
Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!

author:Qing Xiaohua

The spring breeze is blowing, and everything is shining

The chronology changes, and the Chinese chapter is new

Redbud flowers in April

We're coming soon

Tsinghua University's 111th birthday

Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!

April 24 at 8:00 a.m

Special live broadcast of the school celebration

For the first time, we joined hands with CCTV and the "National Memory" column

Joint launch of special planning

"National Memory Treasured in Colleges and Universities"

The host takes you along

Visit the School History Museum

Listen to the curator tell about the school's history

Relive the historical memories treasured in Tsinghua Garden

Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!

Students thousands of miles apart

Even if you can't go home

In the cloud, you can also meet tsinghua

Walk into the "Ma John" Cup Games and "Challenge Cup" scene

Travel with the host to Mizuki Tsinghua

Embrace the long-lost Tsinghua Garden

Live streaming platform

The special live broadcast of the 111th anniversary of Tsinghua University will be broadcast live to the world through Tsinghua University's central video number, Weibo, Douyin number, Kuaishou number, Bilibili number, WeChat video number, Baijia number, Toutiao number, Tsinghua University History Museum video number, Tsinghua Alumni Association video number, Bilibili number and other platforms.

Live link

Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!

April 24 at 8:00 a.m

Looking forward to meeting you, the cloud!

Source| Tsinghua University

Text | Wu Zixuan

Cover art | Zeng Yi

Typography | Mou Hui

Edit | Zhao Shujing

Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!

In order to recognize the road to Tsinghua

Quickly put Tsinghua admissions

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Tsinghua University's 111th Anniversary Live Broadcast is coming!