
People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

author:Brother Tao who loves life

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Health experts pointed out that 45 years old is a watershed in human health and a high incidence period of life. After the age of 45, for women, menopause is coming, and women's physical functioning changes. For men, all aspects of the body are declining, and health problems are gradually emerging. Therefore, 45 years old is a good time to recuperate.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Care for good health, for your own good, for your family better. Good health care of the body, to develop good living habits, starting from a little bit. In life, many people often do 5 things that are harmful to the human body, overdraft the body, for health, no matter how much you like it, you can hold back!

The first one; not fond of drinking water or drinking less water

Water is an essential ingredient in the human body, drinking more water is very good for the human body, and the care for the middle-aged and elderly is even better.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Drinking more water can increase the metabolism of the body and quench thirst and nourish the body. It can also cleanse the stomach and intestines, moisturize the intestines and laxative. It can also prevent high blood pressure, as well as arteriosclerosis. It is also helpful for people who lose weight, increase satiety, eat less food, lose weight and lose weight, and also beautify their appearance.

Experts pointed out that drinking 8 glasses of water a day is a better way to maintain health. Especially when you get up early in the morning and drink a glass of water half an hour before going to bed, the love for the body is even better, and the persistence benefits endlessly!

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Middle-aged and elderly people should drink more water, if they drink less water every day, the human metabolism is slow, can not maintain normal operation, causing great harm to the human body.

Second: Skip breakfast

Long-term failure to eat breakfast, the damage to the body is from head to toe. As the old saying goes, eat a good breakfast, eat a full lunch, eat less dinner. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and must be eaten.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Often skip breakfast, a lot of diseases will find you. Stomach problems, hypoglycemia, gallstones, etc. Nutritional imbalance and low resistance. It will also affect the ability to study and work for a day, and the spirit is not good and the interest is not high.

It can also lead to obesity, resulting in fat accumulation. It also accelerates dryness, wrinkles and anemia, accelerating aging.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

For health, breakfast must be eaten, and it is best not to eat breakfast more than 9:30 in the morning. Breakfast should be full and good. Nutrition must be comprehensive, so as to achieve "pick three minus four". Choose more whole grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Eat less and eat less to eat high oil, high salt, heavy taste, do not drink drinks.

Third; overeating

Overeating is an unhealthy eating habit, the harm to the body is very large, after the age of 45, the metabolic function declines, often overeating, the health is greatly endangered.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

It is harmful to the stomach and intestines and aggravates the digestive pressure of the stomach and intestines. It will also increase liver load and impair liver function. Cardiovascular health is endangered, and the chance of developing heart disease is greatly increased. The chance of cerebral infarction also increases.

When people are over 45 years old, their diet needs to be moderated so that they can live a healthy and long life. Pay attention to a light diet and avoid overeating.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

Fourth; bad mood

45 years old is the most stressful moment in a person's life, there are old, there are small, coupled with the pressure at work, middle-aged people often have a bad mood, bitterness, irritability, always tantrums.

Often bad mood, stress, great harm to health, affect people's diet and sleep, but also affect people's mental state, easy to lead to depression. It can also lead to endocrine disorders and endocrine disorders in people, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, causing some physical diseases. It is harmful to health and may even threaten the safety of human life.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

People live a lifetime, just a few decades, to learn to let go, to learn to be relieved. You are in a hurry or not, it is there. Calm down, solve it slowly, and find a solution to the problem.

Cultivate more hobbies, relax and improve your mood. Go out often, do more exercise, and make yourself full of energy.

Fifth: Move less

Now many middle-aged and elderly people move less or are too lazy to move, often do not move, will endanger the health of the body, so that you live for a few years less.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

If you do not exercise every week, or have little activity, the body's immunity is poor, and it is easy to get sick. It will also cause obesity, and the probability of the emergence of three high diseases will increase. People who exercise less live a few years less than people who exercise regularly.

For middle-aged and elderly people, exercise should be appropriate and pay attention to the rationality of exercise. Exercise 3-4 times a week, to the outdoor sports is better, breathe fresh air, strong physique, less sickness, health and longevity.

People over 45 years old, 5 things will be overdrawn, no matter how much you like it, you can bear it! For the good of yourself and your family

After people are over 45 years old, the above 5 small things, everyone tries to do, pay attention to the small things in life, small details, control the mouth, step out of the legs, for their own good, for the family good, let themselves be healthy and long-lived, living to 100 years old is not a dream.