
Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

author:Parenting notebook

According to the ideological concepts from ancient times to the present, men as the pillar of a family and the head of the family, the vision should be broad, look at things must have their own thoughts to be right, how can it evolve into such a "mother treasure man" who loves to listen to his mother's words, perhaps to a certain extent, listening to his mother is correct, it is filial piety, but the filial piety family should not be moral kidnapping, should not become an excuse for a boy to do other things.

People say that manhood is a big husband, but in this era, there are more and more "ma bao men", which leads to the social phenomenon that the marriage rate has dropped sharply, the divorce rate is an unprecedented increase, the original mother-in-law relationship is a major contradiction that is difficult to solve in China, and now coupled with the emergence of "ma bao male", girls are even more afraid of marriage and childbearing, married girls are more eager to live alone, because "ma bao men" are useless to them, and they are very low.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

In recent years, the country is also a headache for the birth rate of the population, the national government believes that as long as the birth subsidy policy is provided well enough, but as a girl's point of view, those policies can only solve the superficial problems, the actual problem has not yet been touched, I think if you really want to marry the rate is no longer so outrageous, the first thing to solve is the problem of educational concepts, what needs to be educated is the parents' generation, and what needs to be educated is the "ma bao male", not the contemporary woman.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

Now the plot of many TV series are refracting social phenomena, the male protagonist of the recent hit TV series "Dear Child" is simply a scumbag, not to mention cheating in marriage, even when his wife gives birth, he is not accompanied by the scene, but at home to watch the drinking ball game, the only time to go to the hospital to see the child and wife is because of the mother's sentence "Remember to go to the hospital to secretly take the placenta away", without consulting with the wife, it is easy to take the placenta of their children to their mothers.

I believe that most of the girls who have watched this TV series will not want to get married, because they do not know whether they will meet people like the male protagonist in "Dear Child". In the end, they also went to the "grave of marriage".

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

There is also a drama about the social phenomenon is "Xiao Minjia", the male protagonist of this drama is a solid "mom treasure man", the mother says what to listen to, completely without her own thoughts, will not consider the wife's feelings, as a mother also teaches her children to hide private money, this private money in the mother said to take out immediately, even divorced, the mother said a sentence to get the money back, the male owner went.

In fact, from this drama, it can be seen that what a person grows into, how to treat people, is inseparable from his family education, as the saying goes, "if there is a mother, there must be a son", this sentence is used in the "mother treasure man" is not wrong at all.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

"Ma Bao Man" not only increased the divorce rate, but also a nibbling old man, because he listened to his mother in everything he did, and he did not have the ability to think independently, let alone let him work outside by himself.

Maybe to see if a boy is a mommy boy, you can see from the time he is with him, if he is a person who will only listen to his family's words and do things, will not care about your feelings, and will not firmly choose you, then he is only one step away from becoming a mommy boy.

"Ma Bao Man" is really downlifting, I hope that all major mothers can judge the situation when educating their children, and remember to impose their ideas on their children.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

This kind of education method of "Ma Bao Nan" can be said to be a regression in the educational thinking of the society in the new era, which not only affects the birth rate of the population, but also plays a negative role in social labor.

That is to say, the way a family educates is really important, not only affecting the future development of the individual, but also affecting the economic, political, and cultural development of the whole society. Therefore, when parents educate their children, they should encourage him to become an independent and hard-working person, rather than letting their children nibble on their own old.

Contemporary is a very competitive society, you are not good enough, do not know when your children will be eliminated by society, society can not be without competition, there can be no absolute fairness and justice, want to get what you want to pay corresponding efforts, for things, especially for people.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

If your child finds a partner who has a heart to belong to, as a parent, he should teach him how to be good to girls, how to take care of girls, instead of making a lot of demands, saying that girls are not locals, girls are not as good as they think, and then persuade them to break up, and even use their lives to force a breakup, as a young person, not only can not understand the practices of those elders, but also feel that their practices are really sad.

Seeing their children happy and happy should not be happier than anything, why some parents are more strongly opposed, everyone is an independent individual, although there is a blood connection, but this is not a reason that parents can use as a reason to force their children to do what they like, and children do not like things, some parents will say "you don't listen to me, who do you listen to, I am the parents who gave birth to you", once this sentence is said, it is not to make it difficult for their children, on the one hand, to give birth to their own parents, On the one hand, the person who wants to accompany him through life, how the child should choose, he cannot be filial piety, nor can he be a scumbag.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

Therefore, what needs to be educated is the generation of parents, perhaps the reason for the level of education at that time, some parents did not have the opportunity to go to school, those parents' ideological concepts are more stubborn, but now there are many ways and channels that can be learned, parents can not properly change their old concepts, accept more concepts of the new era, learn how others teach their children so well, look at how others treat their children, open their eyes, Zoom in on the pattern and be a generous parent.

Don't instill these thoughts in your child, be careful that your child becomes a "mother treasure man" in the future, and does not return to the nest

Chinese parents are always afraid of their children, afraid that their children will not have enough to eat, not warm, but the child will eventually grow up, one day will leave you, he needs to do a lot of things independently, as a parent can not be around the child all the time, he also has his own career, his own life, the future will also form their own family, as a parent should believe in their children, do not intervene in his family, parents are only parents, not everything.