directions opened fire violently into the building. The entire course of action was broadcast live by various media outlets without dead ends, and audiences around the world sat nervously in front of the TV set, their eyes fixed on the screen.

Suddenly, the TV screen froze and the live broadcast stopped abruptly.

It turned out that the terrorists' behind-the-scenes commanders were also watching the live broadcast, through which they learned about the movements of special forces, and then used satellite phones to command the terrorists in real time. This is extremely detrimental to special forces, and they will face great risks. Fortunately, this fatal problem was discovered in time, and the person in charge of the anti-terrorism operation immediately notified the relevant departments, and the live broadcast was cut off.

Terrorists have become turtles in an urn!

Counter-terrorism operations are always thrilling and gripping when they are in progress. But the demon was killed in an instant, and the two terrorists died in the rain of bullets without suspense.

Next location, The Taj Mahal Hotel.

Let's turn our attention back to Mumbai, India, more than a hundred years ago. At that time, India was still in the British colonial period. One day, entrepreneur Jamsheitji. Tata invites his British friends to tea at the Watson's By the Sea. Just as he was walking to the door, the waiter gently stopped him, and his tone was polite and indifferent: "I'm sorry, there are no Indians here." The scene was very awkward, and Tata was very angry, but as a successful entrepreneur, he showed his usual cultivation, he just smiled slightly helplessly, and then very politely took his friend away.

At that moment, he felt the need to do something to change people's pride and prejudice, although everything could not be achieved overnight, but any huge change was inseparable from those small efforts. He was determined to build one of the most luxurious hotels in All of India, a hotel that would be open to everyone to show its generosity and inclusion.

After five years of construction, the Taj Mahal Hotel was finally completed in 1903. The hotel is majestic and elegant, with its back to the sea, and from every room you can see the sunset in the distance. Tata finally got his wish, and The Taj Mahal became a famous landmark in Mumbai. For a hundred years, countless celebrities have come to live here, and presidents, princes, celebrities, and wealthy businessmen have regarded staying here as a symbol of wealth and status.

The importance of this campaign is self-evident.

Hundreds of people were still trapped inside the hotel, and many places in the hotel were on fire, and cold guns shot out of the windows from time to time, so that the fire guards outside did not dare to easily approach. The four terrorists searched the hostages, examined their passports and, if found to be of American, British or Israeli nationality, executed on the spot.

In a secret room on the first floor of the hotel, more than 300 guests anxiously used their mobile phones to contact the outside world. It turned out that some of the technical experts cut into the hotel's intranet, allowing trapped people to use the network. Most of them contacted by text message, and a few spoke softly. Everyone was silently praying that this place would not be discovered by terrorists.

The Internet has made people all over the world have the same concerns, and an American contacted his mother, who was far away from the ocean, and her mother quickly sent him a map of the structure of the hotel, asking him to find his location. While the Americans are searching for their place, terrorists are searching everywhere for the secret clubhouse called the Prince's Cottage.

How did the terrorists learn they were hiding here?

This is also thanks to the media. It turned out that one of the ministers inside had been interviewed by telephone. In the interview, he told reporters in 1510 that in the secret room where they were located, there were several important people: three ministers and a cabinet secretary.

I know that in a country like India, where there are still many peasants who don't know a word, when it comes to elections, the poor tend not to pay attention to the issues discussed by political parties, and the primary goal is to remember the party icon and then vote by impression. After all, it is indeed difficult for more than four hundred parties to distinguish clearly. Therefore, it is not incomprehensible that politicians brush their sense of existence for the sake of voting. But the minister had clearly made the mistake of the occasion, as the terrorists' behind-the-scenes commander was also focused on his telephone interviews, and after learning where they were hiding, he happily picked up the satellite phone beside him.

"There are several important people hiding in a certain house here, and hurry up to find them, they are very important hostages!"

The terrorists were overjoyed to receive the news. Danger is approaching those who are trapped step by step.

Guard Chief Jk Duterte and Counter-Terror Assault Squad Leader Colonel Sandy personally led the attack. The fierceness of this battle was beyond everyone's expectations. A documentary on the National Geographic Channel recreates the battle.

The terrorists chose to keep moving positions and throwing grenades, firing in between grenades, leaving the counter-terrorism team exhausted. Terrorists occupied both wings of the hotel and opened fire condescendingly. The special forces were divided into three groups, one to the central staircase and the other two flanks to encircle. Special Forces have an advantage in numbers, but their disadvantages are still obvious. Because this hotel is full of art treasures, while the firefight is exchanged, the special forces must always pay attention to avoid damaging them. As a result, special forces use light weapons and attacks are greatly weakened.

The fighting was fierce, from 10 p.m. the previous night to 9 a.m. the next day, and the four terrorists were slowly forced into a dead corner. Only then did the police outside begin to let go, using sniper rifles and grenades to fire violently at the terrorists' positions. The powerful fire caused the four terrorists to be screened, and one of them was half-blown in the room to expose the window, and then bombed back by the bullets outside.

In the hours after the terrorists were killed, sporadic explosions were still heard from the hotel. The terrorists hid some of the bombs under the bodies of the murdered guests, and by the time the bombs were completely cleared and the fire was extinguished, it was already the morning of the 29th.

In this battle, The leader of the anti-terrorist assault squad, Colonel Sandy, was unfortunately killed. Colonel Sandy is young and handsome, a household name in India, and he stars in every year the government's recruitment advertisement. Before the action, he hurriedly wrote a family letter and immediately rushed to the battlefield. He was only thirty-one years old at the time of his death, and the Indian government held a solemn state funeral for him.

By this point, the terrorist attack is all over, and some people will surely ask, doesn't it mean that there are ten terrorists in total? It seems that only eight were killed, but what about the two young men who had previously committed a massacre at the Central Railway Station and attacked the head of counter-terrorism, Kakari?

