
The 6 defendants in the City Harvest case want to be exonerated by the prosecution one by one

author:Morning Post Network
The 6 defendants in the City Harvest case want to be exonerated by the prosecution one by one

(This article is singapore news)

(Lianhe Wanbao News) The City Harvest appeal case was re-tried, the six defendants were exonerated, and the prosecution refuted them one by one, including shelling Kang Xi's contradictory rhetoric, Zhou Yinghan's distortion of the law, and Chen Yiping's blatant deception of church members after being investigated, creating the illusion that he was unaware.

Kang Xi (52), the spiritual leader of the City Harvest Church, and others conspired to embezzle 50.6 million yuan of public funds from the untrustworthy church to build He Yaoshan's singing career.

Other defendants include Church Pastor Chen Yiping (aged 43), former Investment Manager Zhou Yinghan (56), Former Church Finance Manager Huang Yuyin (39), Then Member of the Management Committee Lin Lingheng (48) and Church Finance Manager Chen Shaoyun (Aged 40).

Six were convicted after trial and sentenced to prison last November, serving sentences ranging from 21 months to eight years, with Concy's longest. The prosecution and defence appealed against the sentence.

Following the completion of the statements by the lawyers representing the six defendants, the prosecution responded this morning by pointing out the flaws in the defendants' statements and calling on the Judges of the High Court to retain the verdict of the convictions of the six defendants.

<h3>★ Conschy was accused of unreliable rhetoric</h3>

The prosecution alleged that Kang Xi's statement selectively singled out certain words from the judge's judgment while omitting the conclusions made by the ad litem judge, including that Kang Xi deliberately concealed the auditor and the lawyer.

The prosecution also pointed to Consy's inconsistent statements, one moment saying that he did not control Xtron, the other acknowledging that there was, and the confession was completely unreliable.

<h3>★ Zhou Yinghan's lack of understanding of the law is not a reason</h3>

The focus of Zhou Yinghan's appeal includes that the law on the crime of dishonesty is not clear enough, and if the understanding of ordinary people is that the defendants and others do not have a dishonest church.

But the prosecution refutes that Zhou Yinghan rewrote the law in his own interests, but not understanding the law is not a defense.

<h3>★ Chen Yiping was accused of blatantly deceiving the faithful</h3>

The prosecution pointed out this morning that Chen Yiping and other defendants had committed numerous attempts to deceive church members, including at an executive-level general meeting in August 2010.

Although Chen Yiping was already aware of the investigation by the authorities at the time, he blatantly lied that he did not know that the bonds involved in the case were used to invest in Ho Yiu-shan's album, and he said that he had recently learned that it was the decision of the wealthy Indonesian businessman Hanafi.

<h3>★ Huang Yuyin was accused of confessing to the defendant's criminal mentality</h3>

The prosecution alleged that Huang Yuyin had admitted during the interrogation that the defendant and others knew that they could not use the construction fund arbitrarily, so they thought of allocating funds in the form of bonds to the cross-border plan.

The prosecution argued that Huang Yuyin's remarks were tantamount to acknowledging the criminal mentality of the defendants.

<h3>★ Lin Lingheng admitted to deceiving the father-in-law of a wealthy Indonesian businessman</h3>

The prosecution said that, as High Court Judge Wu Bili pointed out, Lin Lingheng had admitted to deceiving the father-in-law of a wealthy Indonesian businessman Hanafi, and what reason did the court have to believe his claim to be innocent?

<h3>★ Chen Shaoyun said that he loved the church</h3>

The prosecution alleged that Chen Shaoyun claimed to love the church, but this did not offset her involvement in the conspiracy to transfer church funds to cover up the crimes of the defendants and others.

For a full report, please read the Lianhe Wanbao on 20.09.2016.