They were also intercepted by the local police before the end of the operation, one of whom was killed and the other captured alive, which is another thrilling story.

Let's shift our attention once again to the night of November 26th.

Two terrorists went on a killing spree at the central train station before roaming around the city to carry out random attacks. They came to Kamo Hospital, killed a few people, and tried to drive away. At this time, the head of the anti-terrorist force Herman. Kakari went to intercept him with seven policemen, but was ambushed by two people halfway through, and all eight policemen were killed. The two terrorists snatched the police car and continued to flee.

Not long after they drove, they found that there was very little oil left in the car. When I stopped the car and looked around, I found that the fuel tank had been leaked in the fire exchange just now. So they robbed a regular car and headed in the direction of the coastal road.

By this time it was nearly midnight, two or three hours after the initial attack, and the Mumbai authorities had gone from being dazed at first to gradually having some countermeasures. At this time, almost all the police in Mumbai were mobilized, and the detectives who had already left work also rushed to support.

The beach of Sholpati is a must-pass place on the coastal road, and when the police learned of the terrorists' route, they set up checkpoints here to check the passing vehicles. At 00:02 that night, a white Skoda stopped thirty meters away from the checkpoint. Police officers shouted at the car, signaling them to come over for inspection. However, there was no movement, which made the police a little alarmed. Suddenly, the wiper in the car moved, and the atmosphere at the scene was suddenly tense. The car suddenly sped up and slammed into the police. The car crashed into the isolation pier that had been set up long ago, and the policemen pulled out their pistols and opened fire on the car. The car stopped, and there seemed to be no movement inside. From a distance, the two gunmen had collapsed in the car, and everyone thought they were dead.

However, the police were still too careless.

A detective without a gun slowly approached the car, completely unaware that the danger had not been lifted, and the others had not thought of stopping it.

"There are still those who are not dead!" The detective shouted. Along with his shouts, the gunshots rang out again.

The detective, who had been shot several times, crushed the gunman, who was still alive, under him until only his last breath remained. Taking advantage of this gap, the rest of the police rushed up and captured the gunman alive. The gunman was also seriously injured and taken to hospital. At the hospital, police gave the gunman a vomit, hoping to ask for some useful information.

"These people have made a lot of money, you can do it, you don't have to work hard, you finish, our family will have money, we will not be poor, your brothers and sisters can all become relatives, you look at other people's children, you can live a good life, our family can also do"

The gunman, kasab, came from a small village in the Pakistani state of Punjab. His dad joined a terrorist organization in order to make a living.

As far as I know, in some parts of Pakistan, young people are too poor to find a way out, so they choose to join jihadist groups. Poverty sometimes really makes those who are already decent lose their conscience and become bottomless.

Kasab's experience reminds me of the plot of "What a Home." A refugee couple living in Lebanon, who have many children, are extremely poor. In order to survive, they married their daughter, who was under the age of thirteen, to a nearly middle-aged male landlord, who died of bleeding from pregnancy too early. I have never been able to understand this, since the suffering of life forced them to bear only by hurting their loved ones, why should they continue to let those innocent lives be born into the human world?

At the same time, I also deeply feel the sadness of being a poor person, who seems to have original sin and is always used as a tool to achieve his goals by people with ulterior motives. Every time there is a general election in India, candidates attach great importance to the votes of the poor. They take advantage of the short-sightedness of the poor to give those people all kinds of small profits, directly or indirectly, and when they are elected, they will intensify their corruption to cover the cost of bribery, and in the end it will still be the poor who suffer.

There is only one disease in this world, and that is the disease of poverty - "I am not a medicine god"

According to Kasab, the task given to him above was to kill people, to see who killed whom. His organization, called the Lashkar-e-Taiba, is a terrorist organization recognized by the United Nations and has long been active in Pakistan's India-Pakistan border. As for those people above, he didn't know much. When the police put a photo in front of him, he recognized the leader of the organization: Rehman. Zarqawi.

At the time of the attack, part of india's news media received the same email, and a terrorist group called the Deccan Mujahideen claimed to have carried out the attack. But the police didn't believe their claims, after all, the organization was unheard of before. Such a well-planned, multi-coordinated, behind-the-scenes command of an attack is no newbie.

The Mumbai court began trying Kasab in April 2009, and in May of that year, kasab was sentenced to death for murder and war crimes against India. It wasn't until November 2012 that Kasab was hanged in a prison in India.

The attack, which lasted nearly 59 hours in total, killed at least 195 people and injured more than three hundred. India suffered huge economic losses, and some foreign investors and trading partners cancelled their original investment plans. The aviation, tourism and catering sectors have been particularly affected. The Performance of the Indian Government in handling the crisis this time is indeed unsatisfactory, and many institutional weaknesses have been exposed, such as poor communication and coordination between local and central departments, imperfect counter-terrorism mechanisms and backward weapons and equipment. After this year's serial shootings in New Zealand, the fierce female prime minister quickly took gun control actions and achieved good results. The Indian government also announced many new measures in the aftermath of the attacks, but unfortunately many of them could not be implemented, and in 2011, there was a series of bombings in Mumbai, which was stifling.

Finally, let's talk about some lace news related to it. As a result of the seventy-two hours of comprehensive coverage of the attack in the world media, several of the sites of the attack are more famous than ever. The Leopold Cafe also retained bullet marks on the walls and traces of grenade explosions, and the business became more popular. The Nariman Building is close to Café Leopold and the Taj Mahal Hotel, and its proximity has also become a tourist attraction, and the business of street vendors has become better.

Life always has to go on, doesn't it?

Transferred from Douban Dreamless Autumn

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